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Postato da Fruit, 23.01.2015 - 18:40
Hello friends.

I joined this game the 14th of April, 2011, officially anyway. I have seen relatively all versions of this game and the events that would transpire, and though I am not evidently active in the community I remain omnipresent in the daily life of the game, through my pack of friends who have also been here from the start. I have come to see the rise and fall of a great many organizations, ones that in their time would believe that they would last for the length of the game itself, and at its stead, SRB, or Kanker, or whatever you may call us stands at the forefront. Though we have come and gone, our presence is felt, and will be felt for time to come, and though it is my opinion we have never been quite as respected as we should have, I ask that you only listen this one time to the words of an old great.

Afterwind, or At-War as you may refer to it(I'll never accept it sry), still suffers from many issues from the time I played, and even still, it has gotten some more. When I log in, there is no feeling of community that it once had, I knew literally everyone who played and though it was quite niche no one had an empty face behind those colored borders. The game mechanics were fluid, simple yet fun to play, with the knowledge of turnblocking to the extent that it was, and that no one will understand lest they played it, it brought the monotony out of simply stacking infantry, and waiting for someone to get bored enough to rush you, or make a mistake 30 turns down the line, it brought a flavored unreliability and unknown factor into the game that I've never seen replicated in any such strategy game, and I deeply yearn for the days when it was still in the game, even after all these years, having truly tried to play all versions successive to it.

The game has become stale, the metagame, though slightly advanced since I played, is too little for any experienced player to enjoy for time to come, everyone grows tired of the same game, and I was well liked in the community for ridiculous innovations, truly I believe this to be the reason I was considered "good", more-so than others, people like myself are few and far between, and I know without us; it will be taxing on all players, and retention will be lower, as we see these days. I will not suggest that it is outright dead, but I will confidently say that it is not as large as it could be, and as it always could have been. PD will always reign supreme, and people will still complain about the same issues until they are fixed, the solution to defense is not to alter the values, but to bring back something that changes up the game from attack vs defense, to bring back Turnblock. At least, that is my opinion, and always has been, and that's all I'll say on that subject.

Upon returning, I noticed a few things, firstly, my legacy; vain as it is, exists only in the form of zizouism, few(Relatively speaking) know of the great community events and divisions that happened between the Dalmati-SRB-WBL-Whatever else rivalry, the clns these days are not so starkly divided, the soul of the game has decayed from a community to simply a game, that happens to have groups in it, for the most part. All old coalitions were removed from the lists due to inactivity, all old players were quickly removed from the rankings due to dilution of ranks, which I will remark on now.

Scenarios. Scenarios. The bane of my existence. Between the map makers guild of AW and the inherent imbalance of SP you get from the games, it has removed every nice point of the pseudo-culture we had on this game, they took the mock RP and turned it into real RP and completely ruined any charm it had to the jokes, then actually made it a real movement to take their already diseased cells and spread them even further into the metaphorical body that is Afterwind. In a matter of months I went from #7 to off the top 50, what took years erased by a matter of months. I wouldn't be so peeved if it wasn't for the next thing I'll touch on.

What this showed, was what I can only perceive as a sheer disrespect for the old guard, and player base who so loyally played their game for years, and offered time and time again to improve it, because its success was as important, if not more important, to the player than the admin. This is not to say Ivan and Amok have some sinister disdain for the old players, perhaps, they are truly unaware of the situation that many of us feel, I have spoken to many friends, former enemies who I once wanted nothing more than to be rekt in vidya, now brothers in feels as we reminisce on the old days; feeling the same concept; yearning for the past, the good old days, that didn't have to end the way it did.

People still complain about the same things. They were attempted to be addressed, but in the wrong way, and instead of going all the way to fix them and make the perfect game you did only a slight patchwork job, isolating your core base and removing their sense of belonging as they were disregarded time and time again. This is not to talk about SRB mind you, if you ask Hugosch, Caulerpa, Kasap, Aristosseur, even god forbid Gardevoir, all of them will have a great many suggestions they felt wasn't taken seriously enough, and the ones they did were not implemented to a degree that you could say is "sufficient". I would say, simply, Amok & Ivan have lost their heart for the game, and so too their players did, and we now look upon a husk of which I cannot describe to those who did not experience beta to pre-turnblock AW.

So to sum up my long post, I do not condemn Ivan and Amok, but I will never understand their decisions leading up to this point, the game was so perfect that I still some years later get strong nostalgia to play again only to be disappointed heavily upon my return, increasing with each repetition. So I ask, since it is my understanding that you have lost your heart for the game, as Admins, shown quite blatantly by the lack of updates for an insane amount of time, is there anything that we the community who still hold the game dearly could do to restore your zealousness?

Whatever this game is, in its current state, I don't want it, and I feel like a lot of people don't want it. You can ask anyone around and I'm sure they'll all have something to say about its current state, and how they wish it would improve. I miss the old days, and though I know they will never return, I was promised into the new version that there would be something to look forward to in its wake, and I'm still waiting for that.

So, an appeal from the community, and if not the community, then just myself, Please Amok & Ivan, how can we assist you? I'd really like to have the game I so enjoyed back.
04.04.2015 - 16:45
Nah this guy is a troll.that captain rex, i dont remember exactly the ocassion but i remember the name and avatar, he is a douchebag and a fag, i remember that. And no wonder he is in the special clan for all the misunderstood and misfits of atwar, the rockstar! clan. no surprise there.
06.04.2015 - 08:18
Scritto da Brandyjack, 04.04.2015 at 13:55

I have no sympathy for oldfags such as yourself. You lot are the cancer of atWar, and the fact that you're unaware of it proves your perpetual inability to fix the issues that you yourselves are plaguing the game with.

You insist, since you're older players, that you be given some special, elite treatment, and if newer players must be shoved in the backseat, so be it, as the only thing that you veteran players teach them on is how to be as cold and heartlessly cruel as you are.

Thus the cycle of xenophobic mannerisms and behaviours continues in the glitch-infested, cacophonous abyss that is atWar, not fucking Afterwind. The name changed years ago, fucking deal with it. You sound as if you're a bunch of conservatives afraid of the slightest modulation.

06.04.2015 - 09:31
Scritto da Brandyjack, 04.04.2015 at 13:55

I have no sympathy for oldfags such as yourself. You lot are the cancer of atWar, and the fact that you're unaware of it proves your perpetual inability to fix the issues that you yourselves are plaguing the game with.

You insist, since you're older players, that you be given some special, elite treatment, and if newer players must be shoved in the backseat, so be it, as the only thing that you veteran players teach them on is how to be as cold and heartlessly cruel as you are.

Thus the cycle of xenophobic mannerisms and behaviours continues in the glitch-infested, cacophonous abyss that is atWar, not fucking Afterwind. The name changed years ago, fucking deal with it. You sound as if you're a bunch of conservatives afraid of the slightest modulation.

look, rex, new players usally get trained by older players, therefor: 1 really really old player maybe has trained 10 people, out of wich each one trains 10 people too and everyone of these 100 trains 10 too and so on and so on.
Thats why you should respect oldfags, because most of them indirectly trained hundreds of new players...

06.04.2015 - 12:49
Scritto da Brandyjack, 04.04.2015 at 13:55

I have no sympathy for oldfags such as yourself. You lot are the cancer of atWar, and the fact that you're unaware of it proves your perpetual inability to fix the issues that you yourselves are plaguing the game with.

You insist, since you're older players, that you be given some special, elite treatment, and if newer players must be shoved in the backseat, so be it, as the only thing that you veteran players teach them on is how to be as cold and heartlessly cruel as you are.

Thus the cycle of xenophobic mannerisms and behaviours continues in the glitch-infested, cacophonous abyss that is atWar, not fucking Afterwind. The name changed years ago, fucking deal with it. You sound as if you're a bunch of conservatives afraid of the slightest modulation.

That's cute. 2/5 troll.

Nobody here demanded special treatment. It's ironic that you mentioned that, because mapmakers are the only group on atwar who have demanded such treatment and they are the ones being put on blast for ruining atwar with scenarios.

No oldfag or passionate 3v3 player caused any changes or reform to the game. We are the reasons for certain startegies being updated, but these changes can easily be reverted by mapmakers. Therefore, we cannot be the cancer to atwar.

Cold and heartlessly cruel...? I'm sorry, but within the realm of oldfags and 3v3, there is far more respect for each other than in your little scenario games. I remember in UN, people would be patrionized for no reason at all. Everybody would be talking shit. There was no respect at all. Sure, 3v3ers have beef with some people. But the vast majority tend to respect each other as players. Maybe not people, but as players. Enough so that we all work within unwritten rules and anytime we feel another rule should be added, we immediatly come here on the forums to discuss it. You don't see things like that with any other communities here on atwar. 3v3ers and Oldfags are like a family. Small and fun. You guys and huge and disbanded. You guys are more cruel and heartless than the rest of us. Back stabbing. constantly talking shit, not respecting anybody...

tl;dr We aren't the cancer, you are.
06.04.2015 - 13:39
Scritto da Fockmeeard, 06.04.2015 at 12:49

Scritto da Brandyjack, 04.04.2015 at 13:55

That's cute. 2/5 troll.

Nobody here demanded special treatment. It's ironic that you mentioned that, because mapmakers are the only group on atwar who have demanded such treatment and they are the ones being put on blast for ruining atwar with scenarios.

No oldfag or passionate 3v3 player caused any changes or reform to the game. We are the reasons for certain startegies being updated, but these changes can easily be reverted by mapmakers. Therefore, we cannot be the cancer to atwar.

Cold and heartlessly cruel...? I'm sorry, but within the realm of oldfags and 3v3, there is far more respect for each other than in your little scenario games. I remember in UN, people would be patrionized for no reason at all. Everybody would be talking shit. There was no respect at all. Sure, 3v3ers have beef with some people. But the vast majority tend to respect each other as players. Maybe not people, but as players. Enough so that we all work within unwritten rules and anytime we feel another rule should be added, we immediatly come here on the forums to discuss it. You don't see things like that with any other communities here on atwar. 3v3ers and Oldfags are like a family. Small and fun. You guys and huge and disbanded. You guys are more cruel and heartless than the rest of us. Back stabbing. constantly talking shit, not respecting anybody...

tl;dr We aren't the cancer, you are.

You are exactly the specimen I was waiting for. You represent the pernicious plague of oldfags who demand that all supply them the importance that they believe is warranted. Newbies like what you describe exist, true, but a vast majority of them are just lost and clueless in what to do in a game where they are ostracized and treated like shit by faggots such as yourself. How else are they going to act if the exclusive communities of 3v3 and the like refuse to emerge from their shells to at least display some sort of veteran guidance to newcomers? You're all a bunch of self-righteous idiots, and it's freaking infuriating trying to show you the error of your ways, for you are blind to them and defend them maniacally.
06.04.2015 - 14:31
Scritto da Brandyjack, 06.04.2015 at 13:39

Scritto da Fockmeeard, 06.04.2015 at 12:49

Scritto da Brandyjack, 04.04.2015 at 13:55

That's cute. 2/5 troll.

Nobody here demanded special treatment. It's ironic that you mentioned that, because mapmakers are the only group on atwar who have demanded such treatment and they are the ones being put on blast for ruining atwar with scenarios.

No oldfag or passionate 3v3 player caused any changes or reform to the game. We are the reasons for certain startegies being updated, but these changes can easily be reverted by mapmakers. Therefore, we cannot be the cancer to atwar.

Cold and heartlessly cruel...? I'm sorry, but within the realm of oldfags and 3v3, there is far more respect for each other than in your little scenario games. I remember in UN, people would be patrionized for no reason at all. Everybody would be talking shit. There was no respect at all. Sure, 3v3ers have beef with some people. But the vast majority tend to respect each other as players. Maybe not people, but as players. Enough so that we all work within unwritten rules and anytime we feel another rule should be added, we immediatly come here on the forums to discuss it. You don't see things like that with any other communities here on atwar. 3v3ers and Oldfags are like a family. Small and fun. You guys and huge and disbanded. You guys are more cruel and heartless than the rest of us. Back stabbing. constantly talking shit, not respecting anybody...

tl;dr We aren't the cancer, you are.

You are exactly the specimen I was waiting for. You represent the pernicious plague of oldfags who demand that all supply them the importance that they believe is warranted. Newbies like what you describe exist, true, but a vast majority of them are just lost and clueless in what to do in a game where they are ostracized and treated like shit by faggots such as yourself. How else are they going to act if the exclusive communities of 3v3 and the like refuse to emerge from their shells to at least display some sort of veteran guidance to newcomers? You're all a bunch of self-righteous idiots, and it's freaking infuriating trying to show you the error of your ways, for you are blind to them and defend them maniacally.

That's why we recruit low ranks and have clans like evoL that bring in new players. Are you just mad because none of us wanted to play with you?

SM recruited Dinoscout, yaso, and a couple others that are now in other clans cwing. They didn't have much 3v3 experience before. Lots of 3v3s are open for rank 6s as well. We are not exclusive. I started off as a rank 6. I was denied from higher rank 3v3s so I played low rank 3v3s whenever I could and got better from it. We are not exclusive.
06.04.2015 - 14:55
Scritto da Brandyjack, 06.04.2015 at 13:39

You are exactly the specimen I was waiting for. You represent the pernicious plague of oldfags who demand that all supply them the importance that they believe is warranted. Newbies like what you describe exist, true, but a vast majority of them are just lost and clueless in what to do in a game where they are ostracized and treated like shit by faggots such as yourself. How else are they going to act if the exclusive communities of 3v3 and the like refuse to emerge from their shells to at least display some sort of veteran guidance to newcomers? You're all a bunch of self-righteous idiots, and it's freaking infuriating trying to show you the error of your ways, for you are blind to them and defend them maniacally.

1. learn to quote cwers and duelers dont just believe they are importand, but are in fact objectively importand, since they are at the top of the competitive arena this game has to of the food chain, deal with it.

3.Newcomers and noobs have everything they could possibly want here in the forums and nobody is treating them like shit. If they join a 3v3 without even first learning the basics, then its all their fault for being lazy idiots. Its about time noobs and lowranks stop crying because we dont take them by the hand and babysit them. Like we got any special treatement or training when we were little. We didnt.

We sucked it up and learn the game by ourselfs. Did we cry? No. Instead we trained and proceeded to rape old fags like the great Acquisce and tophats and eagle1812 and pera and others.
06.04.2015 - 15:02
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 06.04.2015 at 15:55

Did we cry? No. Instead we trained and proceeded to rape old fags like the great Acquisce and tophats and eagle1812 and pera and others.

The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
06.04.2015 - 15:09
You idiots are untreatable. I wash my hands of this shit.
06.04.2015 - 15:12
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 06.04.2015 at 14:55

We sucked it up and learn the game by ourselfs. Did we cry? No. Instead we trained and proceeded to rape old fags like the great Acquisce

I'm still working on that last part...
07.04.2015 - 04:50
Scritto da Brandyjack, 06.04.2015 at 13:39

You are exactly the specimen I was waiting for. You represent the pernicious plague of oldfags who demand that all supply them the importance that they believe is warranted. Newbies like what you describe exist, true, but a vast majority of them are just lost and clueless in what to do in a game where they are ostracized and treated like shit by faggots such as yourself. How else are they going to act if the exclusive communities of 3v3 and the like refuse to emerge from their shells to at least display some sort of veteran guidance to newcomers? You're all a bunch of self-righteous idiots, and it's freaking infuriating trying to show you the error of your ways, for you are blind to them and defend them maniacally.

If you need any proof, you have a bunch of guides in the forum about basic gameplay and country expansions made by high ranks, doesn't that count as guidance or what?
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

07.04.2015 - 07:17
Can someone bring me pop corns? I smell a flaming war happening coming

07.04.2015 - 12:44
Scritto da Brandyjack, 06.04.2015 at 15:09

You idiots are untreatable. I wash my hands of this shit.

Hey look, Doctor Fock found the reason for your extreame case of butthurt; you're an RP player!

Which means you contribute to the cancer of atwar because you'd rather spam units than learn how to strategize and properly play the game and because we are pointing out your pathetic existence to atwar because you are just mindlessly ranking up without acquiring any skill or knowledge of the game, you are naturally being very defensive!
07.04.2015 - 18:07
Scritto da Brandyjack, 06.04.2015 at 15:09

You idiots are untreatable. I wash my hands of this shit.

nice bait, this guy is a trolling genius
10.04.2015 - 19:43
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 04.04.2015 at 16:45

Nah this guy is a troll.that captain rex, i dont remember exactly the ocassion but i remember the name and avatar, he is a douchebag and a fag, i remember that. And no wonder he is in the special clan for all the misunderstood and misfits of atwar, the rockstar! clan. no surprise there.

nice clan
11.04.2015 - 11:33
Scritto da clovis1122, 07.04.2015 at 07:17

Can someone bring me pop corns? I smell a flaming war happening coming

11.04.2015 - 23:45
Hey oldfag, guess what? I don't care. (serious)

Good bye!
15.04.2015 - 04:25
Scritto da Fockmeeard, 06.04.2015 at 12:49

Scritto da Brandyjack, 04.04.2015 at 13:55

I have no sympathy for oldfags such as yourself. You lot are the cancer of atWar, and the fact that you're unaware of it proves your perpetual inability to fix the issues that you yourselves are plaguing the game with.

You insist, since you're older players, that you be given some special, elite treatment, and if newer players must be shoved in the backseat, so be it, as the only thing that you veteran players teach them on is how to be as cold and heartlessly cruel as you are.

Thus the cycle of xenophobic mannerisms and behaviours continues in the glitch-infested, cacophonous abyss that is atWar, not fucking Afterwind. The name changed years ago, fucking deal with it. You sound as if you're a bunch of conservatives afraid of the slightest modulation.

That's cute. 2/5 troll.

Nobody here demanded special treatment. It's ironic that you mentioned that, because mapmakers are the only group on atwar who have demanded such treatment and they are the ones being put on blast for ruining atwar with scenarios.

No oldfag or passionate 3v3 player caused any changes or reform to the game. We are the reasons for certain startegies being updated, but these changes can easily be reverted by mapmakers. Therefore, we cannot be the cancer to atwar.

Cold and heartlessly cruel...? I'm sorry, but within the realm of oldfags and 3v3, there is far more respect for each other than in your little scenario games. I remember in UN, people would be patrionized for no reason at all. Everybody would be talking shit. There was no respect at all. Sure, 3v3ers have beef with some people. But the vast majority tend to respect each other as players. Maybe not people, but as players. Enough so that we all work within unwritten rules and anytime we feel another rule should be added, we immediatly come here on the forums to discuss it. You don't see things like that with any other communities here on atwar. 3v3ers and Oldfags are like a family. Small and fun. You guys and huge and disbanded. You guys are more cruel and heartless than the rest of us. Back stabbing. constantly talking shit, not respecting anybody...

tl;dr We aren't the cancer, you are.

Your not old lol, I'm not old and iv been here a year longer then you.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
15.04.2015 - 04:28
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 06.04.2015 at 14:55

Scritto da Brandyjack, 06.04.2015 at 13:39

You are exactly the specimen I was waiting for. You represent the pernicious plague of oldfags who demand that all supply them the importance that they believe is warranted. Newbies like what you describe exist, true, but a vast majority of them are just lost and clueless in what to do in a game where they are ostracized and treated like shit by faggots such as yourself. How else are they going to act if the exclusive communities of 3v3 and the like refuse to emerge from their shells to at least display some sort of veteran guidance to newcomers? You're all a bunch of self-righteous idiots, and it's freaking infuriating trying to show you the error of your ways, for you are blind to them and defend them maniacally.

1. learn to quote cwers and duelers dont just believe they are importand, but are in fact objectively importand, since they are at the top of the competitive arena this game has to of the food chain, deal with it.

3.Newcomers and noobs have everything they could possibly want here in the forums and nobody is treating them like shit. If they join a 3v3 without even first learning the basics, then its all their fault for being lazy idiots. Its about time noobs and lowranks stop crying because we dont take them by the hand and babysit them. Like we got any special treatement or training when we were little. We didnt.

We sucked it up and learn the game by ourselfs. Did we cry? No. Instead we trained and proceeded to rape old fags like the great Acquisce and tophats and eagle1812 and pera and others.
I want to have your babies, well said.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.

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