New Game Starting Now
Pax Romanus III
A. Game Enhancements:
No enhancements.
B. Settings:
• The maximum number of players is twenty. (20)
• The maximum number of allies is four. (4)
• Starting funds are $50,000.
C. Game Protocols:
• Do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1)
• Do not leave a game by timing-out. If you have lost the game, surrender.
• Take your turn in a timely manner.
D. Player's Invitation List:
On a go-forward basis, the Player's Invitation List will be managed as follows:
Players will be added:
• If they have joined a coalition sponsored game.
• If they are a new coalition member.
• If they make a request to be added.
Players will be removed:
• If they have been inactive in atWar for more than 7 days.
• If they request to be removed.
• If they have been banned.
Good luck to all...
Commodus, Founding Leader, Niki