Dave with this snake Croat turned good competitive game into full noob, only farm game.
Kaska and snake Croat, converted mod team into circus.
Hellenism stayed random troll clan, without any kind of respect.
Enjoy your 8 clans tournament, when there's one and a half clan left.
Update: posted notice to Prestige
Scritto da NicK, 17.02.2022 at 16:48
Dave with this snake Croat turned good competitive game into full noob, only farm game.
Kaska and snake Croat, converted mod team into circus.
Hellenism stayed random troll clan, without any kind of respect.
Enjoy your 8 clans tournament, when there's one and a half clan left.
Crawl back to your ratwar shithole
Scritto da NicK, 17.02.2022 at 16:48
Hellenism stayed random troll clan, without any kind of respect.
What the fuck are you say idiot Serbian fat Boi penteri?!
Hellenism best clan with best persons, ur mortal gays trollsix and you runned the game with rushes like apes Poland turkey combo each game like soft bois as you are!
"People can be as dark as they want to be, but it's enough to intervene in a part of Greek life, so that it is immediately illuminated."
Friedrich N
Message deleted by atWar_Official. Reason: not productive, duplicate post
Just an information:
Prestige vs. Paradox
In 1-2 hours
Reading this thread was hilarious xD, croat stop being toxic, you need to be a gentleman like me  .
Scritto da Mobster, 17.02.2022 at 04:17
Scritto da Rock Lee, 17.02.2022 at 04:08
It's such a good vibe, I am sure he'll want to play lot more cws in our welcoming community 
Dude do you even play competitively anymore? xD The last time you played cws is like when we were in PARS or something.
Well thats a retarded thing to say, he has CWed and dueled more recently then your noob ass has xD, bend the knee to rock lee!
Scritto da sirivann, 19.02.2022 at 11:20
Well thats a retarded thing to say, he has CWed and dueled more recently then your noob ass has xD, bend the knee to rock lee!
Hey siri!
Also, don't bend to knee.
Scritto da sirivann, 19.02.2022 at 11:20
Scritto da Mobster, 17.02.2022 at 04:17
Scritto da Rock Lee, 17.02.2022 at 04:08
It's such a good vibe, I am sure he'll want to play lot more cws in our welcoming community 
Dude do you even play competitively anymore? xD The last time you played cws is like when we were in PARS or something.
Well thats a retarded thing to say, he has CWed and dueled more recently then your noob ass has xD, bend the knee to rock lee!
Better get your eyes checked D
Scritto da Mobster, 19.02.2022 at 15:28
Scritto da sirivann, 19.02.2022 at 11:20
Scritto da Mobster, 17.02.2022 at 04:17
Scritto da Rock Lee, 17.02.2022 at 04:08
It's such a good vibe, I am sure he'll want to play lot more cws in our welcoming community 
Dude do you even play competitively anymore? xD The last time you played cws is like when we were in PARS or something.
Well thats a retarded thing to say, he has CWed and dueled more recently then your noob ass has xD, bend the knee to rock lee!
Better get your eyes checked D
send cash via paypal  , i swear i will use it on checking my eyes and not other things....
Good games Hellenism, it was very fun and exciting, looking forward to next season and the upcoming finals
Update: posted notice to Hellenism and Epic Clan
Update: posted notice to Hellenism and Epic Clan
EC won 3:2, first 2 games didn't count for playoffs they played them just for fun without main team.
I swear this Bo5 helle vs EC was so good, 79 turns played, 3:2 for EC, all games were close. GG WP for both clans was fun to watch.
Forgot to put this to shame tchetnik AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
Scritto da Froyer, 20.02.2022 at 07:51
Forgot to put this to shame tchetnik AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

I will remain silent.. That was worst play by me since i play cw's ..
Scritto da Froyer, 20.02.2022 at 07:51
Forgot to put this to shame tchetnik AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

I will remain silent.. That was worst play by me since i play cw's ..
Didn't add your walled general stack the next turn waezfwezawfzeawfzeafwzea
Scritto da Froyer, 20.02.2022 at 09:25
Scritto da Froyer, 20.02.2022 at 07:51
Forgot to put this to shame tchetnik AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

I will remain silent.. That was worst play by me since i play cw's ..
Didn't add your walled general stack the next turn waezfwezawfzeawfzeafwzea
FUCK ME, Tchetnik you are so lucky I didn't see this cuz I was tryharding the fuck out of those games. Didn't even realise what they were talking about in chat and left it alone.
95% sure if I noticed those 2 events happening 1 after another I woulde rq the game.
And was confused whole game how isn't ukraine dead yet, suiciding 60 trops onto me in 3 turns...
Update: posted notice to Hellenism and Epic Clan
In first 2 games we agreed to play as friendly games and not playoffs!
EC won us 3-2 last night, we played 5 games in row!
So EC is in finals! Gg
"People can be as dark as they want to be, but it's enough to intervene in a part of Greek life, so that it is immediately illuminated."
Friedrich N
Update: posted notice to Hellenism and Epic Clan
In first 2 games we agreed to play as friendly games and not playoffs!
EC won us 3-2 last night, we played 5 games in row!
So EC is in finals! Gg 
Per your request we've disregarded the first 2 games and updated the bracket accordingly. As it stands now, you'll still need to play vs Prestige to determine 3rd place. We can extend the playoffs if you need more time, please just let us know.
Also in future seasons if you want to play just a friendly game, please do it as a regular game, not a CW. Right now we understand this system is still new, but in the future it will be 100% automated and the system will not be able to tell if you're playing a friendly game vs a real playoffs game.
Update: posted notice to Prestige and Hellenism
Update: posted notice to Hellenism and Epic Clan
In first 2 games we agreed to play as friendly games and not playoffs!
EC won us 3-2 last night, we played 5 games in row!
So EC is in finals! Gg 
Per your request we've disregarded the first 2 games and updated the bracket accordingly. As it stands now, you'll still need to play vs Prestige to determine 3rd place. We can extend the playoffs if you need more time, please just let us know.
Also in future seasons if you want to play just a friendly game, please do it as a regular game, not a CW. Right now we understand this system is still new, but in the future it will be 100% automated and the system will not be able to tell if you're playing a friendly game vs a real playoffs game.
Today in 12 hours from now we will play the games with prestige
"People can be as dark as they want to be, but it's enough to intervene in a part of Greek life, so that it is immediately illuminated."
Friedrich N