Here's the new list. I hope it suits everyone's opinions.
>Fruit replaced Pera and Aristo replaced learster
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Why is Sol still on the list?
because tophats refuses to recognise evident irish-israeli ethnic superiority To fill space - subjectivity may be the issue behind it, though.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
Ok. But who would replace Sol. Ideas?
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Barrymore or cacow : )
Scritto da Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10 Fruit's theory is correct
Scritto da tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04 Fruit is right
Vote isn´t really fair when some players in the list have 5accounts to vote with  .
Philipho is still the best player in Afterwind, thats my opinion. Too bad he isn't in this list. Also Caulerpa is one of the favorites, but not in the list either. As for bargain, Undisputed, Barrymore and Cow. Sol should not be in the list.
But; if i only have this list to choose from, it will be 1. Pinheiro, 2. Aristo, 3. Gigglin. I will not vote for myself  .
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
Philipho lost the tourney and was only ever good due to wall glitching, which is pretty well known now.
Scritto da Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10 Fruit's theory is correct
Scritto da tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04 Fruit is right
Barrymore possibly. About Cow, i dont think ive ever seen him play in a large mapped game. He is one of the best 1v1 players out there though
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Great statement Hugosch, but i myself am better than bargain and undisputed considering its an overall ranking. But they are both great europe players. I've never played Philipho before so thats why i didnt put him on the list. Caulerpa and cow are really good europe players but rarely ever play eurasia or world games. (that i've seen anyways). Barrymore seems to be the only possible replacement for Sol. Anyone agree?
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Philipho is an allround player. One of the few players that CAN play with a lot of strategy's (also Ironail and Pinheiro have that skill). He lost the tournament because Aristo had his tricks IF. I played a lot with Philipho: 1v1 almost unbeatable, and when he's on your side in a teamgame; You are sure to win. Philipho should replace Sol, i will surely vote on him then.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
I will wait a bit. Just in case there's more ideas that come up. The next poll will be the last
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
I don't think it's possible to find THE BEST one, several players on the list are excellent players and there is not much difference between them. Someone is best in Europe, someone in Asia, someone with 10k funds, someone with 5k and so on, and so on...
Put Barry or even Desu on that list. You're basing it primarily on rank; where Desu is probably better than most people there, and Barry is pretty much better than all (though I think Fruit is legit the best player on AW, Aristo is up there too (<3))
Garde Post: 2842 Da: Canada
Where's the "zeroaintdead" and "alexxxxi" options????
Where am i?
i know there's an answer i just don't know what it is yet
Hugo is right, there's a whole lot of subjectivity to it. Based on this list I would vote Kasap since I have never been beaten so thoroughly in a Europe game than I have by him. But if it was Eurasia or World it would be different. It's just a shame you can't have multiple votes really, or even more voting options because Philipho, Cow, Marcjr (although inactive) and Caulerpa are all great players. Solstrand was a great player as well, shame he vanished.
Also thanks for the praise guys but I'm fine not being in the list.
Scritto da Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36
Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
This poll is about being popular.not about playing good.ive played aristo 6 times in 1v1.killed him everytime.but he is the champion everyone knows him .
Scritto da kasap, 28.09.2011 at 10:30
This poll is about being popular.not about playing good.ive played aristo 6 times in 1v1.killed him everytime.but he is the champion everyone knows him .
If it was about popularity, Pinheiro would be in the lead by far. This list is about notability and skill.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
Scritto da kasap, 28.09.2011 at 10:30
This poll is about being popular.not about playing good.ive played aristo 6 times in 1v1.killed him everytime.but he is the champion everyone knows him .
its now 7 times.
in cow we trust. Account eliminato |
in cow we trust. Account eliminato
These polls are always about popularity, multiple accounts and advertising oneself. Add subjectivity of the voters and there you have the results.
There was a good discussion about these facts in the old thread and since nothing has changed since then, they're still valid.
To conclude, and this was mentioned by Sony first: There is no best player since all of the 'top-' players have their weaknesses and strengths which would make it kind of 'rock-paper-scissors' even without the random factors, which are often undeniable big, too. I refer to things like bad internet (Wlan), turnblocking (based on chance), lags (game says you still have 15 seconds left and suddenly the turn ends) etc..
While it's easy to detect a good player, it's impossible to detect the very "best", since such a player would, even if confirmed by the community, still just exist on paper.
This is furthermore why i'm such a fan on an Elo-Ranking for 1vs1 games. Well, this wouldn't wipe out factors like the above-mentioned fact that 'some players are different good on different maps', but combined with an infinite duel-list it would give good indications who is really one of the top. Imagine now ranked-team-games and all the stuff and even players which are bad in duels would have a chance to prove their team-skills and seeing them rewarded by the community.
There is just no better way to get a overall view of one players skills than a variety of ranked games, awarding them with points based on the rank of your enemy and putting this in a list.
That's pretty much all to answer the best-player-question.
Garde Post: 2842 Da: Canada
Scritto da Guest, 27.09.2011 at 21:32
Scritto da Garde, 27.09.2011 at 21:01
Scritto da Garde, 27.09.2011 at 19:14
Where's the "zeroaintdead" and "alexxxxi" options????
Im serious bro, nobody on the list is remotely good to me.
you're joking right...lol
There's a fine line between "good" and "skill"- sure, someone like pinheiro or ironail can kick anyone's ass, but in the end the better player is the one who congratulates the loser for a good game and doesn't make fun of them nor is arrogant to them. In the end, nobody on this list qualifies for this exclude a few who I do not know very well.
Please solve your personal problems, by personal messages. Thank you.
Doesn't matter to me if this is about popularity, skills or anything else. As long as we can't see the players who voted it's an easily cheated poll, so I see no reason to care about the result anyway.
Just in time: Just like some people said already, I don't see AW with a leading "best" player.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
Best? yes, i'm
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
Scritto da Caulerpa, 27.09.2011 at 13:17
I don't think it's possible to find THE BEST one, several players on the list are excellent players and there is not much difference between them. Someone is best in Europe, someone in Asia, someone with 10k funds, someone with 5k and so on, and so on...
I think this is a great point to be made. I don't even know why I am on the list as I almost never play 1vs1 and certainly not in Europe. Some people play better at different strats and styles. I should play more 1vs1 and branch out my strats to learn more but I am certainly not number 1, not even top 5 and even 10 would be pushing it. This isn't me being humble or modest, most of those players would hand my arse to me. At other times in different circumstances, the situation can be different. There's even a few I'd add. Rank and SP aren't everything.
My vote goes to the Kasap
Interesting thread... wrong idea.
No one player can be the best player in Afterwind. period... Player X was good on so and so date against player Y in Europe but failed a month later... or a different map or a different strategy... it all come down to a complicated rock paper scissors..very complicated... extremely complicated...
There can be a best players list but to this player is undefeatable is incorrect. The best of the best list... The 1st tier of Afterwind.. the cream... I seriously believe that there are certain players in the list that should not be there and I will refrain from sharing those names. But, Cow and PhilipHo need to be added...
Since, the thread is asking for opinion: PhilipHo is really good if you rely on stats, than Aristosseur won a fair final... and will remain best player till the next tournament final decides otherwise.
Since, Sol and Gigglin are not active anymore they should not be included in the list even though are ... quite phenomenal at what they do...