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Post: 628   Visitata da: 963 users

Il post originale

Postato da Chess, 23.11.2013 - 19:05

General Information
- All record submissions should not be modified in any way.
- Screenshots submissions for the "Most SP in one game" need to be taken on the final victory/defeat screen ( Example )
, otherwise only half of the SP will be counted. Screenshots for ELO submissions must show the record,
the player's name and a objective reference that allows us to search the record.
. If a SP multiplier is applied to the scenario/map of a record, then said record will also be multiplied by it.
- Rules for the PvE Competition: Click here
- In order to submit a record you have to either write me a private message
or post your record with a screenshot in this topic.
- Can´t think of any other rules, contact me if you believe there should be another one.
- Any other ideas? Contact me.

Player Records

PvE Competition

213 SP by Chess

212 SP by klevis

208 SP by Laochra

203 SP by Eagle

Most SP in one Game

16 478 SP by Taz Youlkepoye

12 643 SP by berickf

10 926 SP by Chess

Most SP in one Turn

1291 SP by Chess

788 SP by Dr. Trollface*

655 SP by Chess

Lifetime ELO Peak

PleaseMe 1773 July 19, 2019
Chess 1763 March 08, 2019
4nic 1 751 June 6, 2018
Eagle 1740 April 20, 2020
clovis1122 1 740 May 15, 2016
Yellow Rose 1702 December 4, 2017
Xcolonisator 1 694 May 22, 2018
tophats 1 691 February 18, 2014
Laochra 1 682 July 7, 2018

Top 10 List

4nic: screenshot / profile of the record
clovis1122: screenshot / profile of the record
Yellow Rose: screenshot / profile of the record
tophats: screenshot / profile of the record
Laochra: screenshot / profile of the record
opi: screenshot / profile of the record
Eagle: screenshot / profile of the record
Prometheus: screenshot / profile of the record
Chess: screenshot / profile of the record
Xcolonisator: screenshot / profile of the record

Seasonal ELO peak

1 516.3 ELO by clovis1122

1 487.9 ELO by Prometheus

1 451.3 ELO by Huarck

Most Duel Wins in a Row

88 by Eph

68 by tophat**

64 by Prometheus

Players with the most tournament trophies

15 by clovis1122

10 by Chess

9 by Laochra

Most Record entries

5 by Chess

3 by clovis1122

3 by Prometheus

3 by Laochra

Coalition Records

Seasonal ELO peak

Most Coalition War wins in a Row

30 by Dalmati

28 by Doxa

22 by Rainbow Power

Seasonal ELO peak

1 277.1 ELO by Aristokrats**

1 251.1 ELO by Mortal Kombat

1 235.9 ELO by Illyria

Missing Achievements
Cosa Nostra (ELO) Clan seasonal record: 1302.3 Spring 2015 season Cosa Nostra, one of the strongest clans of all the times presumably
achieved this peak during the Spring season, 2015.

Disqualified Players
The following players have made records, however, they have been disqualified from the atWar hall of fame.

Huarck (ELO) Lifetime record: 1766 ELO October 19, 2019 Huarck seasonal ELO trophy was removed. Furthermore, he used GustDNZ account to play cws as well as duels and then went on dueling with his account against GustDNZ.
bluecher2 Most duels won in a row: 180March 21, 2015bluecher used to send duel requests in-game when he already had
advantage, a tactic which is frowned upon and the reason about why
so many players reject to acknowledge his record.
opi (ELO) Seasonal record: 1484 ELO March 1, 2016 opi has been accused of getting "free win" from accounts to which
he had access, and is believed that both of his record were influenced by
theses games.
Matthew008 Most duels won in a row: 158 May 15, 2016 Matthew, just as bluecher, archived his record by sending in-game
duel request when he already had advantage.
Taz Youlkepoye Most duels won in a row: 139 Dec 9, 2016 Taz has been widely criticized for dueling only in specific
map/settings/picks in which he possesses a considerable
G.R.O.M Lifetime record: 1700 ELODecember 04, 2018G.R.O.M disqualified for farming the alt account Lordex. Duels have been removed by a mod.

*** At 1766 elo 14/25 of the last duels were with Froyer his at the time clanmate (Froyer lost all 14)

Credits to Chess for original idea, Meester for formatting scheme, clovis1122 for updated data and the community for participating.
21.09.2017 - 14:30
Scritto da Rock Lee, 21.09.2017 at 13:13

Well you'r probably right i will leave it to the people who were actually involved to figure what the right thing is.

Also regarding "how klevis deceived him" - you throw away the option that klevis cheated or you really think he outsmarted ghostface somehow?

hard to know for sure til i do more tests.
21.09.2017 - 14:33
Scritto da Rock Lee, 21.09.2017 at 13:13

Scritto da Permamuted, 21.09.2017 at 13:09

when i posted my record i left the game open and had a mod(trollface) check it. Posting a vid would obviously be the best solution.

But ghostface confirmed klevis' record and hes a trustworthy guy. So i wonder how klevis deceived him.

Well you'r probably right i will leave it to the people who were actually involved to figure what the right thing is.

Also regarding "how klevis deceived him" - you throw away the option that klevis cheated or you really think he outsmarted ghostface somehow?

well its too late to accuse klevis now,the record is kinda set in stone since it has a witness and ofc he would claim its legit..
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

21.09.2017 - 14:36
Scritto da 4nic, 21.09.2017 at 14:33

well its too late to accuse klevis now,the record is kinda set in stone since it has a witness and ofc he would claim its legit..

That record seems so cheap and meaningless anyways. delete it and avoid the drama

21.09.2017 - 15:04
Scritto da 4nic, 21.09.2017 at 14:33

Scritto da Rock Lee, 21.09.2017 at 13:13

Scritto da Permamuted, 21.09.2017 at 13:09

when i posted my record i left the game open and had a mod(trollface) check it. Posting a vid would obviously be the best solution.

But ghostface confirmed klevis' record and hes a trustworthy guy. So i wonder how klevis deceived him.

Well you'r probably right i will leave it to the people who were actually involved to figure what the right thing is.

Also regarding "how klevis deceived him" - you throw away the option that klevis cheated or you really think he outsmarted ghostface somehow?

well its too late to accuse klevis now,the record is kinda set in stone since it has a witness and ofc he would claim its legit..

ofc its not. If i prove its result of a cheat then its gone and thats that.
24.09.2017 - 10:00
Scritto da clovis1122, 15.09.2017 at 17:29

Waiting to grab some info from Ivan...

if I can't contact him by the end of this week then I'll update it with the current season records.

here we are
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
24.09.2017 - 10:15
Scritto da opi, 21.09.2017 at 09:56

Lol noob fake duel farmers

you dont say!
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
28.09.2017 - 08:07
Hello everybody, here is a screen for a sp record, it was an occasional game.
I post to update my previous record

Le mot perdre ne fait pas partie de mon dictionnaire, d'ailleurs je n'ai pas de dictionnaire !

ゆめ の ちから
28.09.2017 - 13:09
Scritto da Permamuted, 21.09.2017 at 13:09

Scritto da Rock Lee, 21.09.2017 at 13:03

Well that's oversimplification. we are talking about case with solid suspicion for cheating and ignoring it simply means lowering the value of the rest of the records. beside hence competition deadline is already over and it was'snt supervised properly (even the basic mean of screening the properties was'snt implemented by nearly no one) you can't really figure who is right and who is not. it would'nt be fair to take klevis's reward without proof and it would'nt be fair leave you at the second place and ignore suspicions.

when i posted my record i left the game open and had a mod(trollface) check it. Posting a vid would obviously be the best solution.

But ghostface confirmed klevis' record and hes a trustworthy guy. So i wonder how klevis deceived him.

just to clarify i watched the game where he scored 201 sp and didn't see anything suspicious , you can see him pm me and me talking in game chat (nick was Ghost back then)
The ss is mine as well btw

The game where he had 212 was around 1 month after the one i watched and i am just seeing its changed in the thread.
You can see its his ss because obviously i wasn't in Aristokrats to watch the clan chat
28.09.2017 - 14:08
Scritto da Ghostface, 28.09.2017 at 13:15

But like nic said its possible,made a lot of tests and he found out atacking which cities would give the most benefit + a dozen of different tries to get those good rolls

n because i did that too. I tested. Sp amounts gained appear to be fixed per city but it is hard to determine for sure. Our expansions and cities taken are also pretty similar. Even if there is some connection between rolls/units sent and the sp acquired it must be so small that it doesnt explain klevis' sp gained in spite of having 20 less cities. But the best way i can check this is by replicating both our expansions exactly in terms of cities taken(turns taken shouldnt matter) and recording the sp gain. But thatll take me a good hour or 2 and will be so boring... I need motivation. Maybe klevis appearing and calling me a noob or something might help.
28.09.2017 - 20:44
Message deleted by brianwl. Reason: OT
29.09.2017 - 07:08
Ur a noob
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

29.09.2017 - 07:51
Scritto da 4nic, 29.09.2017 at 07:08

Ur a noob

Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished.
29.09.2017 - 08:34
Many of stuff is not updated, I should be in front page for at least two categories: won 50k+ sp in single game, and made biggest units count/stack in world map.
...још сте ту...
29.09.2017 - 09:15
Scritto da Permamuted, 28.09.2017 at 14:08

n because i did that too. I tested. Sp amounts gained appear to be fixed per city but it is hard to determine for sure. Our expansions and cities taken are also pretty similar. Even if there is some connection between rolls/units sent and the sp acquired it must be so small that it doesnt explain klevis' sp gained in spite of having 20 less cities. But the best way i can check this is by replicating both our expansions exactly in terms of cities taken(turns taken shouldnt matter) and recording the sp gain. But thatll take me a good hour or 2 and will be so boring... I need motivation. Maybe klevis appearing and calling me a noob or something might help.

You will never bypass clovis in number of records

29.09.2017 - 09:57
Scritto da Rock Lee, 29.09.2017 at 09:15

You will never bypass clovis in number of records

I've never tried. Notice how i dont submit my records. I only did the pve because klevis called me out and needed a reality check.

Also i used to think you were a nice guy and here you are getting involved with me and clovis. Thats a big nono. Maybe you should spend more time working on your own game since you are genuinely the worst r10 ive seen and played in my 4 years on this game. That goes for your pokemon skills too.
29.09.2017 - 10:29
Scritto da Permamuted, 29.09.2017 at 09:57

Scritto da Rock Lee, 29.09.2017 at 09:15

You will never bypass clovis in number of records

I've never tried. Notice how i dont submit my records. I only did the pve because klevis called me out and needed a reality check.

Also i used to think you were a nice guy and here you are getting involved with me and clovis. Thats a big nono. Maybe you should spend more time working on your own game since you are genuinely the worst r10 ive seen and played in my 4 years on this game. That goes for your pokemon skills too.

Well i tried to give you motivation but i cant tell if your trolling or so obssesed with clovis that the slightest trigger downs you to the level you cant spot sarcasm.

29.09.2017 - 11:19
Scritto da Rock Lee, 29.09.2017 at 10:29

Scritto da Permamuted, 29.09.2017 at 09:57

Scritto da Rock Lee, 29.09.2017 at 09:15

You will never bypass clovis in number of records

I've never tried. Notice how i dont submit my records. I only did the pve because klevis called me out and needed a reality check.

Also i used to think you were a nice guy and here you are getting involved with me and clovis. Thats a big nono. Maybe you should spend more time working on your own game since you are genuinely the worst r10 ive seen and played in my 4 years on this game. That goes for your pokemon skills too.

Well i tried to give you motivation but i cant tell if your trolling or so obssesed with clovis that the slightest trigger downs you to the level you cant spot sarcasm.

nah you were being a bitch. I can spot them a mile off. Its not like its your first time either. You can gtfo.
11.10.2017 - 03:28
Scritto da clovis1122, 15.09.2017 at 17:29

Waiting to grab some info from Ivan...

if I can't contact him by the end of this week then I'll update it with the current season records.

you mean by end of this year ?
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
16.11.2017 - 15:51
Add me
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

16.11.2017 - 18:21
Scritto da Conscious Huarck, 11.10.2017 at 03:28

Scritto da clovis1122, 15.09.2017 at 17:29

Waiting to grab some info from Ivan...

if I can't contact him by the end of this week then I'll update it with the current season records.

you mean by end of this year ?

OK, I entirely forgot. I'll do my best to have this updated by the next week.

If anyone's interested in keeping this updated, PM me please.
17.11.2017 - 17:29
 Eagle (Mod)
PvE - 203 sp, ukr and nk

02.12.2017 - 08:28
seasonal elo record
overall elo record..

for now
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

04.12.2017 - 17:03
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
1701 elo peak
04.12.2017 - 17:08
Scritto da Witch-Doctor, 04.12.2017 at 17:03

1701 elo peak

u farm nubs
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

04.12.2017 - 17:10
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
Scritto da 4nic, 04.12.2017 at 17:08

Scritto da Witch-Doctor, 04.12.2017 at 17:03

1701 elo peak

u farm nubs

yes.. you
07.12.2017 - 07:55
#Repost record
*enough atwar, leaving it for the game of real life
09.12.2017 - 06:42
Scritto da clovis1122, 16.11.2017 at 18:21

Scritto da Conscious Huarck, 11.10.2017 at 03:28

Scritto da clovis1122, 15.09.2017 at 17:29

Waiting to grab some info from Ivan...

if I can't contact him by the end of this week then I'll update it with the current season records.

you mean by end of this year ?

OK, I entirely forgot. I'll do my best to have this updated by the next week.

If anyone's interested in keeping this updated, PM me please.

09.12.2017 - 17:34
Scritto da clovis1122, 09.12.2017 at 06:42

Scritto da clovis1122, 16.11.2017 at 18:21

Scritto da Conscious Huarck, 11.10.2017 at 03:28

Scritto da clovis1122, 15.09.2017 at 17:29

Waiting to grab some info from Ivan...

if I can't contact him by the end of this week then I'll update it with the current season records.

you mean by end of this year ?

OK, I entirely forgot. I'll do my best to have this updated by the next week.

If anyone's interested in keeping this updated, PM me please.


do i get supporter dot if i help
10.12.2017 - 09:25
 Eagle (Mod)
Scritto da clovis1122, 09.12.2017 at 06:42

Scritto da clovis1122, 16.11.2017 at 18:21

Scritto da Conscious Huarck, 11.10.2017 at 03:28

Scritto da clovis1122, 15.09.2017 at 17:29

Waiting to grab some info from Ivan...

if I can't contact him by the end of this week then I'll update it with the current season records.

you mean by end of this year ?

OK, I entirely forgot. I'll do my best to have this updated by the next week.

If anyone's interested in keeping this updated, PM me please.


Bla Ill do it
10.12.2017 - 11:17

all you have to do is to copy the current atWar recordbook and modify it to apply the changes. To copy it you just go to the first post of the thread and click quote.

The first person that completes the task can post it in a comment here, and if everything is updated and there's no inconsistency then I can ask a mod to edit the main thread.

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