Roll for equite, rest on rome
Are governors still in their provinces now with the new law?
We will just assume governors stay in their provinces unless they post they say they come back to Rome/ or vote / hold a position like consulship,censor,praetor. I know Pyrrhus is still in Rome while ruling greece with a legate, not sure about the rest.
However I politely suggest Nerva remain in Illyricum.
1 on equite
Host races
1 on equite,
Rest to rome
1 talent on Equite, 3 to Rome
Extort non-Romans in Greece
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Raise auxiliary fleets in Africa
Someone Better Than You
==Turn 26: Phase 2 has begun==
I shall vote 1 to all proposals except the trial of Antonius,2, gladiatorial games could be amusing.
pavle vote:
1 for all except for the Antonius' trial which i will vote 2 for
Scritto da Aetius, 10.10.2016 at 12:30
I shall vote 1 to all proposals except the trial of Antonius,2, gladiatorial games could be amusing.
pavle vote:
Vote 1 to all except the Governorship of Greece thing which I abstain, and the sentencing of Tunder which I vote 2. I'd love to see Tunder fight off the lions in the colosseum with his bare hands
2) consul
1) to rest
2) gladiatorial game
Scritto da Aetius, 10.10.2016 at 12:30
I shall vote 1 to all proposals except the trial of Antonius,2, gladiatorial games could be amusing.
pavle vote:
Plz have mercy, spare your old pal from an undeserved death
Lol looks like everyone is going to use Tunder for some evening entertainment
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 13:03
Plz have mercy, spare your old pal from an undeserved death
Pyrrhus offered you it (for some reason). You refused. Also you'd just repay us with an assassination attempt like you did with Aqollo
Fellow romans, please have mercy for this broken and disgraced man, for I may not be innocent of the crime but absolved of the intention of murder I already was. As a roman, senator and veteran of war; I beg you to reconsider the punishment that I am to have, just another brother in misfortune I was during our bloody civil war. The former senate, as villainous as it was - ruled by former Postatem members who made decisions out of ambition, lust and greed for darkness in their heart they had. - decided to pardon me and hold me hostage to fight fellow romans and only my suicide could have saved me from that.
Why should little men as virtuous as they are, be punish by the deeds of the master who runs the machinery of the state from behind? My fellow romans, you know very well that I was never a partisan before the war. As a neutral member of the senate I voted only with the interests of Rome at heart, which is why I voted for most if not all of the reforms that Populares put at hand. When I tried to stab Aqollo it was because Postatems had promised gold and that Rome would burn if I did not follow with their mission to deprive Aqollo of his mortal form.
When the civil war started, I took governorship at Hispania as a self-imposed form of exile. I never was formally recalled which is why I never went back to the senate, also in part I didn't wanted to be hold accountable for my unholy alliance and temporal cooperation with the evil optimate's senate. Optimates gave me no choice for they were incompetent and greedy, ambitious and evil, bloodthirsty and cruel. Have mercy upon your poor disgraced brother, and as liberators and saviors of Rome pardon he who only did wrong in order to save Rome from a civil war that would end up spilling a lot of blood.
2 for Consul, 1 for rest of position voting
2 for recalling pYrrhus,
1 for new govenror of Spains
2. For War effort
As for Tunder, I say Gladiator games or I'll build a prison in Asia to hold him and the rest of the rebel leaders to rot away in.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
As for Tunder, I say Gladiator games or I'll build a prison in Asia to hold him and the rest of the rebel leaders to rot away in.
When we where young, we played togheter in the banks of the tiber river. Now you forsake me in times of need.
Out grandfathers banquished the phoenicians togheter, those were simpler times.
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 13:41
you know very well that I was never a partisan before the war.
Someone Better Than You
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 13:41
you know very well that I was never a partisan before the war.
If anything i was an independent that was populare lenient. You in the other hand are extending the war by not surrendering. There is no glory to be had by killing other romans.
Scritto da Darth., 10.10.2016 at 13:08
Pyrrhus offered you it (for some reason). You refused. Also you'd just repay us with an assassination attempt like you did with Aqollo
I made a mistake and I repent, i should never have followed the lies that Postatem were feeding to my ears. I was afraid that the republic would give away to a kingdom and that provinces would be turned into fiefdoms. I was wrong, populares would never partition the republic to themselves, optimates and postatem are the true enemies of Rome; i was just deceived into doing harm to my fellow countrymen under the illusion that the assasination would help to save the republic.
You have nothing to be afraid of, a mere private citizen can do no harm to a magnificent and all mighty consul who is popular with the people. If the senate is kind, fair and forgiving just like how the trio of liberators are: then i stand a good chance to retire to a farm and leave the matters of the state to those who are more wise than myself such as you, marius and sertorious. If i am wrong, i only wish i had fallen in spain and receive a proper burial like i would have done to marius if he had fallen in my place.
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 14:27
If anything i was an independent that was populare lenient. You in the other hand are extending the war by not surrendering. There is no glory to be had by killing other romans.
You led a fucking rebellion.
Someone Better Than You
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 14:27
If anything i was an independent that was populare lenient. You in the other hand are extending the war by not surrendering. There is no glory to be had by killing other romans.
You led a fucking rebellion.
That was my father, which was decapitated without a fair trial, by the savages that begot you. Yet you speak about rebellions when you are leading one against rome yourself.
Hey, thanks for the horizontal scroll bar
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 14:43
That was my father, which was decapitated without a fair trial, by the savages that begot you. Yet you speak about rebellions when you are leading one against rome yourself.
I never pretended I didn't, however.
Hey, thanks for the horizontal scroll bar
Horizontal scrollbar master race
Someone Better Than You
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 14:38
Scritto da Darth., 10.10.2016 at 13:08
Pyrrhus offered you it (for some reason). You refused. Also you'd just repay us with an assassination attempt like you did with Aqollo
I made a mistake and I repent, i should never have followed the lies that Postatem were feeding to my ears. I was afraid that the republic would give away to a kingdom and that provinces would be turned into fiefdoms. I was wrong, populares would never partition the republic to themselves, optimates and postatem are the true enemies of Rome; i was just deceived into doing harm to my fellow countrymen under the illusion that the assasination would help to save the republic.
You have nothing to be afraid of, a mere private citizen can do no harm to a magnificent and all mighty consul who is popular with the people. If the senate is kind, fair and forgiving just like how the trio of liberators are: then i stand a good chance to retire to a farm and leave the matters of the state to those who are more wise than myself such as you, marius and sertorious. If i am wrong, i only wish i had fallen in spain and receive a proper burial like i would have done to marius if he had fallen in my place.
You've been so anti-Populares, but the second you're faced with death you change your tune, instead of dying for what you believe in, straight-backed and proud like a true Roman should. Like Meester did. Traitor he was, but he faced his death with honour.
You called us power-hungry dogs and now you call us liberators
Scritto da Darth., 10.10.2016 at 14:57
Scritto da Tundy, 10.10.2016 at 14:38
Scritto da Darth., 10.10.2016 at 13:08
Pyrrhus offered you it (for some reason). You refused. Also you'd just repay us with an assassination attempt like you did with Aqollo
I made a mistake and I repent, i should never have followed the lies that Postatem were feeding to my ears. I was afraid that the republic would give away to a kingdom and that provinces would be turned into fiefdoms. I was wrong, populares would never partition the republic to themselves, optimates and postatem are the true enemies of Rome; i was just deceived into doing harm to my fellow countrymen under the illusion that the assasination would help to save the republic.
You have nothing to be afraid of, a mere private citizen can do no harm to a magnificent and all mighty consul who is popular with the people. If the senate is kind, fair and forgiving just like how the trio of liberators are: then i stand a good chance to retire to a farm and leave the matters of the state to those who are more wise than myself such as you, marius and sertorious. If i am wrong, i only wish i had fallen in spain and receive a proper burial like i would have done to marius if he had fallen in my place.
You've been so anti-Populares, but the second you're faced with death you change your tune, instead of dying for what you believe in, straight-backed and proud like a true Roman should. Like Meester did. Traitor he was, but he faced his death with honour.
You called us power-hungry dogs and now you call us liberators 
Would you do me the honor of speaking in my behalf? It is difficult for a man in distress to defend himself.
I would glady pay your speaking fees
Hey, thanks for the horizontal scroll bar
I was wondering where it came from
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I use my tribune to block voting on recalling Pyrrhus from Greece.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I have overhelming evidence in my private correspondence to prove that there is a triumvir conspiring to destroy the triumvirate and make it a dualvirate