Risultati trovati: 220
Also what are you useing to determine country income?
the corect thing to use would be GDP becasue this is a mesure of the production of the country and not the cost of goods.
like even in the USA a pack of cig's in North carolina are around $3 but in New York the same pack is $9 see what im saying.
I disagree. holding a Continent you should be able to play with more then just melitia.
I dont think that the pore nations of the world are to pore i think its that the rich nations of the world are dependent on these countrys for there welth.
Oil prices in the USA have forced the entire economy to take an economic downturn. This is not because the USA is not welthy but becasue of things around the globe that influence the cost to do things.
So in a Nutshell Lybia is conqureing the USA moniteraly without ever launching 1 troop into the country by makeing it harder for them to buy what they use to be able to by just by turning off there oil.
how does this translate to the game.
well USA would pay more cash for troops if USA is not friendly with Libya.
This is just 1 example world wide. so this is y i disagree with only useing Curreny world formula your useing.

If for example the entire middle east refused the rest of the world there oil then you would see the production rates arount the globe drop exponentialy all though i feel the curent troops in the world would converge on those countrys in order to regain stability in there markets.

Right now the game reflects a war system based on monarcies from the times when power=land and kings would fight for more land. Back then they were useing horses not subs,tanks and airplanes so now that system is outdated because those army didn't depend as much on forign resorces like oil.
12.03.2011 in Special unit ideas
NON-Movable Units built for defnece only!
gun implacements
Barbed wire
Watch towers
These units when bought can ge put anywhere in a country you totaly control and only can be built it you control the entire country.
I hold all of spain so i build a watch tower by the streight to spot subs moveing through there.
I build Bunkers on the border of france to hide how many infentry i have there and to give them a bonus to defence greater then any city would give.
I line the border with barbed wire so any infentry can not get it(only tanks)
i build Gun implacements next to my bunkers to alow me to range attack south france without actualy crossing the border.
OK lets put the cards on the table here.
90% of the countrys right now are unplayable.
FIX this please! How are you going to win a game that is so unballanced?
Here is my example:
I took south africa in a world game becasue USA,China,Indea and europ were all conqured.
Now South africa you figure ok not a strong country but they will duke it out and i can get a chance to grow.
So i was playing Navey and built 13 distroyers 4 subs and 8 merin.
for the next 17 turns i was at a -income even though i took all of south africa and some of the middle east? My froce slowly dwindeled down to 7 distroyers, 2 subs and 2 merine
17 TURNS!!!! and i could not build anything! Thats rediculuse! anyone else feel the game needs alot of work besides me?
here is a real life truth
China would have suffered food shortages
europ would have ran out of oil
America would have lost production due to lack of oil and other things it inports also its population would have reduced as it sent its boys out to war.

to make a game good you need to have more to it then just Hoging the best countrys or building the most units or haveing the most cash, there is something missing here and i cant quite put my finger on it though the senerio of an antire continent with obseen amounts of people not being able to build even a melita becasue it has 10 distroyers is totaly out of wack.
Bigest problem is there is a total lack of defensive stratagy for the game. Right now its fastest troop producer wins.
Proposal 1= No free troops when conqureing a country.
This will make it harder for people to just blitz across the map.
Proposal 2=Make defence of all units better!
Most of the time the invading force needs OVERWELMING strength to win a battle vs a smaller force. 2 tanks should not beat 2 infentry. 3-4 yes but 2 the attacker has the weeker force BECAUSE the defender has terrain advantage and entrenchment, adding that 3rd or 4th tank now makes it a sesaw type battle.
Proposal 3= Add more defencive type stuff to the game like Pill box's Bunkers,Artilery(also an ofencive unit)
Lastly yesterday i took a city with a transport? how realistic is that? my higgens boat walked up the shore and captured there towns city hall all by it self?
Im just not happy with defence stratagy in the game.
lets take iceland for example. you Build your troops up for a few rounds and Bam you got enuf troops to take out germany or britton? Not a real life sinerio, Obviosly if a Player was controling either of those countrys you would loose.
Thats what it is Gard
You pointed out something i did not realize.
A Pincer is when you attack from both flanks causing the defending force to be weeker by only enradging the troops on the side. Insted of takeing them on 1-1 now your only attacking the ends of the lines making it your force VS 1 shrinking it down to the middle section.
Would be a great upgrade to the game to have the ability to flank huge forces something like what you propose but i would make the ingame stats something like this
troop A) hits side A troop B gets no defence from troop A on the defending side till troop A has distroyed Attacking troops on the front then they gain there defence on the other side.
Did you know that thereticly under the curent system you could fly your troops compleatly around the globe in 1 turn?
meaning move the same 4 inf from 1 ari unit to the next bouncing it all the way around the world
Thats not to realistic either.
Yea thats a good debate on the SP thing. I would leave it to a vote there. Only reson i think you should get to keep your sp is it would take forever to upgrade your rank and that would disrupt the acuracy of the ranking system
11.03.2011 in Special unit ideas
NUKE"S!!!!!!!! thats it for me EXPENSIVE and LONG LONG range
I Thinkk upgrades as tweeking the game, Here is a suggestion add Oil,Metal and food to the game. so those weeker countrys are needed.
Personaly i would like to see that Crazy Mad Rabbit with Rabies found in mote pthons Holy Grail movie. And a tim lol
Exactly. im also using those things as examples. the idea is only an idea but Not thought out on how much SP should you pay to buy 1 nuke or a Plasma trooper or something crazy like that.
Some of the things i would like to buy is +1 defence units +! att units things like that
Im saying you can Buy units not avalable or stratagys not avalable or other things. Durring the game with the SP you get durring the game. But it dont count as gone when the game is over. Think like 3SP=1nuke or 2 legionares or 3 helecopters ect.
10.03.2011 in Time Strategy
Just trying to disable the all rush stratagy, its not realistic to be able to take a city with 2 tanks then have 10 there on the next turn. Where did they come from? 3 yes becasue you captured some armour during the battle but the other unit would have been distroyed.
Right you could do alot with a transport But in real life transports dont have wepon systems
your talking about making it so they can hit turky from UK in one day. the only thing you would have to adjust for transports to be ballanced is that it takes time for troops to get loaded
For example:
i have infentry 30 miles away from my transport(basicly touching it) it still will take 1 hour to load them all and get the transport off the ground, now the transports range of 600miles for a halfday is now 500 miles when they load up. Now they fly 400 miles. to leave the troops abord time to unload also takeing 1 hour now my transports are on the ground and my troops are protecting them. BUT if i move my transport 500 miles its in the air if it gets intercepted by a bomber causing me to loose all my troops and my transport to 1 bomber.this would force people to either move troops into friendly areas or risk loosing all there transports when they goto unload them.

In the proposed system everything adds to the total time taken as of now you can move your troops load them fly full distance unload them and move there remaining distance thats= to 2 turns of movement.
New system troops move there full move but trans cant move now because they spent the day waiting for the troops to get there. OR trans moves full distance but its in the air full of troops because it has no time left to land and unload it did its full move.

this is why troops are never airlifted into battle unless there paratroopers.
10.03.2011 in Artillery
They are a stationary unit. arltilery generaly is not moved once its in position but you need to get it to where you want it set up and during any kind of movement it would be highly valnerable so you would want to set up defensive artilery verry early do people cant find it unless they use planes or spy units.
Specter i posted the entire idea under Ideas called SP the new version or something like that. but yes! you could buy PLASMA troopers or Ion bombs Nukes anything you wana try out Please read it and get back to me.
Idea: on your build units screen add an aditional option saying (Specials). you spend Ingame SP for stuff like units,stratagys,leaders,generals ect. here. The list is endless and a great way to try out new ideas for the programers and players. SP spent ingame is not subtracted from your endgame total and you can only spend the SP you earn durring the current game here.

(INGAME) you earn 30sp. you spend it to buy a few missle from the specials chart to launch at your oponents.
After the game is over your total sp is gained as normal. but now you can unlock Special abilitys, units or stratagys that will apear on your specials list avalable during your ingame battles.
Say you buy the special ability for +1 Att infentry stratagy. now during the next game if you win enuff sp you can give all your infentry +1 attack for the rest of that game.
What IF you added a way to spend your SP erned in game durring game?
i got 10SP on my attacks that turn i use it to give 10 units+1 attack or something.
Let the game track as it does now and reward sp the same at the end but alow for an ingame spending this would achive alot of things afterwind is trying to acomplish
it would slow turns down, stop blizting, make people able to defend better, add stratagy, inprove units
Heck you could make a special SP unit list even that you need to unlock with SP under the curent system.
Im betting you like this idea!
09.03.2011 in Fairness of Upgrades
All of this chat is pointed in the same direction, Lack of defence. I have reiterated this on multiple pages and multiple places.
Afterwind is at present a Mass builder, movement type game with little on the defence side.
(going historical)
Wiliam wallace VS King edward
Karthage VS Rome
Vietnam VS USA
Russia VS Afganistan
Durring all these wars the Stronger force either lost or withdraw with large looses.
Your beginner players need it so do your advanced. More defence And get rid of 2 turn auto capital set it to 3. 2 is to short for 60% of the players
09.03.2011 in Magic the Gathering
Um naval units can never be over powered Because you cant take a players capital if its not a port city. Also if there are boats you can just move your troops inland, Going around a fight is better then engagement 99% of the time.
WWII was verry interesting durring the russian campaing, Hitlers units were stalled on the russian city gates alowing them time to entrench and gather there troops from the other side of the country. This happend because of one of the worst winters on record there, Now during this time Japan was underway with there plan for Hawii(Perl Harbor) and the week germany may have taken russia would have also been the same week Japan attacked the USA. There is alot of disagreement on this but everyone agrees Weather played a huge part of the war in russia. so yes please add weather, maybe even little clouds on the map. it would add another depth to the game, Terrain movement would also be a good upgrade to make at the same time because they both have simular efects on movement and may be easyer to program as 1 upgrade.
As far as the ocasional valcano or earthquake. I use to play a game a long time ago with this option and i always turned it off because it ruined everything i had done up till then. If your adding an option like this i dont think if should kill things but hinder them in some way. If you alow the X factor to distroy troops im shure many people will be writing hate mail about it.
09.03.2011 in Generals and Leaders.
To add to the idea of a game where you capture the general. this is called a Leader not a general and he should be a totaly diferent thing BUT you could give leader the special ability of moveing your capital to wherever he is on the map. so Hitler decides he wants france as his new capital and relocates camand and control there by moveing there. this would alow you to win the game if you captured the leader.
09.03.2011 in Generals and Leaders.
NO WAY would you loose a war if a general got killed?
you would just move some one up the ranks to take his place.
Sometimes this works out better then the original one other times it makes for a total flop of leadership
general 1 of +2 attack for all units under camand dies
a browser pops up with a list of new generals(NOT WHAT THEY DO THOUGH) and you asign a new general to the unit
New general is +4 defence but -4 move
so it could trow your whole advance off.
09.03.2011 in New unit idea
How about adding a New intermediat Phase to the game called the counter mesure turn
and alow some units to have the ability to redirect there actions during this Phase
for example i got britton and im bombing france
Player with france has his bombers going tward germany. END TURN

Contermesures turn starts.
all the attacks are now displayed on the map that are NOT stelthy and France sees i have bombers heading to hit his capital. cso he calls off the strike on germany so his bombers will be in his capital to defend my strike. END CONTERMESURES
Next turn starts france holds onto capital and germany never gets bombed. turn starts
09.03.2011 in Special unit ideas
I agree on helecopters as transports but you would need to make it 1 platoon per helecopter platoon. UNLESS there Apatchie lol then no
Still wana see artilery though
A fueled 747 from NY can land in Iceland in less then a day yet it took my air transports almost 14 WEEKS to cross the Pasific??
1)units move 1/2 there normal real life move this will represent a Halfdays movement
2)Change turns to Halfday,this gives people adiquite time to respond to incoming attacks.

Here is an example.
US wants to Nuke russia and there ICBM's can hit russia in 1 day BUT russia would have the whole day to respond in real life

1 half of the day goes by and russia decides to retaliate and the us see's there missles comming at the end of the day.

if the unit of time was Full days then russia would never get there missles of the ground. I use this example because alot of folks are going to ask about In game units. So best to use a Hypothetical unit not ingame with a much higher move then anything we are useing ingame now to show total movement ability.

to determin Unit range use a 8 hour mover per half day to simulate a full 16 our move+ 8 hours of rest/Battle

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