Khal eesi you guys got electiricity back in greece now?
Khal for mod.
Khal for mod.
Yes. #Khal4Mod <3
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon
Spart is love
No, khal is poor. Sorry. Vril was 1st poor mod and will be last one. Sorry <3 xoxoxo
Well, its sad cuz only players with full prem can become mods.
Scritto da Goblin, 19.04.2014 at 15:44
Why did Cthulhu lock coalition wars topic about JNA vs ancients CW?
It's really none of your concern.He done a right thing.
Wow thanks for being so constructive. Its really none of his concern right! Well its everyones concern. If you don't allow people to talk about it is a huge concern and is an example of mod abuse that we are talking about.
If you think he has done the right thing you should explain how and why. Seems you are raging more than anything else.
I don't know what is wrong with people here ...... Waffel is right about mod abuse. Like what was the exact need to lock thread on Ancient vs JNA. If you stop people from discussing things, you in retrospect are becoming a bigger problem. In game muting people for being a racist makes sense. But threads that are on topic don't deserve to be locked. I would certainly like to hear more arguments from either side.
If you look at this thread itself you will find so many troll comments that have nothing to do with the context. Nobody cares about them and this game forum is full of them.  My point being you should never disallow people from talking as long as they are not being offensive/racist.
Well, its sad cuz only players with full prem can become mods.
It doesnt really matter if a player doesnt owns premium as long as the person who uses the account is considered appropriate for the position it won't block him from getting mod status
we already had a mod without premium called MajorKill and some other current mods who got chosen before they bought full package
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon
Spart is love
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
Black Shark Account eliminato |
Black Shark Account eliminato
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
You did past offences, which is why you got muted longer, I believe.
Scritto da Guest, 15.07.2014 at 14:11
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
You did past offences, which is why you got muted longer, I believe.
Well if a guy like you keeps on attentionwhoring and quoting everybody and starting shit. What you expect?
Scritto da Waffel, 15.07.2014 at 17:21
Scritto da Guest, 15.07.2014 at 14:11
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
You did past offences, which is why you got muted longer, I believe.
Well if a guy like you keeps on attentionwhoring and quoting everybody and starting shit. What you expect?
Lol somebody is mad.
Scritto da Tundy, 15.07.2014 at 18:14
Scritto da Waffel, 15.07.2014 at 17:21
Scritto da Guest, 15.07.2014 at 14:11
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
You did past offences, which is why you got muted longer, I believe.
Well if a guy like you keeps on attentionwhoring and quoting everybody and starting shit. What you expect?
Lol somebody is mad.
You? I still wonder how it feels to get banned for what? 2 years?
Black Shark Account eliminato |
Black Shark Account eliminato
Scritto da Waffel, 15.07.2014 at 17:21
Scritto da Guest, 15.07.2014 at 14:11
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
You did past offences, which is why you got muted longer, I believe.
Well if a guy like you keeps on attentionwhoring and quoting everybody and starting shit. What you expect?
0/10 not even bothered
Inb4 waffel is mad, because mods spanked him
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
Paste offences.
If only Greece had a dollar for every thread waffel made about mods and the shitty state of atwar,..
Black Shark Account eliminato |
Black Shark Account eliminato
If only Greece had a dollar for every thread waffel made about mods and the shitty state of atwar,..
You have earned the title: ''Kinda Hot Fire''
If only Greece had a dollar for every thread waffel made about mods and the shitty state of atwar,..
You finally get it. Thats why khal isnt playing anymore. I made him rich
Scritto da Waffel, 14.07.2014 at 19:06
Fk off. Guy mutes me 2 months all chats except pr for a link I shared in room chat. V-dog shares the same link in global and gets 1 week mute in ONLY global? Still ''fair modd''? Gtfo.
~Desu muted me 2 days in roomchat for a link I pasted wrong, and 7 days in global for share another link.... I know I dont have a good history, so I yet deserve this or even more larger mute. The problem comes when I asked him " Why the others that posted the same link in global didnt got banned too?" he response: "Because you was the target, so I only saw your logs. Idk about the others".
With this I can make a though about how Mods do their job:
*) They see a player abusing.
*) They go to check the player's log in search of another abuse.
*) They mute depending of the #N of warning/mute of the player. Fact is that more mute/warning = longer time.
*) Also, they stop warning players when they already have a certain number of mute/warnings.
I am not sayding this is bad.... But Mods only check the log of the player's they saw abusing, and not all the logs. Therefore, only the player they saw get punished, and the others are let free. I suggest that when a Mod see someone breaking the rule, they check ALL LOGS and not only the player's log in orden to take actions against The trolls in plurar, not the troll in singular.
Another thing Mods should improve is also this, the notification I got when I got muted:
I didnt understand nothing, serious.I was talking nice in clan lobby then I went to main lobby.... I couldnt talk. I reset page and notice all my channels goes off. I though it was a bug so I used /report. Nobody replied at the start so I got angry and reset many times, even cleared cache. I was like this until ~Desu explained me it was a mute on all channels and how it work.
I think the notification need improvement, should be like this:
" Dear user,
You had be muted for x time on all public channels. Reasons:
[ here explain what he did bad, and if possible some reference with the Rules Guideliness. Also must specific the channels he cant use, and the ones he can ( like Pr's and clan)].
Global for:
[ here the same, I dont have knowledge if global is considered as public channel, but since he put on me different times on game and global, I think it is a different channel].
For avoid futures mutes, please follow the guideliness [ here a link for guideline] and be respectful to other players. Cheers!
Also, I didnt received any notification of " you had be muted for **** mins" in game, this is somenthing strange for me since the mutes comes with this right?
I know this is off-topic, but Maybe Ivan could has specified why I got 200 protocoins?. I just saw my tropies and the 3rd place of 5k eurasia reward is, effectively, 200 protocoins. Somenthing like:
You had received 200 protocoins from ivan.
Reason: 3rd place in the 2 mins 5k eurasia tournament [ and here a link to the tourney].
Talking on-topic, I have a mid look of ~chulhu. Yes I had see him do good suff, but I also had see him begin un-nice on chats. The most bad record I have of him occured yesterday, there was a disturb on help channel and I reported many times to ~Mods. only chulhu was on, and since he is usually afk I didnt pr'ed him in the start. But later on I saw his porfile he is playing, and I pr'ed him with "hi" and he replied back "hi" in some seconds. Then I told him " There are many disturbs on help channel. Can you tell them to stop please?". From this I got no reply, nor he speaked on help channel. The disturb lasted 10 more mins until the troll feed up enough and stopped abusing. Did he went afk? Maybe he had somenthing to do? I dont know because we are humans. But that grave me a bad record of him.
Also support Columna and MOU. there is no need to make a topic about this on forums. You could talk with him on private.
Desu Post: 898 Da: Canada
~Desu muted me 2 days in roomchat for a link I pasted wrong, and 7 days in global for share another link.... I know I dont have a good history, so I yet deserve this or even more larger mute. The problem comes when I asked him " Why the others that posted the same link in global didnt got banned too?" he response: "Because you was the target, so I only saw your logs. Idk about the others".
We can't tell if you accidentally pasted a wrong link or intentionally pasted a link only to later claim it was an accident. People sometimes report when they see channel abuse. When they recognize a name they've seen abusing before, they usually report them more often. If I see 3 reports saying your name, and not others because they aren't recognizable(to the people reporting), I'm obviously going to mute you. We do punish the misbehaviours we see ourselves on different levels. Perhaps I only pr'd or warned another person doing the same thing, while I would use the harshest possible punishment I can for the more known offenders.
I am not sayding this is bad.... But Mods only check the log of the player's they saw abusing, and not all the logs. Therefore, only the player they saw get punished, and the others are let free. I suggest that when a Mod see someone breaking the rule, they check ALL LOGS and not only the player's log in orden to take actions against The trolls in plurar, not the troll in singular.
If mods took a look through every scrap of information in the logs there'd be quite a bit more mutes. It's essentially a flood. We'd burn ourselves out if we continuously tried catching every little thing. We do try sometimes, and it does happen where we hit 10 people in a chat with warns/mutes, but not all the time. Makes sense that we'd punish constant abusers more, right? The ones that are always reported? It stops the instigators, the ones who start off spam fests.
I think the notification need improvement,
I agree. The format we have for this isn't the most efficient.
Talking on-topic, I have a mid look of ~chulhu. Yes I had see him do good suff, but I also had see him begin un-nice on chats. The most bad record I have of him occured yesterday, there was a disturb on help channel and I reported many times to ~Mods. only chulhu was on, and since he is usually afk I didnt pr'ed him in the start. But later on I saw his porfile he is playing, and I pr'ed him with "hi" and he replied back "hi" in some seconds. Then I told him " There are many disturbs on help channel. Can you tell them to stop please?". From this I got no reply, nor he speaked on help channel. The disturb lasted 10 more mins until the troll feed up enough and stopped abusing. Did he went afk? Maybe he had somenthing to do? I dont know because we are humans. But that grave me a bad record of him.
Also support Columna and MOU. there is no need to make a topic about this on forums. You could talk with him on private.
I totally agree with clovis.. Sometimes when I asked cthulhu something I got no reply back, i asked why he didnt answer back because i saw he wasnt afk, he said: because i dont have to. Nor do i get any notification anymore about any mute/ban/whatsoever. I have to simply SS every fking convo i have? because otherwise they call me a ''liar'' or, no proof is no truth? lmao.
Forgot about this thread. lol dear lord.
Waffel, you sound like a child begging for his ice cream.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
Scritto da Desu, 16.07.2014 at 19:37
We can't tell if you accidentally pasted a wrong link or intentionally pasted a link only to later claim it was an accident.
I already say it was an accident( the roomchat one), but knowing the situation, my words were too hard to believe in theses circumstances. Also you worked according to actions, not words. That is a correct desicion and I also will believe in your actions as moderator now, because I trust this type of judge: Actions/proof, not words. I accept my punishment, but I was taking it for introduce this situation, the main part of what I was talking off:
Scritto da Desu, 16.07.2014 at 19:37
People sometimes report when they see channel abuse. When they recognize a name they've seen abusing before, they usually report them more often. If I see 3 reports saying your name, and not others because they aren't recognizable(to the people reporting), I'm obviously going to mute you. We do punish the misbehaviours we see ourselves on different levels. Perhaps I only pr'd or warned another person doing the same thing, while I would use the harshest possible punishment I can for the more known offenders.
If mods took a look through every scrap of information in the logs there'd be quite a bit more mutes. It's essentially a flood. We'd burn ourselves out if we continuously tried catching every little thing. We do try sometimes, and it does happen where we hit 10 people in a chat with warns/mutes, but not all the time. Makes sense that we'd punish constant abusers more, right? The ones that are always reported? It stops the instigators, the ones who start off spam fests.
Yes I do support that the people who was muted/warned should be punished harder every time, however, I think is wrong for you to say " the ones who get reported" and " true if we check every information in the logs there'd be quite a bit more mutes". I would like to explain how the trolls generate other trolls with this very popular rule from the website I came from for play AtWar:
I kinda had some Mods friends there, since I was very curious I asked - and got - some suff about how their Moderator system work. They do hit the concurrent offenders like here, but they also take actions against the "new leaf of trolls". One of them told me once: " If you see two players breaking the rules and you punish the concurrent offender but leave free the clearn one, then he will break another rule, and another, and sucefull turn into troll.That is why I like to warn them from the start. "
This is why I think Mods should also put special attention to the first-time trolls, because we get nothing punishing harder 1 troll while 5 new trolls came to live. Some people hate ~VRIL because he punished for the very minimal reason. You say "hi" in global and doesnt matte how clearn history you are, but the " You received a warning from ~VRIL " or " you had be muted for 15 mins" will come. Same with those [gl] (someone): CW? and fuck you (player name) or [gl] (someone): join (game)! do no join those shitty maps with poor borders <3. But now, they are starting to miss ~VRIL, because sadly, the number of trolls has raised considerably.
I dont like, unless requested or a friend, to tell people how to do their job. So just take what I say as a Tip, fell free to play attention to them or no.
Scritto da tophat, 16.07.2014 at 20:22
Forgot about this thread. lol dear lord.
Waffel, you sound like a child begging for his ice cream.
I am one. I want justice bitch! ;_;
Whats the point of this topic? waffel trying to have revenge at the mods? lel