29.04.2023 - 21:52
Dave... Please do something about the game I haven't seen the game in a worst state this last 2 months since i've joined in 2019. There is not much activity... or maybe there is in beginners, but most of them never play in main lobby because they quit they quit the game in rank 3 or 4 We need improved tutorials... Intermediate and Advanced tutorials have been "coming soon" for a while but they never come, players want to improve Nowadays short-form content is really good to promote games... that could be used for atwar aswell, a game where you conquer other countries? I think it could work, the concept of the game is amazing. And one last thing, I know you don't have much time. I don't either, but I don't own a game. If you don't have time for atWar, please sell it. Someone there has more time and I know you want the best for this game. Edit: And I can't even imagine how it must feel for the people that have been here since the afterwind days. The game they devoted so much time in is literally dying in front of their eyes...
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29.04.2023 - 23:05
This is what happens when the admins collude to suppress the At War LGBT+ community!
01.05.2023 - 02:43
Dave should offer some money to someone who will make tutorials. 50$ for 1 tutorial, we have a lot indians who are willing to do hard work for cheap price and we know Dave is rich. ![]()
01.05.2023 - 15:31
shit i'd make a tutorial for 50 usd lmao
---- hi
01.05.2023 - 18:34
Keep the IP, the idea, expand how the formula/players works within the game and the "Potential" that goes with a click and drag quick turn based game. Then reset. Make it again from scratch on Console or PC with unity or Unreal. Other than that, nothing much.
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
04.05.2023 - 03:56
Many players would create it.. He can make a competition, who create best complete tutorial wins 100$.. Cheap and easy
07.05.2023 - 11:49
pretty sure they've been coming soon since i was a supporter...
---- ![]() Best mod ever <3 ![]() Best admin ever <3 ![]() " I declare the creation of the United States of Atwar. " - Dave Washington, 6/7/2020
08.05.2023 - 00:13
why everyone make shit so tragic, as if we have all not witnessed games and there comunities fade and new ones pop up xD be it MMORPG, shooter games on consoles etc, atleast in atwar case the damn multiplayer hasnt been taken down and we can still play with those that remain, i got like 10 yrs of gaming off this game, i cant complain xD.
08.05.2023 - 22:29
shut up kid you so dumb, but yea aw is cool and shit we still have servers up as well as a shit ton of forum post to look through if u bored
---- hi
09.05.2023 - 01:40
AtWar as a game is ultimately at a disadvantage, as old-fashioned browser games such as this get very little traction in 2023. It would need a radical change in order for it to even be revived; the code for the game would most likely need to be significantly rewritten, or even from scratch. An example of this would be a game-breaking error where if a stack with air transports was attacked under certain conditions and wiped out on land, it would still wipe out all the units, and it was stated that this was an error that was deep within the code of atWar, and thus not easily fixable. As a former player, who moved on due to my own interests changing, when Dave first purchased atWar from the old owners of the game, the vibe was much different. Things were finally changing; the game actually seemed somewhat alive for a moment, a wave of hope and optimism which had not been seen since around 2012 or so. To Dave's credit, he did or at least oversaw improvements to the game which had long been awaited, such as new strategies, buildings, changing the ranks, and other such changes to the game that were never seen with the other owners. But past the Pandemic Boost this game got, it's back to being right back to downhill. Even newer features which were in the works earlier, such as the playoffs for Clan Wars, and the Tutorials, are also either 6 months out of date or "Works in Progress", though it seems less and less clear if these will even be done or maintained. Unfortunately, post 2019/2020 it's been more of the same for the most part. The game had already basically returned to a 2018 state of stagnation two years ago, and with Dave even saying that atWar is unlikely to recieve any updates for the next two years, it really would be best for him to sell the game at this point. As I stated earlier, making atWar successful is an uphill battle, but as a game which is effectively a relic of the late 2000s and early 2010s, and era in internet history that is basically over, two more years where hundreds of players are playing, and even most of the players that were here five years ago aren't here, the only chance this game even comes back is with another changing of the guard, which would most likely result in the game being marketted to Steam and entirely rewritten. At the very least, Dave should consider selling the rights to atWar, so if someone at least wants to make a strategy game that takes much of the successful and engaging elements of atWar as possible, make it Steam and multiplayer friendly, and rework some of the worst code, he should do it if he truly cares about the project. His contributions earlier in his tenure cannot go unstated, but I believe it is time for the game to be sold a second time, that is if anyone is even willing to buy the game at this point. I'm honestly impressed nobody pulled the plug to this game in either time period of ownership.
23.05.2023 - 16:35
I mean the game have been declining since 2015, pandemic gave a spike to atwar but the trend has resumed. what sucks is when dedicated players stop playing ![]()
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
27.05.2023 - 10:21
Try to make content with the help of the map maker, then you will understand why this can't work out.
27.05.2023 - 17:16
You know who always made tutorials? and guides? and training noobs? and tournaments? and other shit in this game? The old competitive and not only players that Dave banned and kicked out of the game, following the advice of a couple mentally retarded, socially awkward, underachieving mods. Let it burn ![]()
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28.05.2023 - 06:27 I am indian and I am ready to do it as well
---- Hi, I am Proboi.
30.05.2023 - 15:59
Honestly this game was my 2018-2019 free time and I know this game could have a better furture ahead but not currently under these terms #sell atwar
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
03.06.2023 - 01:55
they've been coming soon since I was almost thrown out from my parent's house in 2020
---- https://prnt.sc/W3aEpwbpEwEU
03.06.2023 - 15:47
grandpa dave...
03.06.2023 - 16:08
I miss Zoe
03.06.2023 - 18:33
stay on topic of the conversation
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
08.06.2023 - 00:45
I can't do anything right now, sorry. I will keep the game running but that's it until my other business' situation is resolved. I don't know how much longer that will be, so everyone will just have to be patient. I do not intend to sell atWar. I will resume development once my schedule clears up.
Sei sicuro?