23.01.2022 - 09:30
Does anyone have any ideas on how we can improve the current cw season? I think most would agree it is not competitive and its not active. What can we accomplish with the remaining competitive players? Please don't bring up past topics, rebellions, players, etc... These are questions for current active players and moving forward, not rehashing old topics. What can we do with the players here now to make the cw season and scene better now and going forward?
23.01.2022 - 14:04
Well, as you know i have IRL job and i can be sometimes active in afternoons (USA Central Time) and all afternoon/night in weekends. Maybe as there are very few coalitions by now we need to schedule CW's and agree on the settings on that schedule (ie if classic 3v3 cw, 2v2 cw, ancient cw, 3k cw, etc), and obviously, know which players will be avaible for those cw's.
23.01.2022 - 15:01
It is true we are all grown ups now, but most of us are splattered across too many clans. Most 3v3s are 6 players from 6 inactive clans. I know it's not the reason for the declining, but if we could form another clan with the semi-active and barely-active players it will be an addition too.
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23.01.2022 - 16:48
SP Police could compete but we need some good players. Only active ones I have right now is cruz2016, MTF, OGuardian, and NotBabyYoda. 12axis might join us soon but even that probably isn't enough
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
23.01.2022 - 19:02
We can think whatever about those people personally, but that crisis crap of those guys had an affect on competitive base (talking about number of cws and loss of some good competitive players). Changes regarding their questions are basically done, which every of you who are around on a daily basis can notice and confirm, especially about moderating and certain people being out from making actions on their own. I think staff is literally behaving as 'rebels' willed since the feedback announcement was made and are following what was promised in it. Even they are free to do it anytime (and part of myself would like that to happen), I don't think 'rebels' are going to appeal and come back to play in this, more composed atWar, connected to less toxicity, but less moderating as well. I personally think that fine compromise was done and could only go better in future, but what to do, here we are where we are. IMO, the answer on your question is generally simple. Shuffling players from one clan to another or similar bullshit won't produce you more players. It can only quench your desire to have better win/loss ratio. Bringing new players to competitive scene will. And there are plenty of them who are active daily. At least from what my eyes saw. Like, who stops you (or us in general) to make a deal of recruiting 3-4 new-comers per clan, training them and bringing them slowly into cws. In couple of seasons they're already made players with pretty strong basis (like it was with Wolv, Johnny, Mobster, Jund, Tesla, Ahmad, Pheno, Bosnjak, Kerpeten, Lola etc. few seasons ago when Jugers and myself made inner deal to focus on new guys and push them into cws). The rest is their own will to develop their skill. Some of them might be new Tophats or can suck like Lelouch ( ![]() I won't have a problem with helping each other in achieving that goal. I mean, I would bring myself fully into it. I have no problem in seeking guys for other clans as well as for mine, to train whoever of them, independently of clan they belong to or pushing them into cws. Especially if we're all together in it (we = leaders/officers of currently active clans). Imo, it doesn't have to be always WD+FRO+CRO+LELO vs. TUNGSTON+ALPEN vs. EAGLES+LUCIFER+LEV vs. GUTS+ZAPPA+DOMI vs. BELLA+PROFE+APE vs. GF+JOSIP+KHAU+TCHET and so on. I would gladly combine new guys into that. And if so, patience is important. It takes some weeks or months to be achieved. But if me and Jugers alone could do it, I dont see a reason why we all couldn't do even better thing. EDIT: I can also already provide names of some new guys who came and who are thugs in activity. We could award them nicely (in like Prems or Protos).
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23.01.2022 - 19:30
Croat, I think this is all good. And honestly, we should always be trying to recruit and train. Its hard, and honestly your one of the BEST at it. But its hard, takes time, and takes seasons to get somewhere. All of that is good. But those solutions i feel don't address the immediate. Don't get hung up on breaking up your clan. Maybe there are other solutions out there? I think so, we just have to think of them. Lets be creative as a community and come up with real solutions. How do we make the current cw scene more competitive with the current player base? Keeping the cw scene competitive is important for the whole community. If we don't have competitive clans, we lose another pillar of this game, and another thing dies. Yes, we must recruite and train, but we must do more than just that. Those solutions take too long and have been tried and failed time and again honestly. The competition in this game is out of balance, and a lot of poeple in the community feel it. Croat, Do you think the current cw season is competitive? And is that good or bad for the community?
23.01.2022 - 19:37
Nevermind, I'll do it on my own and you keep seeking for non-existing solutions of rising activity with same 20 guys. Classic flowing from hollow to empty
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23.01.2022 - 20:03
WP Croat, Better to dodge the question than have to answer to why you think having a clan 25-1 is good for competition ![]()
23.01.2022 - 20:34
I'm not dodging the question (??); I literally gave you a solution which you don't want to accept because it takes time as you say. In the other words, it's not served to you immediately, so you won't bother going for it. Who would like to lose some time training and sticking new guys to CW scene when we can try pushing the idea of getting Paradox main team players to join another clans so we can satisfy our desire for better W/L ratio (or read it to lose less). Sounds as super mega intelligent solution how to make activity and clan wars better. Clap Clap 5 times. It's so simple: Paradox having 25-1 ratio? Try harder Paradox having good main team? Train better Paradox having good amount of midranks and newcomers? Recruit more You talk like 3 seasons ago I wasn't alone with Karlo and Mobster competing and try harding. Struggling and seeking for a win. It never came to my mind to pressure ENIGMA to give me PleaseMe or Cold Case. To pressure Prestige to give me Lion Sin Escanor. To pressure MK to give me Mauzer or Osix. To pressure Mirage to give me Froyer or Lelouch. To pressure Bosniak Legion to give me Swans or Trystane. They were just better, I was giving my best season by season. Nothing has fallen from a tree on my head. And btw, you provoked me now to bring 10 new guys just to Paradox. I cant wait to have 10 more guys to have fun around in competitive games and bring them in. All on my own, while you will still be crying about not being capable to beat us or decide to avoid me because I look like an asshole now to you, together with my 'stacked' clan... but you're wrong. Maybe one day you will look over the wall realizing that tears about Paradox ratio won't help the situation. This will: ![]() ![]() ![]()
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23.01.2022 - 21:38
Croat, I posted this thread cause the competitive balance of the cw scene is off, and we can acknowlegde that and try to find solutions, or we just say we like it this way and we ain't going to do anything. I really don't think breaking up all clans is the best solution. But your really fixated on "breaking up paradox". This isn't a personal thing, this a concern within the community (that others have voiced) and I am finally voicing in the forum for the purpose of discussion and hopefully solution seeking. Also, I am troubled by how you view paradox. I think you view paradox as something organic and homegrown, and in so many ways it is. You really did build a wonderful clan full of wonderful poeple. My concern is that you forget you ALSO had a clan merger that really put your clans talent over the top. There is nothing wrong with this. Its fine, just acknowledge the HUGE benefit your clan got from that. And no one is bad for doing this. Its just how everything has played out and where the community is now. So to do things REALLY like you did it I ALSO need to find a clan like mirage, and get some all time great players (and cool poeple) to merge? You should add that to your list of simple steps, i think its very important to acknowledge in paradox's success.
23.01.2022 - 22:33
Ain't your clan leader Huarrck? Try to bring him back. I believe Huarrck-Tung and another player (maybe ghostface) can be a strong competetion for now.
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23.01.2022 - 23:04
I mean if you want to have a better team, train thats how WD, Lulu, croat and I got good, it will take more than 1 season but yeah you can't magically be at top tier players level in 2 weeks. If you need good players now, dig out old players. About merging mirage and paradox, that was actually great for us mirage players, we couldn't play more than 30 cws and mirage 60 cws, but in paradox last season I've played 99 cws thought it would never happen again.
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23.01.2022 - 23:16
Nah prestige is tung's clan for months already
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24.01.2022 - 11:37
Whole time #1 you talk how there is only you and Alpenglow to cw from your clan and yet you refuse to recruit anyone and spend some time making them strong teammates. Whole time #2 you keep repeating how you want more people and activity for better cws, yet again, you want to rotate only existing players to hop from clan to clan so it's more 'equal'. Which definitely doesn't help in activity or variety of people. As I said, it can only repair your win/loss ratio. Whole time #3 you talk how it's not only about Paradox breakup, yet you were pushing only it's members to leave the clan. Go merge with Enigma or someone if you feel you will be stronger, I don't care what you gonna do with your clan. But it's not you who will make decisions for my clan and we talked already about it. I'm definitely not gonna be your waiter who will serve you whatever you want by ruining my own, just because you feel poor since you win less than your winning desire wants. Go train, go recruit, go merge, lower your mistakes, develop your skill, polish your team-gaming or something. And stop glorifying me and my clan, we are not some gods; I suck more than you think as well as every of us. But we made our team-gaming very good just because we have trained together and we talk and make plans while playing. We show each other's mistakes after every cw. Literally. While you choose to moan how someone is better and not balanced with you, yet you dont want to change anything which takes more time than swapping players. Basically, you want a change, but you don't want to change ![]()
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24.01.2022 - 12:26
I mean... that's quite possibly the most useless question you could be asking. Why? Because what change is gonna happen if you stick to the same old boring players? Nothing, same people will keep doing the same old stuff. You guys created the problem, accept it and move on. As Croat states, bring new talent to the table and maybe they'll act in a different way as to bring new competition, it's your ONLY and last hope.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
24.01.2022 - 15:12
Competition is dead, at this point it's like 3 no life players shooting the dead body of noobs, laughing, feigning tough success and pretending ignorance when called out. Being 25-1 against all of these noob clans is not a flex, it's an embarrassment, it's like that old Comedy Central skit of a college linebacker wrecking the make a wish kid in the end zone, it's not fun, it's not respectable, it's not competitive or skill intensive, but it's like shooting fish in a barrel, and they like it. How to fix this? 2 options 1. Quit, eventually the 4 Atwar players who treat this game like a day job won't have anyone to play, and maybe they'll split up their boring monopoly and play eachother, but that's hard no one wants to play good players anymore. (Ironically all these bum players were upset when Illyria and MK were filled with active skilled players and called for the breakup of the old mega clans, now that they can break meaningless records it's okay and they're just really close!!! Grade A hypocrisy) 2. Dig out old elite players (very unlikely), they've either moved on, have been banned, or worse. These elite players have a gravity of bringing back multiple players with them, just 2-3 of these players coming back could bring back a chain reaction 15-20 elite tier players across the board to actually have some fun again. Like I said very unlikely. Training new players is not an effective solution, this game is too niche and time intensive for that to work, they don't actually care enough, Croat inviting new players is just for show, it's like Jeff Bezos going to the warehouse for pictures, it's meaningless and a publicity stunt. You're gonna have to find a real way to fix it, because the comp scene has been laughable since Covid, and is a joke of a corpse since "the crisis". It's funny too because if the crisis was successful, there would be 3-4 more clans at the very least playing (not the point) Anyways I don't *really* care, it's just sad to see such blatant farming and disregard for the health of the game, I understand you couldn't achieve anything during the glory days, but have some mercy on less skilled players it's a joke, you're not going 25-1 against illy or aristo or mk, you're farming noobs, it's laughable. Croat please don't respond with some stupid emotional paragraph, I won't read it Anyways whatever
---- A Lion does not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep ![]()
24.01.2022 - 15:35
How it's not effective solution? I don't want to sound pathetic now, but Jugers2 alone had brought all these players into competitive scene only in 2 seasons: Lola, Kerpeten, Johnny, Temour, Kamp, Casablanca. Myself alone brought guys like: Mobster, bosnjak9 Jund, Rawadzz, Teslastonks, Pheno, WolverineX. And I dont know if I forgot someone. Enigma has risen LuciferStar and Lev Davidovic. Those are around 15 people who competed normally in CWs, neither Jugers, neither myself were ever on MK (use them as example) level who never wanted to recruit anyone, even seeked for money to come in their clan. HOW you never stated the same thing to Mauzer, for example, when he ruled the scene and 'shooted in corps' of other clans with his two clanmates? Majority of above mentioned players became standard cwers and some of them are still cwing around and being active. Few of them are main players of their clans. So, explain me normally, without pointsless discrediting, how it's just for show?
I think you are aiming in the blank. Who ever said we would have 25-1 against Illy, Ariso or MK? I've literally written the same thing as you did, in another words:
Like, it's not that I wouldn't like to compete again with limited intellect Mauzer, spoiled kid Osix, reasonable Acqui or 'kebabs' Opi or Panteri. On the contrary, I would be glad if they come back once, which isn't likely to happen. Shuffling current players isn't going to rise activity, neither make more clans competing. Actually, only logical option is to bring more people into clan wars. I know you want to call on karma that might hit people you don't like here regarding less competitive activity, but it's something expected and irrelevant atm.
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24.01.2022 - 15:55
If the active players were 16 years old then it would sound like a reasonable arguement. Bur you expect grown ups who barely find time for 4-5 cws a week to raise the players who would beat you? While havinvg 3% win rate against you? How long would it take to 'raise' them? 2 years? What will you do in that time? Saying "There are x active players and the way they are splattered does not change it" is like saying "when picking ukraine you get 6700 coins. It does not matter what you do with it". Does it not matter really? Is it fair to expect the last remaining players to train and accepy new players while offering such a poor solution and acting like you hold no responsability for the situation? Did you make the same arguements when Illyria was dominating?
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24.01.2022 - 16:03
How I'm responsible? What do you want me to do? Stop competing because we win more than others? Are you retarded or you just want to act so? I literally couldn't touch Illyria when it was dominating (LAO, ACQUI, WD, 4NIC, SKEND, FROYER, INVISIBLE, DBACKS... all in one and same clan), I was struggling in clans that were in the middle or at the bottom of the leaderboard. I sucked hard together with my clanmates, we barely had chance in any of clan wars against them, but I NEVER came on idea to pressure Illyria to shuffle their players to other, less good clans so the situation on scene is more balanced. Your points are so god damn contradict to each other, they're being like laxative that makes me go take a shit right now
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24.01.2022 - 16:12
I was never in illy's prime I was litteraly r5-8 during prime illy, but yeah you're right prime illy and prime mk both won 3 seasons in a row, even if mk camped 2 of them but lets not talk about it.
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24.01.2022 - 16:15
I'm not saying you should dissolve your clans. I don't even think every clan should aspite to be #1. But we have real problem here of new players who want to become part of the scene and don't know how. I just say that telling new competetive players that if they are stuck in 3% winrate and fail to enjoy this scene they should just raise new players and figure how to get good is kind of how to call it... cynical? Did you really raise Witch-Doctor? Didn't you have Ferr and opi to give you an hand when you made your first steps? Personally, I swore to quit gaming, but maybe in 3-4 months I will make a commitment and see how I can help. It may be blunt instinct but I don't want this place to die.
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24.01.2022 - 16:15
Doesn't matter with or without you, it's a fact Illyria had the most strong fucking competitive team of like 7-10 people who were ruling the scene so hard. Mortal Kombat as well, no in that quantity, but who could touch MAUZ, EAGLE, DON, MECOY, HEAT..... No one, like literally no one came on fucking idea to make them shuffle their best team with other clans just because other's sucked compared to them. It's an absolute non-sense.
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24.01.2022 - 16:17
I wish I can understand what you are talking about
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24.01.2022 - 16:18
Yes Illyria became a monopoly when the two most active/serious clans have merged. I assure you people looked for any possible way to disperage them for that.
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24.01.2022 - 16:23
Look. I am not trying to attack you or to make you angry. I am just trying to explain to you that this cocky attitude will not motivate new players to become part of thr scene. This is not 2018. There are barely 2-3 active clans, so if you don't want to chase them away the least you can do is to be honest and not to write ever again such shameful comments.
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24.01.2022 - 16:23
If i played serious i carry any clan but also we should get rid of lelouch hes toxic
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24.01.2022 - 16:38
I dont think we will be ever close to spring 2020 Season and by far you litteraly had 6 clans with 1100+ elo and last day of the season first place changed 3 times. But when I see people crying that paradox is stacked but dont even try to beat us, its annoying af, just train and get good, if you still can't beat us try harder. Use croat as an example this guy in 2020 and before was laught by all comp community lol now he's a top tier player.
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24.01.2022 - 16:42
croat is at best mediocre, i could easily beat him
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24.01.2022 - 16:47
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24.01.2022 - 17:53
I was trying to stay away from this thread, but I believe that at this point many key points have been made that should be taken into consideration by the administration and staff if they (still) have any respect and love or affection left for the game and its community: (a) Rock Lee is correct in saying that many of us have lives outside of the game, it's not like I always have 15 hours to train, memorize measures and countermeasures and then yes in a CW led by me and some other noob we manage to defeat a Croat, a WD or a Lelouch. Even the level I currently have that many of you may consider laughable I have achieved in over 5 years of playing sporadically competitive, I really hope someday to be skilled enough in the game to beat someone of Croat's level alone. b) Another point that is inevitably being made and it hurts to mention it but there it goes, is how unfriendly moderation has been with banned players, it's almost February and I haven't seen a single one of them back in the game. And let it be on paper that I have always tried to be in contact with them but they themselves qualified my ideas as "too soft" or "that I was not assertive enough" as they were. Anyway, it would already be a delight to see at least one of them back in the game. c) I don't think anyone has touched on this point but maybe other types of settings should be taken to make cw's attractive to new players, the playoffs have been standardized to only EU+ 10k and have left out many other interesting settings like Eu 3k, Ancient or even cw's on other maps (but I think maybe this is solved by the amount of cw's needed to qualify, which I guess if they can be any of these types). Another point that would attract newbie players to the competitive and CW scene would be that they would earn more SP or more protocoins, even if a yawn was given to EU+ 3v3 games I think it would attract new players.
Sei sicuro?