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Death1812 Account eliminato
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
Support learster last stand bonus
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
^ is what is killing world games thanks to cpt magic & company
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
I can see a bright future for AW
Probably get a bonus in when you get eliminated, maybe get to keep 75% of sp gained instead of 50%
Great idea: 100-75-50-0!
100 75 50 0 sounds good, someone should make a thread suggesting the idea.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
you have much to learn young one.
AlexMeza Account eliminato |
AlexMeza Account eliminato
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
LOLOLOLOLOL. Okay this made my day, again. LOL.
Games like Warcraft 3 had a feature: when you join a FFA you're automatically renamed to Player X, so no one can contact you. Perhaps it could be an option bought with protocoins? Whenever someone joins a game created this way, they're automatically incognitoed and chat is disabled.
Scritto da Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. 
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
And my earlier point is utterly reinforced by this message.
Wath the OP describes is the reason why I stay out of all FFA games, be it Scenarios or Standard map. It seems impossible to get any fun out of them, because either you end up surrounded by 4-5 lowranks who all ally up against you and fag you to death, or if their turn 3 all units rush fails, they leave instantly, so no SPs are to be gained any more.
In fixed team games however, especially in large scenarios like WW1 or WW2, a single guy quitting or missing up usually doesn't ruin everything and ally fagging is not possible either.
But as long as there is no real punishment for quitting and no way to enforce rules to not allow ally fagging, the situation will not improve, and it seems like the AtWar makers are unwilling to do anything about this.
- When starting a game, give an option to only allow players with less than X quitting rate
- Add a locked rules option to disallow rule revoting during game
- Give SP bonus maybe for players staying the longest in a game, like last one left gets X, 2nd last a little less than X and so on.
-> Most of the problems would be solved.
Reduce the worldmap to all non premiums -> problem solved
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
Scritto da Lemonade, 01.03.2014 at 07:37
Reduce the worldmap to all non premiums -> problem solved 
You are part of the problem, Dickface. You quit games already after only loosing your general even tho you could play on for an hour still. Changing world maps to premium only won't change a thing about that.
You are right, somethimes i leave a game without any reason...
"Changing world maps to premium only won't change a thing about that."
i know, only change this won t change this. an other reason is the "collateral damage" i can choose between "fight against my direct opponent and destroy my futur economy forever or allyfag him and reduce my radius of operation. After i killed this people next to me, i perform a risk analysis.
If the rest opponents are more than twice as big as me, ill leave the game. Thats the main reason why i left so many games after i killed my direct opponents.
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
I really don't know where this comes from, when you are one of the biggest complainants about the current world game situation?
Does it become any less of a good game only because you can't win it anymore? Yesterday we had an incredibly high-ranked stacked FFA world game, where for the first 27 rounds I fought it out with Desu alone in East-Asia, while Pakistan was slowly creeping up on us. We both knew that we would be eaten up by Pakistan eventually, yet we kept on fighting each other and it was probably the best world game I had in years.
I also find it highly disrespectful towards the other players to just abondon a game so early in. What if we both had left at that point, leaving East-Asia for Pakistan to grab? The game would have been ruined for the 5-6 or so players still left. I really question your motifs there, son. A "good old world game" is not only defined by your chances of winning it. It's first and foremost only about playing it.
Atleast have the decency to play on. You never know what might happen in such a game, which is the biggest single factor that makes world games so incredibly good.
Scritto da learster, 01.03.2014 at 09:36
I really don't know where this comes from, when you are one of the biggest complainants about the current world game situation?
Does it become any less of a good game only because you can't win it anymore? Yesterday we had an incredibly high-ranked stacked FFA world game, where for the first 27 rounds I fought it out with Desu alone in East-Asia, while Pakistan was slowly creeping up on us. We both knew that we would be eaten up by Pakistan eventually, yet we kept on fighting each other and it was probably the best world game I had in years.
I also find it highly disrespectful towards the other players to just abondon a game so early in. What if we both had left at that point, leaving East-Asia for Pakistan to grab? The game would have been ruined for the 5-6 or so players still left. I really question your motifs there, son. A "good old world game" is not only defined by your chances of winning it. It's first and foremost only about playing it.
Atleast have the decency to play on. You never know what might happen in such a game, which is the biggest single factor that makes world games so incredibly good.
Honestly, I fully agree with learster! By the way learster that was surely one of the best world games anyone has seen in a while. I was useless and extremely weak though.
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon
Spart is love
What you need to understand is that once a game becomes "popular" specifically ftp games. More people join because it's "free" rather then because they want to be good. This results in the ratio of noob to ok to pro level changing. The amount of Noobs rise the "ok" people rise aswell and the pro players rise aswell. The only problem right now is the "ok" and pro people (in theory) do not overmatch the number of noob players. This hinders the ok group from growing and as the situation deteriorates. Pro players start to leave. Luckily, from my perspective, UN has mostly bottled up the noob players as they don't bother to ruin other peoples games, or they have started to learn the way of the pros and have become average. Also, the ratio of noobs to everyone else is not as extreme as in the description above, but it is a bit close. Congrats, I have wasted 3min. of your life reading this thing.
ALL is fair in love and war. SO GET USED TO IT!
You opinion is not recognized as being valid.
Games like Warcraft 3 had a feature: when you join a FFA you're automatically renamed to Player X, so no one can contact you. Perhaps it could be an option bought with protocoins? Whenever someone joins a game created this way, they're automatically incognitoed and chat is disabled.
I was also thinking about this, Just to disable the chat but would be kinda boring :/.. I kinda dont know how to fix this secretallying tho..
Games like Warcraft 3 had a feature: when you join a FFA you're automatically renamed to Player X, so no one can contact you. Perhaps it could be an option bought with protocoins? Whenever someone joins a game created this way, they're automatically incognitoed and chat is disabled.
Absolutely love this suggestion, I think this would assist in a lot of the problems experienced in ffa. Of course some extremely dedicated alliance player might still contact his buddy on skype and ask which country did you pick? Please don'y attack india, that's me lol.Still love the suggestion though .:):):)
"When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you."
― Stephen Richards
Worldgames should get back, RPS SHOULD GET OUT
Nero Post: 3756 Da: USA
RP best world game!!!!!
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
RP, best income,lots of reinforcment, But I hate Diplomacy games, " i declare war on...". ruins surprises attack
Scritto da Htin, 14.07.2014 at 19:52
RP, best income,lots of reinforcment, But I hate Diplomacy games, " i declare war on...". ruins surprises attack
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
Sorry for ruin your fun, but most RP units( like the "tanks" you use) are Ground: Other type of unit. RA boost Ground: Main attack units, therefore, your tanks categorized as "Ground: Other" doesnt get any boost from the strategy even if they are "tanks".
Scritto da learster, 26.02.2014 at 04:47
Scritto da Cthulhu, 26.02.2014 at 01:47
I admit, the large map scene has not been doing to well, partly because people don't have the patience like they used to. New players, more choices. Why play a game if you believe you stand a better chance in a new one is the mentality people have.
However, I want to point out, that there are many times I came close to losing, but manage to turn the tide and crush my opponents. I suggest all players to stay to the end, because that was the mentality of the old players of lore. We are the players that stick to the end, and this is one of the reason how we became good.
I wish more players would do that, as this is what makes a truly great player. Yet I got news for you: start a world game with many high ranked player and you will still end up with an empty game by turn 10. They are just the same little shitheads.
Personally I don't really see the issue with losing a game, as being defeated in a heated battle is almost always more fun than instantly joining the next best game. It should be about actually playing the game and not chasing down the SPs. Maybe it would be beneficial to the quality of the game if we got rid of SP altogether, or if the SP penalty on losing a game was lifted.
Another idea would be a "last stand bonus", that is some sort of bonus for fighting until the end and holding out until the enemy captured and held your capital for 2 rounds. Little kids today are like dogs, they need to be rewarded for everything they do, even if that is losing.
It sound strange for me that such words comes from highranks. I mean, at least most highranks who play 3vs3, are used to say " you lost germany. GG we lost." " Lol you failed kiev and your 105 stack got destroyed. GG we lost". " he capped you with 50 units... nothing we can do let leave". My response was away the same: " Why?". They say " lol is about time you'l die." And yet I dry up because money, troop, or any other factor. HOWEVER I also had turned so many 3vs3/ cw games that people though it was a sure loss into a great victory, or at least, a close fight. Even remember when me and laochra where fighting in asia, you already had full europe + middle east and capped pakistan. I told lao " if we stop this fight now we can still beat learster. he say " learster full europe too OP. better kill each others and have some fun lol. I told him that I will leave all my suff emply but he to at least try, but he say " nah I am leaving anyway" and emplied indochina for me ( where you was actually landing with neaby full india city). It was a tough match but in the end I made the impossible, I made you lose india, . I surrender turn 47 because game was over by ~100 SP difference, but even in those condition I grave a good fight didnt I?
Is about to know when to surrender and when to no... In most chases is good to never surrender but you cant exagerate it at the point of a WWII where we had to take 7 turns for kill brazil since he say " fight until the end" when all his allies left/lose.
Support the last stand idea, however, in scenarios it shouldnt be implemented.
Eh, my biggest issue is what happens 10-15 turns into a world game. If I fought and killed 3 people in asia, I'm left with minimal units that can't face the incoming waves of 50-200 unit stacks from those who have expanded those 10-15 units instead of fighting. This can't be directly blamed on allyfagging. Sometimes there really is nobody to fight. Sometimes people in the same continent as you quit before you have the chance to fight. Sometimes people had noobs that were easily run over instead of having to face stronger players. The only viable solution I can think of is expanding the maximum amount of players to 30 or even 40, but keep this option for only world map. More players=more fighting=balanced unit count.
Eh, my biggest issue is what happens 10-15 turns into a world game. If I fought and killed 3 people in asia, I'm left with minimal units that can't face the incoming waves of 50-200 unit stacks from those who have expanded those 10-15 units instead of fighting. This can't be directly blamed on allyfagging. Sometimes there really is nobody to fight. Sometimes people in the same continent as you quit before you have the chance to fight. Sometimes people had noobs that were easily run over instead of having to face stronger players. The only viable solution I can think of is expanding the maximum amount of players to 30 or even 40, but keep this option for only world map. More players=more fighting=balanced unit count.
no. Just no. If we accept 30 or 40 people. It will take twice the time of UN to even get started. Then 2 hours later we finally get started. Then the game is getting MORE AND MORE allyfaggs/peacefaggs (because ofc peace isnt worse than ally? -.- stupid people) and its just a shitload. 20/20 worldgames ARE really well balanced. 5/20 worldgames arent. 10/20 worldgames arent. The 18/20 worldgames ARE. Mostly atleast 2 or more people in atleast every continent (besides africa/australia most of the times) .
And clovis.
I wish more players would do that, as this is what makes a truly great player. Yet I got news for you: start a world game with many high ranked player and you will still end up with an empty game by turn 10. They are just the same little shitheads.
Personally I don't really see the issue with losing a game, as being defeated in a heated battle is almost always more fun than instantly joining the next best game. It should be about actually playing the game and not chasing down the SPs. Maybe it would be beneficial to the quality of the game if we got rid of SP altogether, or if the SP penalty on losing a game was lifted.
Another idea would be a "last stand bonus", that is some sort of bonus for fighting until the end and holding out until the enemy captured and held your capital for 2 rounds. Little kids today are like dogs, they need to be rewarded for everything they do, even if that is losing.
And clovis. Most of these ''high rankers'' who say ''gg we lost'' are those ''look-at-me-trolls'' like syrian and stuff. never but never trying to actually end a game and just leave the game. Lame ass stuff.
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
I can see a bright future for AW
I miss unbanned unleashed :<
Scritto da Waffel, 20.01.2015 at 08:21
Worldgames suck. Scenarios are the only place to get SP. Playing UN with RA as a strat, and you're basically unstoppable.
I can see a bright future for AW
I miss unbanned unleashed :<
I miss old Waffel