14.05.2015 - 16:13
Ok so we played vs MK an cuz of their inner rage and bitch nature ,helped with many games lost vs us they decided to cheat and all of aw world saw what they did ,when we asked for fair thing that they give us back that win they laugh ,when we pr-ed Ivan he didnt do anything ,when we asked mods they said they will ask Ivan ... Hello Ivan, I'm messaging you again for a new case i need help on ! We ( Cosa Hackers/Nostra ) were cwing Mortal Kombat. And this is what happened Turn 1 Steve Aoki Walls all my cities and Wfed my cap Turn 2 Steve Aoki takes all those cities and takes my cap As u probably know, this is some basic rule in cw that you don't wf/wall/enter the ennemy territory to ensure a fair fight. We were thinking of a troll or anything like that and were expecting a tie. But they kept going and of course they won this clan war. As we both clans are tied for 1st place. We are seeking for some repair. If you could first delete that cw and give points back to everyone and second send some warning to steve, we would be pleased. Btw, i'm pming cause my clan mates want to start a thread etc... but i think best way to get things done is directly pming you. I'm looking forward to your answer. Good luck for HTLM5. Truely hope you'll make it before september ! Zone ....So tell me whats the point of cw system and whole aw game if some prick clan can do whatever they want and get away with it .... i mean dont get me wrong we will get 1st place anyway if we decide to keep playing they are not threat at all they are just poor narb kids ,but when all of aw society atacked El and Soldier for PLAYING GAMES !!!!!!!!and banned them also WHY DA FUCK WOULD THESE IDIOTS GOT AWAY WITH THESE ! they ruined whole point of cw and cwing ....
---- Cuva BOG Srbina svog! ![]()
14.05.2015 - 16:19
Idk what to say, I still can't believe someone does such thing in cw (that's a cw for real???).... ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
14.05.2015 - 16:21
Desperate people can do anything trying to win i know ....but still its pathetic for real !
---- Cuva BOG Srbina svog! ![]()
(deleted) Account eliminato |
14.05.2015 - 16:23 (deleted) Account eliminato
You guys see somthing?Mauzer did same thing to us,wall bugged t1 ,they told they respect wall,i was uk,mauz fra and attacked full london t2,only Eagle was apologizing,andi n this cw Eagle isnt play,it is all....
14.05.2015 - 16:23
Ive said it before and ill say it again, i believe the no wf rules should be made official for competitive games. Here though... i dont know whats wrong with steve these days, but this is a bad refection on mk. i support that cw being reversed. that being said though ferr, you should probably avoid making "fuck you mod narbs" threads before appealing for their help :S
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(deleted) Account eliminato |
14.05.2015 - 16:24 (deleted) Account eliminato
14.05.2015 - 16:25
In my opinion... that's unaceptable, doesn't matter how desperate they might be.... idk what else to say...
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
14.05.2015 - 16:26
I agree now we wait to see what will almighy mods do ...
---- Cuva BOG Srbina svog! ![]()
14.05.2015 - 16:27
So first of all, u remember the next cw, when your guy went afk opi, nick left the game, and u didnt want the draw? And Mauz didnt move a turn because he thought u would tie? And then I ended up in a 3v1 cw, and yet kicked your ass. And even in that cw u tried wg all the game and Serbian walls, yet lack of skill prevailed. I dont see why u couldnt win that 3v2 cw, since Don left turn 2, if I managed to win a 3v1. So if we need to be punished, your whole clan should too.
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(deleted) Account eliminato |
14.05.2015 - 16:30
Wow......... you guys really need referees for your cws... how can you guys fuck up like that... it's a fucking game... I don't get it.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
14.05.2015 - 16:43
i disagree with adding this rule, you want people now banned for nothing ? in war game like atwar you dont have to play ethically fair if you want to win. if you know who is doing the dirty tricks, mark them and do the same dirty tricks and rip 'em up
14.05.2015 - 16:46
STRONG LIES.. Mauz DID his moves, but didnt attack opi in that cw when opi dced Whatsmore, talking about some lacking of skills between competitive players is just comic.. I can say you lack skills beacuse I have beaten you in duel... bullshit, isnt it ? Who cares if you won 2vs1, gg for you, but it doesnt allow you to become that cocky on us. And also, if we did this to someone, we would be crucified on 15 threads from all of you (just remember what happened when panteri cwed that rank 0 alt without upgrades) Be at least objective if you cannot be honest, cause i am bored of those lies and word wars on forums. Only fair thing: GIVING THAT ELO BACK TO COSA We wont be a victims of anyones inter clan fights which suddenly ended after 2 days when you both came back to MK. I am still doubting was that targetly done, but as I said, I dont want new wars, so let it stay on your inter clan fight
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14.05.2015 - 16:52
1. I wasnt directing this to any cosa member but ferlucci. 2. I dont see why u need to bring up duels since I have also beaten u few times. So to conclude, fer did almost the same thing the next cw, by trying to serb wall me and wg, except I came up on top of it. Sure u can remove our 10 elo we won, but then they should also remove the 5 farm games last season, and then remove the 1. trophy u got. I just want to point out that the thing we did was unfair, but as said, u did some pretty nasty stuff the next cw.
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14.05.2015 - 16:53
Lol eagle u are op mate ![]() ![]()
---- Cuva BOG Srbina svog! ![]()
14.05.2015 - 17:03
1. Trying to dig down my clanmate is like you are trying to dig me down, becuase I am part of something he is part too. 2. I brought up duels so you can see how pointless those words about lacking skills are, even you were pointing them only to Ferr 5 farm games? wow, now it raised on number 5.. Next comment it will be 15, I can bet. That was one game without upgrades (U know, so rank and earned upgrades means nothing). Same thing other clans did too (I have proofs), but no one cared. You only care about Cosa Nostra, because we have risen up so fast and achieved in 2 seasons what you achieved in 5. Just stop it, i told you, I expected even from you to be objective enough and say once you failed without connecting on it things that happened last season. Also, what you expected that we should tie you after that 'insulting' us with wallfucking and walling 1st turn? No, just no.
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14.05.2015 - 17:11
First i must say this : i am sry that Eagle and Mauzer are representatives of Serbs,trust me they are not good example and trust me we are not all like them ,so dont u all judge us by looks of them ... eagle ur lies are pathetic i never wg and serb walled in my life ,not even in 3v3 and all know that so yea keep talking maybe someone belives u ... also u talk about farming ? and u played 2 times vs outlaw proffesionals (ranks 3 and 4)and 2 times vs irish broterhood !?!?! also its not 10 elo its 12 and 12 so its 24 ,cuz i see ur math is bad and u even calculate when u cap dced player from turn 1 that u beat him....and none of this is point of the thread its simple u cheated u should get punished!!! we will rape u anyway dont wry . All best ,ur worst nightmare Ferlucci 1389 .
---- Cuva BOG Srbina svog! ![]()
14.05.2015 - 17:13
So... first, is there any rule about non entering enemy territory first turn? Second, when panter (your player) wfed enemy second wall by entering his territory and then broke his first wall, you were silent then? Nothing wrong there? That was also in cw. Third, Zone didnt deserved that one, but cosa did. And you, you with cosa are the last sukas to talk about us cheating and playing unfair. About el and sold there is rule against farming, not about forbiding entering enemy territory first turn. If you want to delete that cw then like... 60% of low ranked games and some of mid ranks duels should be deleted too. One more thing, i dont know why you keep repeating MK in this one. I understand that this was a clan war but i think i've repeated to you about 25-30 times that this was not planned action by mk or any other mk member except me.
14.05.2015 - 17:13
Coza members wfed Steve in some games so he got mad, also Ferr wfed Hamburg in one game, and attacked it next turn ( vs Eagle, who expected that lol, so he def.. ) Nice cry topic... Steve did what he did, i was for tie, but after so many wfs i dont care anymore. If Steve want we will reverse, also if he doesnt want i will support him.
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
14.05.2015 - 17:14
3 vs rank 0 and 2 vs ranks 4, 5,6 vs 10+, so incase I am wrong and 3+2 doesnt equal 5, then yes I must be exaggerating. You just said yourself why should we expect tie after that, so why should you expect your elo to be returned? Congrats on last season, I guess that we can say now that Cosa is better than MK, Illy, Syndi, SM, Dalmati combined, or what the hell, lets add up all the clans. You just cant compare yourselves after being active for 2 seasons, with clans that have such a big history in AW.
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14.05.2015 - 17:16
ever hear that 2 wrongs dont make a right, eye for an eye makes the whole world blind? Think about what you are saying. Turn 1 wfs would become the norm. Sure you can mark the player down and refuse to play them but in this case here the damage is done, high stakes games at the end of the season, mk now become more untouchable with their elo, cosa fall further behind. All they can do here now is cry about it on the forums., and they should, they were wronged. Also i never mentioned banning, all id suggest is maybe a screenshot with some proof and the victims could get the game removed. Wf t1 all you like in normal games, nobody cares.
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14.05.2015 - 17:17
Where is your problem than? If that wasnt planned by MK, MK should agree with giving back/removing that Elo. You are falling in your own holes
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14.05.2015 - 17:18
I am sorry, but if you are manly enough to use faggy bigwalls and shit ass rewallings. You should be manly enough to face this too. Some people in your clan used nasty things too, and I am not saying wfing turn 1 is ok. But I could understand why steve did this. I myself am also getting tired and sick of this current gameplaying... people farming elo, people farming clan elo, people farming sp. People rewalling, people bigwalling, people doing bugs/hacks/glitches whatever. Maybe its time to ban every player who hasnt been made in 2012 or earlier ![]() ![]()
14.05.2015 - 17:20
"Ne daj bože da se Srbi slože" (God forbid that the serbs unite) - Sultan Sulejman
14.05.2015 - 17:20
MK is at the top for last 6 seasons, so trolls are jealous.
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
14.05.2015 - 17:22
3 vs rank 0 ? There was 1 vs alt rank 0 without upgrades after which you made that famous thread 'Cosa farming' etc.. You are really talking contradictoric and bullshit things, now really. I cannot imagine someone with that big history in AW is behaving like a freak. We didnt even want to make a threads about you, tried to solve that on normal way with talk. Firstly with you from MK, we all got an answer go talk to Steve. We tried to talk to Steve, we got no answer. Than Zone sent a PM to Ivan to see what can be solved in a best way for us both.. He got no answer. And now, after Fer made a thread, you found excuses and defend yourself for those things in CWs. Sorry, but history is not written in that way.
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14.05.2015 - 17:23
If you look at the Mauzer post above he was kind enough to let decision of giving back elo to Cosa to me and only me. I feel like if i decide to give you back elo you dont deserve (just like last season trophy, some of this season cws... so many stuff bro), it would be like i regret what i did. And i dont. I seriously dont. You did bad stuff. When someone do bad stuff against you, dont cry. Man up.
14.05.2015 - 17:28
why bother admins to remove games in the first place? please note that couple months before we made the transition to atwar people could attack each other in first turn and we didnt had this rule "not to make wf or wall your opponent" rules with each other. the very fact that we cantt attack in first turn is what makes competitive gaming part fair for both sides, but it also had bad impact on the scenario part. also let me remind you that this is just a game and not real life, so here If you play dirty expect your opponent to play dirty against you
14.05.2015 - 17:28
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Sei sicuro?