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Post: 12   Visitata da: 45 users
23.09.2013 - 18:00
Anyone tell me what the purpose or what is gained by having a coalition please ?

24.09.2013 - 01:20
Ld. Dark Knight
Account eliminato
Referencing to the AtWar FAQ which can be found here:

What do Coalitions do?
They organize players into groups, giving each their own private forum (with own mods), in-game chat channel and a panel displaying all members (and who's online).

How to start a Coalition?
Starting a Coalition costs 10000 SP. It will be more expensive in the future, so we advise you to use the current opportunity. Go here and fill the simple form. That's basically it.

Joining, applying and inviting
Coalitions can be Free for all, Applications-only or Invitations-only. First one anyone can join, in the second players need to apply for membership (which will be approved/rejected by the Coalition), and in the third membership is by invitations only.

To join a Coalition, visit their page (ex.: and click either 'Join coalition' or 'Apply for membership' under the image, depending on their joining policy.

To invite people to your Coalition, visit their profile and click 'Invite to Coalition' under their avatar. Note that common members can only invite people to Free for all coalitions, otherwise only Leaders and Officers can send invites. You can also disable coalition invites in your settings, if you're not interested.

Leaders, Officers and Founders
Officers have permissions to invite members, apply/reject applications, kick members out and moderate the forum.
Leaders have additional permissions to edit the coalition page and assign/demote Officers.
Founder has additional permission to demote Leaders.

Each player can be a member of only one Coalition (although you can quit it and join another one whenever you like).

This should answer your question
24.09.2013 - 06:39
So basically there is no real bonus to joining or creating a coalition then that i can see . Adding friends to friend list and chatting with them on teamspeak has same benefits as far as i can see then . Hopefully they add something down the road to make coalitions more appealing .

thanks for reply
24.09.2013 - 08:13
You can play CWs against other coalitions and win a trophy at the end of the season. Coalitions are the heart of the competitive scene here in AW.

And since we have no private chat rooms coalition channel is very useful if you with mutliple players in different lobbies at once.
24.09.2013 - 09:09

That is true the chat rooms and forums you get with coalitions is great . I wasnt trying to be negative i love this game and actually have gotten 5 others to play and working on more . I think i will use my sp to make a coalition to get my friends together . Thanks for the replies all and hope to see ya on the field.

ps- Lt Dan got his legs back ")
24.09.2013 - 10:45
Ld. Dark Knight
Account eliminato
Yeah, sorry I forgot to reference the coalition war part of the FAQ. You can coalition war (CW) other clans and win CP points which you receive for winning CWs. At the end you're 10 games are counted - w/l and might win a medal for it too
24.09.2013 - 18:21
And if you leave a coalition you have to wait 2 days to join another :3 To prevent Clan hopping.
It's not the end.

25.09.2013 - 00:30
If it wasn't for evoL i wouldn't be at the skill level i am now, clans make you strong, evoL gives me wings!!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

25.09.2013 - 14:57
Thers no point in joing clans unless u want meet new people.....
25.09.2013 - 14:59
Account eliminato
Scritto da Cpt.Magic, 25.09.2013 at 14:57

Thers no point in joing clans unless u want meet new people.....
25.09.2013 - 15:36
Scritto da Cpt.Magic, 25.09.2013 at 14:57

Thers no point in joing clans unless u want meet new people.....

hmm, i disagree. by learning from the pro's , reading clan forums, and playing in clan training , you're skill dramatically changes. maybe not for you because you are high rank, but for newbies like me, its a hell of a difference
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

25.09.2013 - 21:28
If you want to meet new people go say hi in the main lobby. Joining clans are for people who want to get better and be apart of something.
It's not the end.


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