24.04.2021 - 19:17
Armenia simply is not as strong as it used to be. About 2050 years ago or so this would have been a smart move to keep Armenia in the loop but we have a lot more important interests at stake in Asia Minor
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
24.04.2021 - 19:19
Your political analysis is always on the point Sean! Special point ![]()
24.04.2021 - 19:31
+1 rep to Biden from me. Alot of the US presidents has always promised to acknowledge the genocide to the Armenians in America due to their diaspora (in exchange for votes ofc, about 12+ million with armenian descent in the USA, 1 million classified as armenian-american), but none of them has actually done it because of airport rights and all that other stuff. Good job to him.
---- "He who controls the sea controls everything" ~ Themistoceles
24.04.2021 - 20:02
I always thought Armenia should be (if it's not) a key ally for the US, having someone in middle of the Middle east, with arround, russia near too, it's insane the key political place where Armenia is located in
---- ![]() ![]() ![]()
25.04.2021 - 04:16
turkey is also a key ally and being buddy buddy with armenia might not be the best idea for turkish relations
25.04.2021 - 08:32
Armenia is ex ussr shithole that depends on Russia's protection and diaspora's money. They even managed to get hated by their only christian neighbour, Georgia, cuz of their stupid territorial claims. I wont try to explain how Turkey balances Russia from Libya to Syria and Ukraine and their influence from Africa to Central Asia. ![]()
25.04.2021 - 13:38
Probably because America's face was on the line. That's what always differentiated USA from all the other empires that have been around - ability to introspect and to stand on the side of the truth even if not in their best interest (short-term).
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
26.04.2021 - 10:38 ![]() ![]() Armenian diaspora and Armenian mafia goverment still wants their young generation to die in trenches against drones.
26.04.2021 - 11:50
United States of America is not totally different than any other empire that existed in the world. Just as every other state that exist on our planet, she also has her own interests. I would like to give an obvious example of that, When Germany was defeated the ruling goverment and it's supporters were declared as war criminals and some of them standed trials in Nuremberg. But on the other hand some of the high ranks of Germany army and some scientists that worked for Hitler regime were exempt from trials and later either they seeked and managed to get asylum from USA or they were able to get a job in revieving of (Western) Germany. If the United States of America really had a ethical value and standed on the side of truth she wouldn't be doing that would she?
26.04.2021 - 12:45
I think the better example would be Japanese unit 731, than German scientist, but yes in theory that would be true. But even at Nuremberg trial) it wasn't german people who were accused but certain german elite. Thus punishment is limited to them. Wehrmacht wasn't declared genocidal as whole (unlike BSA/YPA as recent example, but even them almost all got amnesty). But USA has got that ability to introspect and say well yeah we shouldn't have done that (ie crimes against Indians) sometimes even too much as certain political agendas are pushing for reparation for today blacks in the USA as compensation for their ancestors... Only in the USA war veterans of Korea, Afghanistan and Vietnam were called war criminals, child murderers, etc. and you had the protests there and media informed the public about it. Haven't seen any protests in Novosibirsk during SSSR invasion of Afghanistan. To conclude, USA did and does some bad things, but it has done far more good and corrects bad things, it doesn't show them under the carpet.
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
26.04.2021 - 15:06
Want me to further support your standpoint? Think of when ww2 was over and japan got defeated. How come their emperor wasnt trialed. The ruling elite > USSR USA UK France subdued japanese empire and declared their doing in the war as atrocities against humanity. This meant that the japanese empire just like the germans were evil and did atrocities against humanity i.e. they were evil. However, when reading about the other side and people who defended other perspectives in the tokyo trials, their arguments make valid points as well. Japanese committed atrocities > yes, we can all agree to that. So did USSR, so did UK, so did France, so did to a lesser degree USA. USSR colonized asia, UK colonized 25% of the world, France colonized a lot of asia/ africa. All of them committed atrocites, just like the japanese did in ww2. Its no wonder the japanese got support from the natives in asia at first. Even in ww2 in Europe, the allies committed atrocities against the germans, Dresden bombardment. If the nazis were held responsible for atrocities so should have been Stalin, France, UK and to a lesser degree USA commanders as well. But yeah, the victor writes history.
29.04.2021 - 00:21
Biden is so senile he probably doesn't even know what Armenia is, but Armenian Genocide was real historic event. Why doesn't he tell his 'allies' Turkey and Azerbaijan to recognize it?
---- If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
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