30.09.2019 - 12:16
See TLDR (in gold below) ====================================== So for the moment, players should refrain from CW'ing a single player using multi-accounts in CWs. Even if the single player is informing, it creates a situation where some clans are seeing a disadvantage and negative impact on their seasonal rankings. Perhaps this will change following a discussion, but for now, adhere to the rules. What follows is the rationale: At first, a report was received that a player was CW'ing by himself, using multi accounts. This violates AW rules (4.4 and 4.5). However, the player was informing his opponents. So on the surface, it would appear informing the opponents would satisfy the rule violation and no one would have a problem. However the problem arises from competitors of the opponents. On one hand, this tactic could be used to 'feed' elo by a single player. THIS is NOT what happened in this case, but it creates a complex issue if solo CWs are permitted. There is a history of this, and it happened when two or three players 'conspired' to feed elo. Now only a single player is all that is required to do this,. On the other hand, if the single player wins then other clans could consider this a disadvantage, as they could lose standing. Either way, win or lose, it can create problems for other clans - even if the two clans engaged in the single player CW are above board, legit, and playing with integrity. ==== TLDR summary: As a result, this is to clarify that until further notice, single player CWs will continue to be against the rules, even if agreed upon by both.
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30.09.2019 - 12:24
Basically 1v1 cws are banned, because two players can conspire to rig the game. Is there something else I'm missing here?
30.09.2019 - 12:26
I don't think 1v1 cws are banned. You are misreading the entire post.
30.09.2019 - 13:00
I think if both clan agree it should be k its like when a player ghost another if both clan agree its a fair cw and should be allowed, its like sex if u want a third guy if both agree u can do it.
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30.09.2019 - 13:20
At first, the problem in cw scene is a bit deeper than this. In situations like this, the rest of community should be informed about who has submitted such or similiar reports and how justified his report is. I am reffering to the fact that there are coalitions (not talking only about EC, there are several of them, so not pointing out anyone) which are just dodging/avoiding/ignoring all cws and cw requests based on other coalition's Elo, online roaster, their online roaster and giving the ultimatum to the opposing coalition to let them pick their settings, maps, funds, etc. or nothing of cw. Yet some of them are spamming global channel with 'cw' until the other coalition with hard roaster shows online. Then they just disappear in 2 minutes or go afk or they have another excuse to avoid cw. Also, there are one or two sentry reporters from certain coalitions which are all what I have mentioned above, but still they're staying around and watching the situation of other clans seeking for the any minor thing that can be reported. Either the rank equality in cws, either 1 player cwing with 2 accounts, either some completely allowed words on global channel which they find 'offensive' to their coalition. On the contrary, they are not stopping either elo-stacking, either dodging cws based on their or opponent's elo. I understand not every cw has to be accepted. Especially if you start a new coalition and want to be more wise with picking cws to make a positive start of the clan, but if that is happening 30 days without stopping, you can be sure you're not being a competitive coalition, no matter how competitive you find yourselves. It is obvious the report from above is reffered to the cw between Peaky Blinders and Orca. Both coalition members KNOW and WITNESSED the dodging and cw ignoring by certain coalitions, 15 minutes we were seeking for a CW while several other coalitions could easily cw, but they didn't want, so we just made a deal to cw between ourselves. And we got reported because of it, probably by the member(s) of coalitions which are all mentioned above who got butthurted that Peaky Blidners are coming back finding that a free elo for us, even it was everything but free elo. I understand a butthurt we have gained back 104 Elo (thanks to Illyria who was the only clan wanting to give us a chance for a comeback), but why are you mad that WD used 2 accounts in a single cw when no one is touching your Elo and everything is still within the rules. That guy is increasing the activity in cw scene unlike you. It's easier to steal a secretary from Pentagon, than to the Elo from such a dodging, elo-stacking coalitions. I would understand if those were last 20 days of season when cws gonna be picked more wisely, but neither 1st month of the season has passed and we are already facing so many non-competitive things happening around. For coalitions who got some Elo, that means stacking on position and dodging cws. For coalitions who lost Elo, that means no one wants to cw you, your Elo is too low, abandon your coalition, you suck....... but if you try to CW lower ranks, say something on global or play against 1 player using 2 accounts, you will get reported and maybe get some consequences. It is the definition of bullshit and the opposition of the word 'competitive' For the end, am not licking Illyria's butt, neither I give a fuck of their place at the end of season, but they are the real winners of current season and their competitiveness, together with PB, is light years away from the competitiveness of reporting dodge coalitions who fly so high after few wins in a row. No matter which place such coalitions end at after the season's finish, they don't deserve it. We have did that one cw against WD using 2 accounts because we didn't think it's forbidden (I still find it allowed), but we will respect your decision. I just wanted to point out how bullshit is todays competitiveness. It sucks and maybe we should think more about restricting Elo stacking, dodging and avoiding then jumping at reports for cwing in such occassions. Like come on, cw situation this season is same thing if football players from one team score 2 goals in first 10 minutes of match and then they leave the pitch without consequences, not allowing other team for a possible comeback, only if they will agree on their ultimatum settings how to play the rest of the match. Bullshit. But we will respect the decision. And next time POINT OUT who reported such thing.
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30.09.2019 - 13:49
As for anybody who wants to claim I "threw the cw so that peaky blinders got free elo." I recorded the game and it can be uploaded to youtube on demand. I absolutely hate losing and it's against my principles to throw games.
30.09.2019 - 13:50
This is going way deeper than it should it was reported by me(maybe someone else too idk). My problem is nothing with PB winning the cw my problrm is with wd playing team games(not cws only but also normal games). I still had no problem for him doing it while others did i allowed him to do it in my 3v3 but seeing this happen in cw seems hella wrong. Its also against the rules too. Better 1v1 cw than doing this. Also i love how last season when clearly the clan who won the season wasnt the most active one and noone even questions it. While this season i refuse to cw PB because their elo was low and i havent sorted out the players of my 1 week clan called dodging. I fuqing won/lost rlo only to illy cuze they were the ones to ask always for cw first. How is it dodging. I camp with 19 elo won? I know your post wasnt targeted to me but it included me also so i had to answaer. 1v1 cw or dont cw at all. Just my opinion do whatever you want i am not the one to judge you or punish you i just report when something breaks the rules.
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30.09.2019 - 13:52
What is the difference between a 1v1 cw against peaky and me wanting to 2v2 peaky but use an alt? Is it such a crime to want a more exciting game than 1v1? You're lying to yourself if you think me 1v1 cwing someone from peaky blinder is different from me using an alt to get a more interesting 2v2.
30.09.2019 - 14:00
Its not me its rules. Also the experience is way different you can focus one player and finish him turn 5 or fund yourself with 2k+ money. Yes you can do same by vchating with someone but why you dont do it? Rules are rules you break them you get punidhed i learnt it the hard way you are lucky no punishments are applied.
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30.09.2019 - 14:02
I get this... and probably the bigger issue is CW dodging (which is it's own topic), as well as the other issues raised. However one issue at a time.
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30.09.2019 - 14:04
I would fuqing report myself too if there was a rule for camping/dodging but how to report someone who brakes literally no rule?
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30.09.2019 - 14:23
First, you can read what I have written about new starting clans, including yours:
You got all of this personally just because you've reported it. And I was pointing no one out. Honestly, thought the report was from another player. Just talking what is happening around while PB and Orca are actually trying to CW and others are there to avoid/dodge/watch/calculate/report. No matter which coalition, not including Illyria. Whatsmore, about the case:
WD just tried to explain you there is no such a difference and you're again repeating it. Let me try to explain it on the example: 1. 2v2 cw (Croat and Mecoy vs. Jugers and Dominoz) Jugers and Dominoz focus on one player, finish him turn 5 or Jugers funds Dominoz with 2k+ money. 2. 2v2 cw (Croat and Mecoy vs. WD and WD's alt) WD and WD's alt focus on one player, finish him turn 5 or WD's alt funds WD with 2k+ money. Can you tell me what is the difference? And how is that not within rules if we both agreed to CW like that? He ghosted no one from the other coalition, he has just played for his coalition on two accounts and all of that while overstacked coalitions were just ignoring all the cw calls and had approx. 5 online competitive players who CW regulary. So, all in all, we didn't break any rule, everyone who watched know it wasn't Elo feeding + WD has a recorded video of the mentioned cw and still without a single argument we are demanded not to do that anymore. WHY? No one yet gave a standing argument except 'some clans are seeing the disadvantage' (While some of them keep avoiding cws) I absolutely don't like the Mod/Admin decision about this based on nothing, but we will have to respect it. And we will respect it considering that it will encourage Mods/Admins to do something about CW dodging or stacking in the meantime.
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30.09.2019 - 14:40
I dont know what your point is. Rules are rules i dont make them others too i saw rule 4.4 and 4.5 getting abused as WD was CWING WITH HIS ALT. Ignore the fact he was also with his original acount in ssme game too and its still rule violation.
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njab Account eliminato |
30.09.2019 - 14:50 njab Account eliminato
I stopped at this because it was too funny
30.09.2019 - 15:10
I mean, you said it yourself. In this case, WD did not farm. And it was easily confirmed. If both parties agree to it, and this information can be easily cross-checked and confirmed if needed, how does this contribute to the farming problem that you were referring to? I'm not sure if I understand the farming problem that you're describing as well.
What do you mean by this? Do clans consider it a disadvantage to play against one person using two accounts? That doesn't make sense. The player using two accounts is doing the same amount of effort in playing as the opposing two players, but moving twice as fast. If anything, it should be considered equal, or even unfair to the person using two accounts. Furthermore, whether or not the clan loses standing for losing against one person shouldn't matter when it comes to making this decision, in my opinion.
30.09.2019 - 15:22
The whole point of this discussion is to see if it's necessary to change the rules. What's your stance on this? Are you defending the rules for a reason or are you promoting a change in the rules? All I see you saying is "rules are rules". Should those rules stay as rules or not and why? Furthermore, you said it yourself. Everything that can be done by 1 person using 2 accounts can be done by two people using 2 accounts, only easier and better.
30.09.2019 - 15:32
But no one cared when I did it? Or when Critical did it? Or when Opi did it? Someone must really hate Witch-Doctor to report him. He didnt feed us elo. If you saw the clan war he failed kiev by 1 rein. So unless we have mega hax I don't think failing by 1 is intentional at all.
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30.09.2019 - 15:40
So two parts.... and so you know, these were basically the same questions i had to ask as well in pin pointing the concern, Part I: The farming problem isn't present in this case. However, there has been a history of clans feeding elo. For instance, in the 24 hours before the season ends, three players from '#UnnamedFeederClan1' agree to be farmed by the 'Second Place Coalition'. So the three of them log on and throw the games. In the above situation, three players need to conspire and coordinate to pull this off. However if single players are permitted to CW, a 'rogue' clan mate could pull this off on their own. Maybe they get drunk, get mad at their clan mates, or are in general a dishonourable player. As AW has had this happen when 3 players get together to coordinate it... it will happen far more frequently if only a single player is required, and it will also be more difficult to 'prove' it was intentional. Part II: Right, so that's why i initially agreed that i couldn't see it as a problem. However, let's say you are a competing clan, not playing though, just watching. You could claim that a single player acting on their own is at an advantage as they don't need to coordinate with their allies. The right hand knows what the left hand is doing, so there is some advantage in efficiency being a single player acting with a uniform plan. So, if the single player wins, and your clan drops from fourth to fifth spot, (with the single player clan moving up from fifth to fourth), you could say that by violating the rules, that clan got an advantage. ===== If you need further detail, pm / pr me and i can explain further. *post edit - i noticed you suggesting the rule changed, and this is i think the better direction... perhaps a rule change is needed, but not hearing many proposals for this...
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30.09.2019 - 15:44
I am not hating or anything all i say is people got PUNISHED FOR CWING ON ALTS. Also i want both. Rules should be adjusted but because there are as they are it should be respected from all. Cwing on 2 acojnts in same IMO in unacceptable and should be punished.
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30.09.2019 - 15:48
So all you saying is that WD should get banned?
30.09.2019 - 15:48
There is no way to filter this. You either allow it at all of it forms because people can easy say they lost legitimate or punish it in all forms. My opinion is 1: Either punish it now or let us all do it. Simple as that you choose.
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30.09.2019 - 15:49
I am just pointing out what acts were talking on situations like this nothing more.
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30.09.2019 - 15:54
Can't ban someone that didn't know it was against the rules. Basically for anyone who does it from now on should be punished because now there is a rule for it.
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30.09.2019 - 16:02
Also if this is a new rule it should go in the rules section so its official
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30.09.2019 - 16:07
This rule was in AW since ever what new rule. Its either things as they are or we allow it.
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30.09.2019 - 16:19
Here is why feeding elo would not be a concern if this was allowed. Correct me if I'm wrong but are 1v1 cws still allowed? If so why can't somebody 1v1 cw another clan a dozen times and throw all the games? If 1v1 cw are legit, there is no reason why you should not be able to 2v2. Bur 1v1 cw aside, lets take a look at how you currently can feed elo. There is no exact way to tell if a game is intentionally thrown, even if you watched the game. You can stage very elaborate games where one side loses and the only way to tell if it was thrown was if both side recorded their gameplay and you carefully analyzed the recording. So say hypothetically I wanted to feed illyria elo so they can win the season. I could have boywind come join Orca for the season and we would play dozens of 2v2s. We could play terrible strategies like lucky bastard turkey or blitz germany and lose very easily because our strat were garbage. We could intentionally fail expansion, do bad rushes, etc... There are probably thousands of ways to intentionally throw that spectators cannot figure out. It is already incredibly easy to feed elo as is and we're all basically working on an honor system that people wont be dickheads and try to pull this shit. And the ones that do try, we hope that there are enough spectators and witnesses around to catch them. We are already working under a wishy washy system where it is easy to cheat the system undetected, the only way to make sure there's no throwing is to either have dave implement a way for spectators to see a player's every move and strategies. Or to mandate everybody involved to record their screens. Obviously you cant have spectators see everything because there's no longer any surprise, you can have your friends tell you what your enemy strat is and what they did. Having all cw be recorded by players is also ridiculous for obvious reasons. If there's a will, there is a way. If people wanted to rig the season they will rig the season no matter how difficult it is, and let me tell you it already isnt hard at all. It will still take two people to conspire to feed elo if this is allowed. It takes one person in the feeding clan and another in the clan being fad to pull this off. Allowing people to 2v2 cw with an alt isnt gonna open a floodgate of abuse and cheating because it is already so easy and effortless to do it. You also dont even need a second person. You can already do it all by yourself with a vpn.
30.09.2019 - 17:55
No arguments - maybe we need to revisit the rule itself. If you can suggest a rule, i'll propose it in mod forum.
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30.09.2019 - 18:18
This issue in particular is why I think, if AtWar ever has a high enough competitive population and enough clans to make it happen, we should look at having a pre-matched season or at the very least identifier for accounts. There's absolutely nothing wrong with WD using his alt to play, I think its completely justified considering how low the population has become. If anything, people should give WD more credit for whooping so much ass in four minutes with two accounts (most of the time, anyways). This is a redundant rule, if you want to curb cheating then start working on formalizing the competitive scene with me and helping get more people interested into the game rather than spending your time policing the few competitive players we have left.
30.09.2019 - 18:24
While a bit off topic to the original post, this is directly connected and i think this makes a lot of sense. Even having tournament style or mandatory bracketed games could overcome some of the side issues. {Also when i first received the report, my initial comment toward the player in question was 'impressive'}
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