02.07.2015 - 22:54
In light of recent events, I think it would be beneficial for the entire atWar community if there was a new room for rank 4-6 players. They make up the bulk of the game's playerbase, yet are excluded from competitive games by oldfaggits and are thus forced to resort to farming RP and believing that they are pro due to allyending by turn ten. A new room for this caste would not only emphasize the importance of camaraderie that those of said ranks would develop with no oldfaggits constantly lambasting and abusing them -reinforcing the idea that this community is dicky, but it's not their fault, that's how every online community is, durdur-, but also accentuate the development of game skills without oldfaggits constantly farming on vulnerable low ranks, which most high ranks are prone to doing.
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03.07.2015 - 00:15
I've struggled with this, and thought up similar ideas like this before, but found it's definitely possible to get through this patch of struggling, if you are willing to learn and get better. I'm only 3k SP away from rank 5, and the whole time as rank 5, it's been a bit of a blur (In that it went so fast). I know it might seem hopeless or pointless, but it is very much possible, if you want it enough. Creating a new room would divide the games even further, and make it harder to get into games, If a person who's annoyed or trolled you before tries to join your game, you can always kick them before they choose their countries. In short: Power through, and you'll make it ![]()
---- ![]() "For out of the ground we were taken For the dust we are, And to the dust we shall return"
03.07.2015 - 01:18
I fail to see how any of the hypothesized benefits of this measure cannot be gained without creating another room and making big scenarios even harder to fill. Nothing is forcing low-rankers to play with high-rankers and the kick button exists for a reason.
China- Account eliminato |
03.07.2015 - 07:23 China- Account eliminato
Play Europe games if you want to 3v3, then you may get some practice. Also you are rank 3, play some games and rank up before being butt hurt people dont want you on your team
03.07.2015 - 07:44
I think he is an alt... of a strong rank 4
03.07.2015 - 07:52
Don't know why you keep dicksucking the high ranks when they know you're an RPfag
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03.07.2015 - 09:41
I give up. Please learn to argue like a civilized human being and perhaps also stop relying on ad hominem arguments. If you intend on replying to this with another set of curses, drop me a private message. Not many people on the forum wants to read a rude rant.
03.07.2015 - 12:28
I usually go trough your old posts khal ![]()
03.07.2015 - 15:08
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03.07.2015 - 19:05
A number of comments from this thread have been reported and are under review. Temporary locked until resolved. Message sent to thread creator.
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