29.01.2012 - 10:32
What do you think about sir Anders Breivik and his views on politics and immigration? Are you pro-Cultural-Marxist/pro-Moslem or pro-European/pro-Christian? What did you do to help your country to stand against multi-kulti threat and preserve its culture?
---- PCCTS Knights Templar | Anti Muslim | Anti Jihad | Anti Cultural Marxist | Anti Nazi | Anti Racist | Pro Monocultural | Pro Mono-Capitalism | Pro European | Pro Conservative |ï"¿ Pro Nationalism | - This is not hate, this is LOVE for our
29.01.2012 - 10:55
He supported Israel. He killed Aryans, the very people he is meant to be supporting. He does not deserve to live.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
29.01.2012 - 11:01
Why do you hate Israel?
Have you seen the photos of those "Norwegians"? I'll show you one. ![]() Besides, his ideology is not directed to support some "Aryans" or something, Knights Templar are not racist, they are anti-Nazi, but pro-European.
---- PCCTS Knights Templar | Anti Muslim | Anti Jihad | Anti Cultural Marxist | Anti Nazi | Anti Racist | Pro Monocultural | Pro Mono-Capitalism | Pro European | Pro Conservative |ï"¿ Pro Nationalism | - This is not hate, this is LOVE for our
29.01.2012 - 21:04
Anders Breivik is nothing more than a dangerous man who got a serious problem in his head. Seriously, it's the role of a nation to choose who can be in and who can't. The nation choose is future if they want to admit a lots of muslim cause they like the multiculturalism i have no problem with this. On the same way if a nation want to accept 0 immigrant they have the right to do it everything is legal. But someone like Anders Breivik can not act of its own to choose who should be part of the norvegian nation. If he don't accept how is the norvegian nation now he have 2 options, choice A trying to debate with others people and tryign to persuade them that the norvegian nation would be much better withotu any immigration. Or choice 2 leaving the norvegian nation for a nation that fit his view of the world. He can leave his nation by starting to fight for the creation of a new nation(like scotland,quebec or catalonia) or simply leave to a nation somewhere in teh world that represent him. Personnaly me i have no problem with the fact to accept immigrant in our nation if they are willing to accept to live like us. But if they want to live like they was doign it before to change of country here's a problem. Me i'm a nationalist from Quebec and for teh separation of Quebec. For me, the principal things that an immigrant need to come here is to live in french. So i'm glad to accept algerians, haitians, vietnamese, french and romanian in my country. But personnaly i don't want to accept in my country some peoples from india that come here and live in english and don't want to speak a word of french cause Canada is billingual and they already learned english in India. For now the canadian nation want to accept a ltos of immigrant from the indian subcontinent. Me of course i don't agree with this! Like Anders Breivik i want some big changes to happens! But at least i use my brain and won't start to kill a lots of indians and pakistanis! I will speak with my friend and try as much as possible to acheived my goal to get a new country that will represent me the Québec! If this never happen and that i'm demoralized i will simply migrate to a nation that fit my interests and leave that "canadian nation". Killing peoples of my nation is not a solution...........
30.01.2012 - 07:32
Look, do you REALLY believe that Norwegian people CHOSE to let those immigrants in? This is the deed of the ruling Cultural-Marxist elite ONLY. Norwegian people are fed up with muslims, there is _4 times more_ crime in Oslo than in New-York nowadays, Norway, once a peaceful country is being turned into a moslamic shithole. Almost every rape is commited by a Moslamic immigrant towards Norwegian native women. They see it as their Right to rape a woman that doesn't wear burka and doesn't accept Allah. Do you think those women deserve it to be raped?
---- PCCTS Knights Templar | Anti Muslim | Anti Jihad | Anti Cultural Marxist | Anti Nazi | Anti Racist | Pro Monocultural | Pro Mono-Capitalism | Pro European | Pro Conservative |ï"¿ Pro Nationalism | - This is not hate, this is LOVE for our
30.01.2012 - 08:50
Ok Norvegian people chose to let those immiugrants in?: Yes The government represent the nation... so the nation accepted them they did not appeared from nowhere....... This is the deed of the ruling cultural-marxist elite: Who vote for this elite? A huge part of the norwegian nation....(If for you this is not enough..... there it is a problem in the political system of a country.....) I totally understand your point about muslim in Oslo: The solution to this problem is nto to kill thos migrants..... The solution is simply to try as much as possible to elect or give as much vocie as possible to a party who is against the immigration? If the only political party against these immigrants is a farrightist party, vote for him! As soon as this party will obtain a good proportion of vote(like i dotn know maybe 15%) The center-0right party will probably try to puick a few ideas in the farrightist party to have there vote. If now we have this center-right party that have in is program a pro-european policy there is huge chance that he obtain the power. If in your country there is not enough people supporting your arguments against the immigrants, by exemple lets say 1% of the population..... Than there is 2 solutions... trying to persuade them and wait for this idea to be spread in the nations or simply leave your nations for one that respect your idea.....
30.01.2012 - 10:37
Reported for inciting racial and religious hatred, as well as advanced trolling.
30.01.2012 - 10:46
Closing this, refrain from this kind of topics (who stimulate racism) next time. It would probably become flame war soon. Also, rushkaball - this kind of generalization towards some ethic groups is incorrect.
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