Hi everyone!

Today we are announcing something that some of you, quite rightly, thought will never ever be released.
It is the Alpha Version of atWar Map Editor!
Available here: https://atwar-game-test.com

Yep, that's right, better late than never, as the saying goes .
This is just the initial public release and over the coming weeks/months we aim to polish it and make it in every possible way better than the current Silverlight Editor. And to achieve this, we are asking for your help. Please go ahead and give it a good test, see if there is anything that is not working, buggy, or just plain wrong and log your findings in the new atWar testing forum. There is also a forum for general testing discussion, where you can leave your feedback and discuss the new editor.

I must stress that none of this would've been possible without the massive help from our brilliant new developer - Clovis. So, everybody, please give him a big round of applause! Thank you, Clovis!

Right, now off you go, give it a good spin, let us know what you think and log any issues you find (remember about the new forums).
All new accounts get premium by default on the test server, so you can access all the game features, including the Map Editor.



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Commenti: 99   Visitata da: 3116 users
09.01.2018 - 23:17
Scritto da knights of geton, 09.01.2018 at 21:54

I am sorry. i didnt mean to offend you. i wasnt asking to take credit for something i didnt do. i will go away and let you folks be all serious about your free stuff. thanks for the response. i dont need to have any more interest in a game that is free and get accused of plagiarizing when i havent done anything. cya

Map editor is a premium payed feature, and nobody accused you of plagiarism, only that your idea could lead to plagiarism.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
09.01.2018 - 23:50
Scritto da Helly, 09.01.2018 at 23:17

Scritto da knights of geton, 09.01.2018 at 21:54

I am sorry. i didnt mean to offend you. i wasnt asking to take credit for something i didnt do. i will go away and let you folks be all serious about your free stuff. thanks for the response. i dont need to have any more interest in a game that is free and get accused of plagiarizing when i havent done anything. cya

Map editor is a premium payed feature, and nobody accused you of plagiarism, only that your idea could lead to plagiarism.

its not plagiarism when the map creator doesnt own it in the first place. everything in this game is intellectual property of atwar
10.01.2018 - 00:17
Incorrect, this was a hotly debated topic in the past, and even though it is property of atwar, ivan has given us entire autonomy over our maps, as we offer a service to the community for free, which bring more players. So no we can't sue anyone but yes we can decide whether or not you can copy our maps. We can delete every single map you guys play no matter if it has thousands of plays, as long as we are the creator we are in control of what happens to the maps.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
10.01.2018 - 02:05
Keep this clean and civilized please.
10.01.2018 - 07:28
Does the alpha map editor not allow saving? When I try to save it, it says 'Unknown error'. I also cannot save changes to my map on the regular map editor on the website here, it says it is "Saving map data" until I close the window.
Blitzkrieg enthusiast. That's all you need to know.

10.01.2018 - 11:11
Thanks you, Clovis
10.01.2018 - 21:52
Scritto da K_Bigglesreich, 09.01.2018 at 23:50

Scritto da Helly, 09.01.2018 at 23:17

Scritto da knights of geton, 09.01.2018 at 21:54

I am sorry. i didnt mean to offend you. i wasnt asking to take credit for something i didnt do. i will go away and let you folks be all serious about your free stuff. thanks for the response. i dont need to have any more interest in a game that is free and get accused of plagiarizing when i havent done anything. cya

Map editor is a premium payed feature, and nobody accused you of plagiarism, only that your idea could lead to plagiarism.

its not plagiarism when the map creator doesnt own it in the first place. everything in this game is intellectual property of atwar

so the map in question, is a clone of another map. i dont know what clone of a map is exactly but perhaps taking a map and making some changes to it. and the person that cloned that map has not been on for 280 days. maybe its an abandoned map. maybe he can be sent a fedex package asking for permission to take it and play with it since he doesnt want to. and probably copied it from somewhere else anyway. and how many apology letters should be sent to the governments of the world for using the boundries of their countries to make maps with. since we are worried about the rights to maps so seriously. so, hellykin, how many games have you played that have maps that are property of governments or video game companies, geez, this is probably why there are so few players that stay with the game. high rank fuckers get their shit all offended.
10.01.2018 - 22:12
Scritto da knights of geton, 10.01.2018 at 21:52

so the map in question, is a clone of another map. i dont know what clone of a map is exactly but perhaps taking a map and making some changes to it. and the person that cloned that map has not been on for 280 days. maybe its an abandoned map. maybe he can be sent a fedex package asking for permission to take it and play with it since he doesnt want to. and probably copied it from somewhere else anyway. and how many apology letters should be sent to the governments of the world for using the boundries of their countries to make maps with. since we are worried about the rights to maps so seriously. so, hellykin, how many games have you played that have maps that are property of governments or video game companies, geez, this is probably why there are so few players that stay with the game. high rank fuckers get their shit all offended.

Just do whatever you want lol, no map creator will be bothered to delete a map made on the test server. Keep in mind that any test server maps can't be transferred, so you can basically just make whatever you want on it
10.01.2018 - 22:19
Scritto da knights of geton, 10.01.2018 at 21:52

Scritto da K_Bigglesreich, 09.01.2018 at 23:50

Scritto da Helly, 09.01.2018 at 23:17

Scritto da knights of geton, 09.01.2018 at 21:54

I am sorry. i didnt mean to offend you. i wasnt asking to take credit for something i didnt do. i will go away and let you folks be all serious about your free stuff. thanks for the response. i dont need to have any more interest in a game that is free and get accused of plagiarizing when i havent done anything. cya

Map editor is a premium payed feature, and nobody accused you of plagiarism, only that your idea could lead to plagiarism.

its not plagiarism when the map creator doesnt own it in the first place. everything in this game is intellectual property of atwar

so the map in question, is a clone of another map. i dont know what clone of a map is exactly but perhaps taking a map and making some changes to it. and the person that cloned that map has not been on for 280 days. maybe its an abandoned map. maybe he can be sent a fedex package asking for permission to take it and play with it since he doesnt want to. and probably copied it from somewhere else anyway. and how many apology letters should be sent to the governments of the world for using the boundries of their countries to make maps with. since we are worried about the rights to maps so seriously. so, hellykin, how many games have you played that have maps that are property of governments or video game companies, geez, this is probably why there are so few players that stay with the game. high rank fuckers get their shit all offended.

Your barking up the wrong tree, if the map is copy able by default, then you can copy it, if the map is not copy able by default you must ask permission. If you don't like the way things are then pm an admin your concern, I simply told you how things are and you somehow took offence.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
10.01.2018 - 22:21
Scritto da Player 999, 10.01.2018 at 22:12

Scritto da knights of geton, 10.01.2018 at 21:52

so the map in question, is a clone of another map. i dont know what clone of a map is exactly but perhaps taking a map and making some changes to it. and the person that cloned that map has not been on for 280 days. maybe its an abandoned map. maybe he can be sent a fedex package asking for permission to take it and play with it since he doesnt want to. and probably copied it from somewhere else anyway. and how many apology letters should be sent to the governments of the world for using the boundries of their countries to make maps with. since we are worried about the rights to maps so seriously. so, hellykin, how many games have you played that have maps that are property of governments or video game companies, geez, this is probably why there are so few players that stay with the game. high rank fuckers get their shit all offended.

Just do whatever you want lol, no map creator will be bothered to delete a map made on the test server. Keep in mind that any test server maps can't be transferred, so you can basically just make whatever you want on it

Maps are not copy able by default, the creator has to make it that way, thus giving permission. What this guy is suggesting is taking everyones work and making it copy able always. Which is rediculous.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
11.01.2018 - 01:50
Scritto da Player 999, 11.01.2018 at 00:35

Scritto da Helly, 10.01.2018 at 22:21

Maps are not copy able by default, the creator has to make it that way, thus giving permission. What this guy is suggesting is taking everyones work and making it copy able always. Which is rediculous.

He probably just means taking the same map image from google that the mapmaker used, and making his own map from it that is similar to the mapmaker's map. I do agree that mapmakers should keep some semblence of control over their maps; but Knights of Geton probably just means making a map that is similar to another map. In any case, even if he were to fully copy a map, the map would be stuck on the test server and the admins wouldn't allow it to be moved, so no harm done to any party. Come on, don't be mean to rank 5s, they don't know any better XD

Please go and actually read what he said before making assumptions.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
11.01.2018 - 09:47
Holy fuccc
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

11.01.2018 - 09:48
Scritto da clovis1122, 08.01.2018 at 03:55

There you go, guys!

''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

11.01.2018 - 10:56
Who cares about map editor, we need new op updates
11.01.2018 - 12:55
Scritto da Ghost, 11.01.2018 at 10:56

Who cares about map editor, we need new op updates

Many care about it
just look at forum theards from last year
Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished.
11.01.2018 - 14:48
2015, is this you?
11.01.2018 - 18:52
I can't wait until this is out of alpha and beta. I'm glad you guys have started working on the game again, even if it did seem to take a little push from members of the community.
11.01.2018 - 19:02
Scritto da Guest, 11.01.2018 at 13:31

Scritto da Ghost, 11.01.2018 at 10:56

Who cares about map editor, we need new op updates

i want the radio !!!

Copyright issues :/
11.01.2018 - 19:22
@Staff Team
Does everyone have premium on the test server?
11.01.2018 - 21:24
Scritto da Xanxth, 11.01.2018 at 19:22

@Staff Team
Does everyone have premium on the test server?

Yes they do

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
12.01.2018 - 02:11
 Amok (Amministratore)
Just a reminder: keep logging them bugs, people, we'll sort them out. If you want the Map Editor to be released ASAP, then we need you to give us all you've got, no withholding!
12.01.2018 - 10:51
Will this solve the issue of SL maps being turned into HTML code, and bugging it out in the forever loading screen in SL and error loading paths in HTML? if not, the damage is done already, but this is great to hear that a editor will be coming now.
13.01.2018 - 04:56
Seems wonderfull
13.01.2018 - 20:21
Aww why'd you disable the Silverlight one? Can't make a map for the live servers at all now.

Can you at least add an import/export function so I won't have to completely re-create the map again when you push it live?
17.01.2018 - 02:35
Now, I can come back. Thx
17.01.2018 - 07:01
Scritto da Amok, 12.01.2018 at 02:11

Just a reminder: keep logging them bugs, people, we'll sort them out. If you want the Map Editor to be released ASAP, then we need you to give us all you've got, no withholding!

Once people can actually save you will have many more people willing to try it out. As of now, it's a hastle to even make maps and even more of a pain to make a map that won't even save.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
17.01.2018 - 22:37
Scritto da Helly, 17.01.2018 at 07:01

Scritto da Amok, 12.01.2018 at 02:11

Just a reminder: keep logging them bugs, people, we'll sort them out. If you want the Map Editor to be released ASAP, then we need you to give us all you've got, no withholding!

Once people can actually save you will have many more people willing to try it out. As of now, it's a hastle to even make maps and even more of a pain to make a map that won't even save.

Would like to hear what is not being saved, other than the units (we're already working on this one).
17.01.2018 - 22:57
Scritto da clovis1122, 17.01.2018 at 22:37

Scritto da Helly, 17.01.2018 at 07:01

Scritto da Amok, 12.01.2018 at 02:11

Just a reminder: keep logging them bugs, people, we'll sort them out. If you want the Map Editor to be released ASAP, then we need you to give us all you've got, no withholding!

Once people can actually save you will have many more people willing to try it out. As of now, it's a hastle to even make maps and even more of a pain to make a map that won't even save.

Would like to hear what is not being saved, other than the units (we're already working on this one).

It's on the testing server which amok said won't be ported over, hense it why I said what i did.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
23.01.2018 - 17:28
Can we please have an option where some units can be linked to factions and some to territory? It would be fun to have roman legions and auxiliary type units.
23.01.2018 - 17:29
Also a better dynamic for air units would be great (to simulate flight range perhaps)... that way aircraft carriers and airbases could be implemented
23.01.2018 - 18:44
I do not understand, I have to create a new account or enter with my real account, is it like another platform or what?, explain me
23.01.2018 - 21:35
Scritto da okamitotsuki, 23.01.2018 at 18:44

I do not understand, I have to create a new account or enter with my real account, is it like another platform or what?, explain me

test server
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
29.01.2018 - 22:25
Department of National Defense (DND)
01.02.2018 - 12:43
Time To buy Premium Again, But now Lifetime

01.02.2018 - 22:07
Scritto da Banjo, 23.01.2018 at 17:28

Can we please have an option where some units can be linked to factions and some to territory? It would be fun to have roman legions and auxiliary type units.

That is already possible on custom maps under the old system, so I hope that it would be possible with the new editor.
Embrace the void
03.02.2018 - 01:59
No, I mean within one map... Some units being linked to territory while others to faction. That is not possible as it stands. You have to choose between the two,.
18.02.2018 - 08:47
 Nedris (Mod)
Hi everyone, i've been having some huge issue due to the fact that when i try to create a new map (from the map page) it leads me to a new little window saying that i must install Microsoft silverlight that i already had installed but still it doesn't seem to detect it, then i try to use the link here to the html5 but it doesn't work cuz it say that i'm not logged in and when i try to log in it say me that my account doesn't exist that looks even more senseless.. any help pls?
21.02.2018 - 18:31
It would be important to have the option to copy previously created maps
21.02.2018 - 18:38
Scritto da Porteno_valpo, 21.02.2018 at 18:31

It would be important to have the option to copy previously created maps

That already exsists, all the creator has to do is check a box and people can copy the map. Most don't though because we don't want people taking our idea and making it there own.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
21.02.2018 - 18:54
Scritto da Nedris, 18.02.2018 at 08:47

Hi everyone, i've been having some huge issue due to the fact that when i try to create a new map (from the map page) it leads me to a new little window saying that i must install Microsoft silverlight that i already had installed but still it doesn't seem to detect it, then i try to use the link here to the html5 but it doesn't work cuz it say that i'm not logged in and when i try to log in it say me that my account doesn't exist that looks even more senseless.. any help pls?

This is for the new html5 editor, your trying to access the old silverlight editor, most browsers don't support silverlight anymore. Which browser are you trying to use?

Secondly you have to make a new account to use the html5 editor because it's on a test server which requires a new account. All accounts on the test server have premium, but no maps will be ported over when the editor leaves the test server.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
21.02.2018 - 20:40
Scritto da Helly, 21.02.2018 at 18:38

Scritto da Porteno_valpo, 21.02.2018 at 18:31

It would be important to have the option to copy previously created maps

That already exsists, all the creator has to do is check a box and people can copy the map. Most don't though because we don't want people taking our idea and making it there own.

I made 5 maps with the nickname of porteno_valpo.
I went to the alpha version with the nickname of: heroearaucano.
I would like to copy my 5 maps and improve them in the new alpha version.
How can I copy the maps from this version to the alpha version?
21.02.2018 - 20:44
Scritto da Porteno_valpo, 21.02.2018 at 20:40

Scritto da Helly, 21.02.2018 at 18:38

Scritto da Porteno_valpo, 21.02.2018 at 18:31

It would be important to have the option to copy previously created maps

That already exsists, all the creator has to do is check a box and people can copy the map. Most don't though because we don't want people taking our idea and making it there own.

I made 5 maps with the nickname of porteno_valpo.
I went to the alpha version with the nickname of: heroearaucano.
I would like to copy my 5 maps and improve them in the new alpha version.
How can I copy the maps from this version to the alpha version?

That is currently not possible as the new alpha is on a diferent server. But if you want to copy your maps there is a box in the map settings that you have to turn on to be able to.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
22.02.2018 - 04:38
 Nedris (Mod)
Scritto da Helly, 21.02.2018 at 18:54

This is for the new html5 editor, your trying to access the old silverlight editor, most browsers don't support silverlight anymore. Which browser are you trying to use?

Secondly you have to make a new account to use the html5 editor because it's on a test server which requires a new account. All accounts on the test server have premium, but no maps will be ported over when the editor leaves the test server.

Thx, i tried with Internet explorer to use the silverlight old version, but still it didnt work keeping to show the error ->server disconnected.
I guess i will try doing a new profile thx just one more question, i was wondering if the map that i can make with the new html5 could actually be used in the normal atwar server we play, if not is there any option i could use to allow it to be played on atwar?
thx thx thx
22.02.2018 - 11:16
Scritto da Nedris, 22.02.2018 at 04:38

Scritto da Helly, 21.02.2018 at 18:54

This is for the new html5 editor, your trying to access the old silverlight editor, most browsers don't support silverlight anymore. Which browser are you trying to use?

Secondly you have to make a new account to use the html5 editor because it's on a test server which requires a new account. All accounts on the test server have premium, but no maps will be ported over when the editor leaves the test server.

Thx, i tried with Internet explorer to use the silverlight old version, but still it didnt work keeping to show the error ->server disconnected.
I guess i will try doing a new profile thx just one more question, i was wondering if the map that i can make with the new html5 could actually be used in the normal atwar server we play, if not is there any option i could use to allow it to be played on atwar?
thx thx thx

Unless they change there minds, amok said no maps on the test server will be ported over.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
22.02.2018 - 11:50
 Nedris (Mod)
Ok thx very much for the help now idk how i actually manage to reach the mapmaking with silverlight then i will go on that direciton
03.03.2018 - 12:15
When I put in my acc it says account does not exist for the alpha do I have to make another acc?
01.05.2018 - 07:36
One question, making cenarios is available? maby I dont remember how to do it...
09.06.2018 - 00:54
Hellraiser, me estas diciendo que debo crearme una cuenta adónde?
tienes el link?
Yo me hice una cuenta con otro nombre, me parece que en la nueva versión y cuando fui a clonar el mapa mundial de amok e Ivan, me salía el maldito mensaje perder la ruta.

Compañero, mi objetivo es rehacer mis todos mis mapas en HTML5 y crear un nuevo mapa.
Todos mis mapas (menos el de Chile) se basaban en el mapa mundial de amok e Ivan, pero ahora no hay forma de clonar dicho mapa.

En fin, podrías enumerar los pasos que debo realizar, para cumplir con esos objetivos?
(Al menos para crear un mapa nuevo con base en el mapa mundial de base)

De ante mano, agradezco tu apoyo.
13.06.2018 - 00:55
Scritto da Porteno_valpo, 09.06.2018 at 00:54

Hellraiser, me estas diciendo que debo crearme una cuenta adónde?
tienes el link?
Yo me hice una cuenta con otro nombre, me parece que en la nueva versión y cuando fui a clonar el mapa mundial de amok e Ivan, me salía el maldito mensaje perder la ruta.

Compañero, mi objetivo es rehacer mis todos mis mapas en HTML5 y crear un nuevo mapa.
Todos mis mapas (menos el de Chile) se basaban en el mapa mundial de amok e Ivan, pero ahora no hay forma de clonar dicho mapa.

En fin, podrías enumerar los pasos que debo realizar, para cumplir con esos objetivos?
(Al menos para crear un mapa nuevo con base en el mapa mundial de base)

De ante mano, agradezco tu apoyo.

No habla espanol

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
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