I am leaving, it was nice to be one of the best map makers ;p
thanks Tik-Tok for Making UWW2, i had really good times on it.
thanks Andartes for the interesting debates.
thanks Gardevoir for helping me understand different points of view. (you better finish 1938
thanks Unleashed for being Unleashed (btw, i didn't changed your pw, vril hacked it).
thanks The Kentuckian and Black Hole for Hating with Me.
thanks Thunderballs for dedicating his name to my balls. (jk, you nice guy)
thanks HellRaiserX666X for being the best collaborator i have.
thanks Utah for sending people like Aetius to spy my maps... wait i mean, being a nice clan member
And a Special thanks to everybody in the community like: Richtofen, Skittz, Dereny, Phoenix, Jaredb027, Squared, Adog, Bonker, Spart, Zatara, Meester, etc.
Do not expect me to come back soon, if ever.