sandtime Account eliminato |
27.03.2012 - 16:06 sandtime Account eliminato
One custom building per city limit Bunkers Bunkers add +1 defense for all units vs planes. cost 3000 Airport All planes made in the city gain +1 attack. cost 2000 Farms City gets 50%income boost.cost 5000 Weapons Factory City troops cost 50% less.cost 5000 Military base Land troops made here get +1 defense and + 1 attack.cost 3000 This should be an option to make Buildings in the setting plz reply if you aggree and talk about other buildings that need made.
27.03.2012 - 20:41
Doing something like this makes the game less about strategy and more into something like Civilization. I think how things are right now are fine.
---- "Si vis pacem, para bellum" - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
sandtime Account eliminato |
27.03.2012 - 20:58 sandtime Account eliminato
Civ is a startagy game this just adds a new layer of depth like the nuke
27.03.2012 - 20:59
You speak the truth. After all if this happens it'll become more like this. I don't even think theres any strategy in there so "False" categorizing.
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
sandtime Account eliminato |
27.03.2012 - 21:08 sandtime Account eliminato
Im just coming up with new ideas bro calm down
27.03.2012 - 21:20
If buildings were used in a defensive manner, wouldn't that add to strategy? Maybe even offensively? I agree, the examples Sandtime listed made it seem like Evony or Civ, but give this idea a day or two, and i'm sure the old version will surface from the depths ![]()
27.03.2012 - 22:14
Shut up, you fool. On topic: I love the idea! I actually happened to post a topic about it a long time ago, and in fact iv'e been working on it recently in the form of MS paint and 3 hours of car traveling, of course. I only have one giff- I don't like the Evony-esque aspects. Maybe something more, Afterwind-y? How about Searchlights, Barbed wire, and Coastal Batteries as examples?
27.03.2012 - 23:10
I like the idea. Dont like the title though. When I read it I thought it was gonna be something stupid. And welcome back gard.
28.03.2012 - 03:47
Well this could change the playing aspect of the game + it is hard to add to the game(there would be a massive lag in bigger games) ![]() ![]()
---- "There is a hero in all of us"
28.03.2012 - 04:27
It's a good idea, we've got more of these (implementing railroads, resources and other 'special' buildings). I like the idea to try 1 building you described (or like railroads), to test how it works out (as a 'extra' game option). We don't have to make it too hard to implement, something like the Airport will need too much changes in the game. We should think about something more easy to implement. Also i agree that this game shoudn't be completely like Civilization. However, for the moment i think there are other new features and changes more important.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
28.03.2012 - 13:16
Yes, such as pop. casualties and cargos' if I am not mistaken? Well, maybe if the idea is warped through enough and people like it, it could be added to the to-do list?
sandtime Account eliminato |
28.03.2012 - 18:53 sandtime Account eliminato
Im happy someone likes it, and honestly it could be other types of buildings implemented into the game im just giving suggesstions.
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