28.03.2011 - 13:47
Since standard unit ideas and ideas for new strategies are sequestered into their own specific threads, I figured why not the same for people who want to suggest new upgrades? I was thinking of Faster Militia and Faster Tanks to go with the Faster Marines, Infantry, Subs, Destroyers options. Also to open up the Expendable [ X ] upgrades to more units, at a much higher sp cost than the cheaper units of course. Finally a unique upgrade that I think would interesting is Industrious General: Unit costs are reduced by 10 for troops produced in the city the general is in. Weekly maintenance cost would stay the same to keep it unique from General: Cost. What do you'll think? and do you have any upgrades of your own you'd like to see?
28.03.2011 - 15:26
Honestly I kinda have a little problem with the upgrades. It makes the game way to experienced user friendly... The real problem is that now that I'm becoming an experienced player, it pains me to say this. Honestly, an insanely expensive upgrade (like 150k or something) would be the ability to produce certain rare units after you have found them. This list would reset every game, and there would be limits on what units you can make i.e. you find forest brothers. now you can make them(pretty expensive). When you go in ur next game, you can't make forest brother anymore. But you find any type of missile. these you wouldn't be able to make... What do you think?
---- ...
28.03.2011 - 21:38
I think the idea of upgrades is not to get them all but to get the ones that help you in the strats that you like the best.. so more may be better.. if the more were lower cost for our new friends.
28.03.2011 - 21:39
Or maybe a system like an RPG where if you go down one path then it locks the others.. that could be a great idea...
29.03.2011 - 05:40
Hell you could make 100"S of them if you wanted to alowing each player the ability to cosomize there own stratagy. BUT REMEMBER this is how you get unballance in the game fast. so you need to consider that you cant make a unit broken by stacking verios upgrades on it. Some i would propose are Advanced Radar(citys can see stelty units ferther and non stelths) Heavy Armour: Tanks get +1 Defence or hit point Nuke subs and ships: harder to detect due to lower sound to listening devices(radar would not be affected though) Transport bomber: alow you to carry bombs Nukes or long range missles in transports towable ships: adds the ability for all boats to move 4 infentry in a small tow behind craft lowering its range when infentry are on bord and with subs they would loose stelth during towing. Anti-Special Ops: your Merine can act as spyes and see other stelth units at a further distance Advanced spy plain: Longer spot range for stelths armourd jackets: +1 defence for militia AK47:+1 attack for militia Forign aid: you get 10% bonus to your income form a unknown forign country every week or build turn. Mineing Melitia: increse income in citys where you have melitia by 10% Entrenchment:+1 defence for land units Not tanks. fortified city: Alows you to fortify a city giving units there a + to defence but lowering its income.
---- Where's the BEEF!
29.03.2011 - 06:33
There are so many spelling mistakes in your post. I cannot take it seriously.
30.03.2011 - 02:38
Personally I would like to see allot more upgrades but you have to chose which you want to use in a game. So you would 'tag' 6 that can be used for your next game instead of everything being used. I hope we will see something like this system for cards. Upgrades you buy with SP will probably not be changed now, lol I dunno. Then again I have seen allot of people with a high rank who much have most of the upgrades and they still lose allot of the time because of a lack of skill. Btw commenting on spelling and not the actually content is really quiet obnoxious. (mine is really bad, why oh why do you not work on win7 firefox checker)
03.04.2011 - 11:24
I think for the general, you need to categorize them. You can only have one activated from a category. Just some examples below: Attack bonus General: Attack Bonus (+1 attack to all with general) General: Infantry Attack (+1 Attack plus one extra when attacking a city with general) General: Tank Attack (+1 attack plus one extra when attacking a city with general) General: Bomber Attack (+1attack plus one extra when attacking a city with general) Defense bonus General: Defense Bonus (+1 def to all with general) General: Infantry Defense (+1 defence for infantry plus one extra when in city or in defence line with general) General: Tank Defense (+1 defence for tanks plus one extra when in city or in defence line with general) Economic Bonus General: Weekly Cost (-4 cost for every unit in the stack of the general) General: More men (+1 reinforcement in every city of a country when general is in capital. Additional +1 when city normally has 3-6 as reinforcements +2 when city normally has 7+ as reinforcements) General: Income bonus (+25% bonus in the country your general is when in capital) Movement / Viewing Range bonus General: Movement Range (+1 movement range to all units in stack) General: Viewing distance (+2 viewing distance to all units in stack) Leadership: General: Income Fanatic (+10% bonus to every country you own when general is in main capital) General: Reinforcements Fanatic (+10% more reinforcements to every country you own when general is in main capital) General: Commander (+1 attack to all units in his default viewing distance when he is attacking, +1 defence to all units in his default viewing distance when he is defending) Or if you don't like that idea, perhaps add some of these new upgrades? Especially the "Main Capital" upgrades can be work out to be something awesome. As far as I have seen everyone keeps his/her general in the main capital.
06.04.2011 - 08:15
Not really all you got to do is kill the general and they loose all the upgrades for the remainder of the game.
---- Where's the BEEF!
07.04.2011 - 14:03
Still if you can stack all of these specific upgrades I have listed a general would just be too overpowered. Plus it makes you decide to pick one or another, just something you find more important. Thats why I think a general needs 5 slots: Attack Defense Economic Movement Leadership Or something like that.
07.04.2011 - 20:47
All those are not gonna happen, it just give germany, turkey a better start in europe, and makes it even easier for them to control the map.
10.04.2011 - 16:35
It would be nice though if there are more choices for generals. Do know that the examples I have given are just merely that, examples. They are not balanced at all and therefore a 10% bonus may be actually be changed to a 4% bonus to make it balanced. Currently you mainly use your general to give a stack a bonus. If you can choose to pick a general that focuses on buffing your reinforcements / gold instead, that would be nice. Of course it would have to be one or another, not both. What is of more use? 6 units more in a country per 4 weeks or a stack which gets a buff of +1 attack and +1 defense for each unit? Or perhaps a bit more gold to be able to buy those extra tanks? Getting more reinforcements is getting more attack/defense however being in a stack with a bonus may be lethal too, as these units will last longer and you can always add new units to it. And a gold bonus may be very useful as this may just give you those extra units to win a battle. It really depends on a players preference and the current situation the player is in to determine what would be the best. I think that if you nerf the percentages and the reinforcement bonuses that they will be as good as an stack attack / defense bonus.
01.06.2011 - 19:22
I'd like to see an infantry and militia upgrade called Anti-Tank mines. It gives them +1 defense against tanks. Then there would be one for Naval units called Sea Mines that would allow +1 defense against naval units. There is already one for Aerial Units, anti-air. What do you think?
06.06.2011 - 16:12
Ice breakers for subs, destroyers, and transports up in the northwest passage and the Arctic sea.
06.06.2011 - 16:45
29.07.2011 - 06:10
Too difficult technically, and why would you even want to go there anyway?
29.07.2011 - 07:53
new warfare and sneaking subs around for a surprise attack:)
06.08.2011 - 07:12
I think that you should add heavy tanks from a rare unit, to one as an upgrade. Heavy tanks would be slower, and have 6/6 attack and defense, but they get a +1 defense and attack vs tanks. They would cost like 200 coins. I also think that you should add anti tank infantry to the game as well, they provide a +2 defense against tanks, but not versus heavy tanks. They would cost 150 coins.
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06.08.2011 - 17:28
yeah but why spam tanks when you can spam Heavy Tanks? or why spam regular infantry when you can spam anti tank infantry theres a reason they are rare units maybe you wont spam them right away but once you have asia or america your unstoppable
---- "Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword" -Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
06.08.2011 - 17:31
I want seal team 6 as a rare unit only found in pakistan they would be like partisans except better range ![]()
---- "Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword" -Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
06.08.2011 - 18:18
no you could get terrorists though seal team 6 would be in america
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07.08.2011 - 14:26
I know, SEAL Team 6 should have a special ability of insta-killing the "partisan" units and any militia not in cities! Now that would be awesome! ![]()
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
28.08.2011 - 10:34
It would be nice to carry conventional bombs. They have 0 movement, so they have to be loaded onto transports. They also get 10 attack and 1 defense, but they will need other ground units to take cities. Or they can be a demolitions team with 2 movement, 9 attack, 2 defense, and the ability to take cities. Cost is 170-190, perhaps? And how about some city defense units with 0 movement, 1 attack, 8 defense, cost is 100, maybe?
---- "There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made." -The Silmarillion
07.10.2011 - 08:55
I agree with the idea of bombs. It would be nice to be able to build a unit similar to "broken missile". High attack, low defense and like 1 movement or so, so you can still keep your transport when you bomb a city. Or simply: While there are units that can transport other units, if all units would have "slots to carry some kind of special equipment" so you can load additional bombs, radars, anti air guns, missiles, scuba suits, better engines or whatnot on to existing units. You could build that special equipment just like troops but it wont move on its own nor will it be of any use unless fitted on to a unit / town.
08.10.2011 - 21:45
Will there be more upgrades?? Kinda sucks for players like zizou and pinheiro who have all of them and have no way to spend their available sp. Here's a few i would suggest. > Lucky tanks (+1 ARB) > Faster tanks (+1 movement) > Expendable tanks (-10 cost) > Stronger subs (+1 attack) > Sub capacity 2 > General HP (+1 HP to all units in general stack) > +1 movement range for transports > +1 movement range for air transports > Cheaper Anti-Aircraft (-20 cost) This could add a new dynamic to the game such as; building anti-aircraft in small map/short funded games. It would also add strategy, options and extra tactics to the game.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
09.10.2011 - 02:00
Nice idea KonstaantinPats!!! ![]() What about a new Strategy? Something like: Silent Hunter (Submarines cost - 50, Submarine +1 vs destroyer, Submarine +1 Def) I know not many sea games but, we don't many sea upgrades...
25.12.2011 - 11:45
More movement range for air transports? You gotta be kidding. That will make blitz almost invincible in USA
02.01.2012 - 19:02
I love this idea Anyway, I was thinking, We need a "Stealth General" option, where, when not in a city, the general is stealth, so you can have more of the same benefits while using strategies like MoS.
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