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Post: 2   Visitata da: 35 users
13.03.2011 - 20:11
I've been sitting in a game lobby for two hours. Except that it's not me. I appear to be logged in twice, both the actual me and then a "meta" me who doesn't exist but who won't go away. The problem emerged when I started a game but then went into the tutorial. I've logged out and cleared my cache several times now, to no avail. It's causing a lot of confusion with people because I'm playing in a game, but I'm also sitting in a lobby. I'll try to start the game and see if that'll clear it though.
Surviving is the only glory in war.
13.03.2011 - 20:22
It vanished as soon as he did so, from what I can only assume is a collapse in the game-verse via time continuity paradox. They fought for five thousand years on another timeplane. We are unsure the real victor. We can only assume the horrors they have seen, and cannot unsee, the twisted mind of the remaining Raider. I'm sure he's alright though.

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