19.01.2015 - 12:38
I wrote that, go to the previous page for context
19.01.2015 - 12:38
Name one person who will
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Rankist Sharck Account eliminato |
19.01.2015 - 12:39 Rankist Sharck Account eliminato Martell did it
19.01.2015 - 12:42
Not from Martell, but from a mapmaker: ![]()
19.01.2015 - 12:42
You ...wrote ...that. Pardon me, but who are you to give me terms of agreement now, terms that didnt exist when i bought the product and on which i didnt agree. Thats called retroactive effect of rules ...would be like me geting arrested for doing something that wasnt a crime in the time i have done it. : no good :
Rankist Sharck Account eliminato |
19.01.2015 - 12:44 Rankist Sharck Account eliminato So don't do it anymore
19.01.2015 - 12:47
Read that post again for context. It's the justification for why you can't ban people who call you stupid.
Rankist Sharck Account eliminato |
19.01.2015 - 12:48 Rankist Sharck Account eliminato So did you get banned from the new rule? Your analogy isn't the same as this situation. also gtfo with your retarded 1266 posts on the forum
19.01.2015 - 12:52
My analogy was about retroactive effect ...read again you just might realize that it wasnt wrong.
19.01.2015 - 12:53
Map makers already had total control over their bans, mods didn't enforced any regulation to ban-lists prior to this week. It was encouraged for the map maker to provide reasons but it wasn't mandatory. It can't possible get any worse. only a minority of map makers abuse the feature
19.01.2015 - 12:55
Oh, i dont care about the context anymore ...im afraid now that you could write rules as you please and present them as something that was here all along. Idk example ... Rule 24. all players have to pay premium again after 3 years playing. Look Goblin look ...its in the rules. doesnt matter i wrote it 5 minutes ago.
19.01.2015 - 13:02
Well, that is essentially true, if you notice the first paragraph in the official rules. Also part 7 of the Terms of service. This is basically the same copy-paste (with slightly different wording) as any other game. Only open-source games may have different wording.
19.01.2015 - 13:14
Doesn't say anything about copyright on players maps ...and i might have to check Laws of Republic of Estonia ,but considering i can delete my map i would conclude admins dont have copyrights over map makers maps. Now you Desu tell me ...is it sooo hard to give the exact reasons for bans or do you guys just want to retain your arbitrary power? ...everyone is asking is it so hard to make a screenshot. Well is it hard to write up several sentences about ban reasons?
19.01.2015 - 13:56
Guys there is nothing to argue about. There is rule in place now added with admin approval, accept the rule and move on... It's not difficult to press on a button then paste the ss link in the comment to backup your ban
19.01.2015 - 14:13
lol is this really your suggestion goblin?That mods and admins create the ban reasons?Mapmakers are on a strike and jihad only for making this rule official, imagine what would happen if the mods/admins created their own reasons for map baning lol. Shouldnt mapmakers and the good people of the community, like yourself, sit down and discuss the reasons for bans you guys want to be on there and then if and when you agree, send the proposal to the admin/mods? But guess what, thats never gonna happen in this community and we all know it.What you are asking is not realistic.It is utopic.Stop living in a cloud on the sky with rainbows and ponies and join us in the real world.Thanks.
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19.01.2015 - 14:19
I didnt deserve this kind of response and neither does your response have any sense at all ...utopic? what is utopic in what i said so far ...nothing.
19.01.2015 - 14:28
But... it's so shiny... so beautiful... I feel like flying....! ![]() Seriously though, as nice as it sounds, it should be done like that no matter how much you want it be considered a dream. I agree with Goblin on what he says for now, rules should/must be specific as to make them efficient.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
19.01.2015 - 14:40
It is utopic and unrealistic expecting to : A.) Mods and admins come up with rules for reasons of map bans.It is sureal that you expect the mods and admins to know the specific rules that each map and scenario has and that all of you want and be able to provide a complete list. B.) Map makers and map players, actually accept the rules, admins and mods will provide.They will never accept them.They will be against some rules, they would want to add some new ones and i doubt they will be united in their opinions, so a unanimus decision is made, that everyone will agree.This will never ever happen i bet on my tits. p.s.what would actually be realistic though, is mapmakers to discuss among themselves and even with the community if they want and come up with an offer about the ban reasons, that they will give the admin/mod team, to add on the official rule.After these basic rules, only some scenario specific rules may be added, writen on the map itself, like france not allowed to ally uk and stuff like that.I would certainly support something like this.
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19.01.2015 - 15:41
the evidence was ss of Acquiesce (as the only mod online) muting myself and someone else for 999 minutes for trashing Illyria on global, then another of some Illyria player (couldve been joed or laochra) bashing evoL on global and receiving no mute. I presented this with tons of other evidence to Ivan about how I feel that some mods are abusing the idea of mod neutrality and are only getting involved when their friends or clan is insult. And b4 anyone bashes me it is true, Acquiesce never gets involved in muting players unless his friends/Illyria are insulted.
19.01.2015 - 15:47
@ me next time, this is the ban i made of syrian when syrian said to ban him because he wanted nothing to do with my maps, then he banned me for being a faggy southern dick so i retorted with this, i actually completely forgot I had it, and I would have no problem removing this ban.
19.01.2015 - 15:48
Can we just all agree and go back to how Afterwind was before all this shit? It was much simpler times.
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
19.01.2015 - 15:50
Our reasons are why the mods are throwing a bitchy fit in the first place, they are pissed that we have an idea of what an acceptable ban is and they dont like it. What Goblin is saying is that if the mods have a problem with why people are being banned, then the mods should give more clear guidelines as to what can be banned. I just banned Swash because Swash called me a fag on the forums, and that is against my map rules that I just created.
19.01.2015 - 15:57
As right as you are Jared there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Admins already said there is obviously going to be some sort of mod bias. As shitty as it is, you just have to pick the right friends ![]()
---- It's not the end. ![]()
19.01.2015 - 16:00
![]() ![]() Justice has been made
19.01.2015 - 16:04
I cant find my original post but I believe that raul took this out of context, I am not here to complain about mods (like Acqui) but I am guessing that the post was about how mods do not always view situations with the whole community in mind, and I am not saying that these map makers represent the whole community, but they do represent a large part, even small in number we have influence over tons of players who play our maps. The real issue is when mods claim that we cant have this power because we are too prone to bias but the mods prove on a near daily basis how they will act bias all the time. I am not expecting mods to be perfect but I am expecting the mods to realize that just because some bans are personal bans (from a small number of map makers) that it doesnt mean that every ban needs to be examined and viewed as just "bias shit from bitchy map makers" because in the end I make these bans so that I can play my map and not have to remake it 10 times just to get 20 people to stay in the game. That is why we forced for a banlist so that we can play games without remaking on a regular basis.
19.01.2015 - 16:05
19.01.2015 - 18:24
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
19.01.2015 - 18:45
Guess what: nobody asked you to make one to begin with.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
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