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21.09.2015 - 09:29
I have found myself a lot of times getting gang banged by noobs and get killed cause they all have allied between them,so i thought "hey,why dont i make max allies to 0 and lock it?!?!?!"Well when i do that fags go,make peace or talk to each other so they dont attack each other,kill me and other and then someone kills the other and game end.Why should i die since they are noobs and want to ally?Anyway i was thinking of the option for max allies should count also for no peace allowed,so if they even talk to each other it will be difficult for them to not attack each other.Thanks

Cheers Glory.
21.09.2015 - 10:12
Account eliminato
This doesn't stop people from not attacking each other
21.09.2015 - 10:16
Scritto da Guest, 21.09.2015 at 10:12

This doesn't stop people from not attacking each other

No BUT when you have agreed with someone that you dont know to not attack each other and you have no peace then you have a feeling that he will attack you.Also noobs cant resist to attack an uncovered noob enemy.
22.09.2015 - 06:17
I. Support.
22.09.2015 - 12:06
You cannot make peace when allies are set to 0, also there will never be a way to counter 'secret allies/peace'. Therefore pointless and no support.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
22.09.2015 - 13:47
Scritto da Sun Tsu, 22.09.2015 at 12:06

You cannot make peace when allies are set to 0, also there will never be a way to counter 'secret allies/peace'. Therefore pointless and no support.

You can peace when its 0 and i know it cant be totally defeated.Anyway like i said before when you have agreed with someone that you dont know to not attack each other and you have no peace then you have a feeling that he will attack you.Also noobs cant resist to attack an uncovered noob enemy.Gg
21.10.2015 - 10:20
The Machine
Account eliminato
This must be implemented i think standard settings should be maximum allies 1 max peace 1 too rather than infinate peace and 3 allies

also you can send peace when game is 0 allies which is not right

people can have secret peace and agree not to fight but if only 1 person can win they have to fight sooner or later
21.10.2015 - 10:37
Scritto da Guest, 21.10.2015 at 10:20

This must be implemented i think standard settings should be maximum allies 1 max peace 1 too rather than infinate peace and 3 allies

also you can send peace when game is 0 allies which is not right

people can have secret peace and agree not to fight but if only 1 person can win they have to fight sooner or later

agree but till then what did i do that i deserved this alliance in a ffa game?
21.10.2015 - 11:00
Strongly against this proposal. Keeping everyone fighting against everyone else all the time is usually not, I find, the best way to play 0 alliance games.

There will be only one winner eventually. If players think that defeating enemies one by one is the surest way to get there, then why not?
21.10.2015 - 15:16
Scritto da International, 21.10.2015 at 11:00

Strongly against this proposal. Keeping everyone fighting against everyone else all the time is usually not, I find, the best way to play 0 alliance games.

There will be only one winner eventually. If players think that defeating enemies one by one is the surest way to get there, then why not?

Because im not a stupid guy that spent time from his life which je wanted to play a ffa game but some d*****s wanted to ruin that for me.
21.10.2015 - 21:13
Account eliminato
I'm all for stopping allyfags but this doesn't really solve the problem. Right now there is a max allies option which is good, since friends should be able to ally each other and win, however random people who've never met (and never meet again) allying is just total faggotry, and this won't be stopped since "secret allies" can obv occur. People have already suggested removing PR and stuff like that but I doubt admins have this high on the list.

Though I do recommend you keep fighting those world games, you think you have it bad but other people (desu) in the past have beaten ally fags from 10v1 where settings would even be changed to 1min.
22.10.2015 - 04:27
Scritto da Guest, 21.10.2015 at 21:13

I'm all for stopping allyfags but this doesn't really solve the problem. Right now there is a max allies option which is good, since friends should be able to ally each other and win, however random people who've never met (and never meet again) allying is just total faggotry, and this won't be stopped since "secret allies" can obv occur. People have already suggested removing PR and stuff like that but I doubt admins have this high on the list.

Though I do recommend you keep fighting those world games, you think you have it bad but other people (desu) in the past have beaten ally fags from 10v1 where settings would even be changed to 1min.

Omg i have answered smth like this already twice.
1. No BUT when you have agreed with someone that you dont know to not attack each other and you have no peace then you have a feeling that he will attack you.Also noobs cant resist to attack an uncovered noob enemy.
2.You can peace when its 0 and i know it cant be totally defeated.Anyway like i said before when you have agreed with someone that you dont know to not attack each other and you have no peace then you have a feeling that he will attack you.Also noobs cant resist to attack an uncovered noob enemy.Gg
PS:Have you seen me and adiloi win against 18more 50k world?
29.10.2015 - 08:08
Come on would be easy to implent.
29.10.2015 - 11:20
I am still fairly new to Atwar, so I don't think I am qualified to give a definitive answer on what would fix this "allyfag" problem. (Allyfag here being used as a technical term). But I thought I would share some of my experiences, to help draw attention that this IS a problem and must be fixed.

From my experience in the beginner room, which I know many here do not play in. Allyfagging became truly the only way I would lose games (please don't flame me for saying i'm good, i'm not, anyone who takes the game seriously seems to win in the beginner room and since moving into the main room I often and quickly get crushed) I am simply pointing it out to make the point that Allyfagging will win, even when the allying players do not play NEARLY as well as whoever they are teaming up against. Making Allyfagging the de-facto dominate strategy. As "Glory of Allyfag"said, and i'm paraphrasing here: he a good player, loses even to noobs when they do this.

My fellow Atwar players, THIS SHOULD NOT BE! A game in which secret alliances and and even open allyfagging is the way to win, is no strategy game. I could enumerate on the many times I have played games where 3 players all ally on first turn, leave their capitals open around each other, and then proceed to win. But I am sure everyone reading this has experienced that first hand, even far more than I have.

Now what is to be done? Creating games in which no Alliances, or even one Alliance is the maximum is in my opinion the best option. It is something I did frequently in the beginner room, and have tried to do in the main room, but no one seems to join no Ally games or even one ally games. There are however drawback to this approach which have already been stated and I don't feel the need to repeat. I simply want this issue to gain traction. As a new player who is loving this game I want it to succeed, and the single biggest area of improvement I see it needing is the issue of Allyfagging. So please as a community lets brainstorm ideas on how to fix this problem, and I hope it is an issue that the developers are thinking about.
02.11.2015 - 00:38

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