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Post: 11   Visitata da: 58 users
13.11.2013 - 12:27
So here's a map I've been working on. It's still a WIP

It's a terraformed map of Antarctica.

While there aren't many land divisions there will be plenty of bases that will let players fight over the land.

There's one thing I haven't decided upon though, should the bases all be independent of each other or should they be grouped by country?

Let me know what you guys think, thanks.

13.11.2013 - 12:38
A couple of months ago I've been working on a similar project.
Edited the following map (6000 px X 5250 px):

The problem of using bases (as substitutes for countries) is that some are very concentrated geographically:
National Geographic Antarctica Map

Personally I prefer the white continent as it is (so far!). Anyways, good luck!
13.11.2013 - 16:00
Account eliminato
My grandparents are from Antarctica <3
13.11.2013 - 21:52
I actually like how it was styled to look like Antarctica. My only question is how did you make it look this way?

14.11.2013 - 07:55
Account eliminato
That map is beatiful, looks like the default one
Where did you get it from?
14.11.2013 - 08:23
Bases should be independent of each other. Having different countries, especially so little, will make reinforced harder.

14.11.2013 - 16:51
Scritto da Guest, 13.11.2013 at 19:12

There are plenty of pictures online and from scientific research showing what Antarctica looks like under the ice.

I recommend Using them as reference instead of just making mountains and grass where ever you please it will come out looking much better.

Also your divisions... :/

I can make some changes to the appearance on the map, one thing I plan on fixing are the jagged edges on parts of the map, but I don't really want to remake the whole thing.

As far as mountains go I based it off this map, and I think the mountains are in the right places for the most part.

I think it would be impossible to know where the grass would grow on a terraformed Antarctica. Unless I study how the weather patterns would behave in an Earth where there are no ice caps, but tbh that sounds a bit excessive.

When you say that you don't like the divisions, do you mean that you don't like that I used the current land claims on Antarctica, or did you just not like how I drew them? The idea of making new borders and countries for Antarctica actually sounds interesting.

19.12.2013 - 07:37
There is no need to divide the continent. Just define countries, assign cities (stations) and ready. No need to divide the territory. Just make a war between the stations in a 2150 scenario... "the ice has melted and there is fight over the resources kind of stuff"...
23.12.2013 - 17:32
Wow :3
24.12.2013 - 03:49
Scritto da Flaneur, 19.12.2013 at 07:37

There is no need to divide the continent. Just define countries, assign cities (stations) and ready. No need to divide the territory. Just make a war between the stations in a 2150 scenario... "the ice has melted and there is fight over the resources kind of stuff"...

Well, for more realism...a treaty in 1991 -- that 50 countries agreed to -- banned the exploitation of natural resources on Antarctica for 50 years (that's until 2041).
The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
24.12.2013 - 07:36
Scritto da Indurate, 24.12.2013 at 03:49

Scritto da Flaneur, 19.12.2013 at 07:37

There is no need to divide the continent. Just define countries, assign cities (stations) and ready. No need to divide the territory. Just make a war between the stations in a 2150 scenario... "the ice has melted and there is fight over the resources kind of stuff"...

Well, for more realism...a treaty in 1991 -- that 50 countries agreed to -- banned the exploitation of natural resources on Antarctica for 50 years (that's until 2041).

Make it 1992, on the World Environmental Summit of Rio de Janeiro. I like the idea!

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