23.03.2015 - 15:57
Hello, fellow At-war (Afterwind) members! Brandreas here with some news. I'm planning a comeback to At-War, since i've found quite a lot of spare time lately and i'd like to find a coalition to have a good time with. I don't even mind if i can't play cw-s or be a part of some huge decisions, i just want to have fun, find some good teamies and perhaps, some friends i can chat out of At-War. If there's any coalition out there that thinks i'm good enough to join in, send me a letter or write here, in the forums ![]() I hope, i'll get some responses, it's boring alone ![]()
24.03.2015 - 05:04
Agreed, no clan friendlier then aces, I one time asked to join illyria and they laughed at me. True story, off topic but true, shadow is more played back then most and our good people I recommend!
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
24.03.2015 - 05:04
Agreed, no clan friendlier then aces, I one time asked to join Elyria and they laughed at me. True story, off topic but true, shadow is more played back then most and our good people I recommend!
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
24.03.2015 - 05:08
Oh and just realised your a betatrooper, lots of older guys from aw have found there way to aces, a better name would be ancient afterwind, but shadow aces works to :3
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
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