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Postato da Ferlucci1389, 14.05.2015 - 16:13
Ok so we played vs MK an cuz of their inner rage and bitch nature ,helped with many games lost vs us they decided to cheat and all of aw world saw what they did ,when we asked for fair thing that they give us back that win they laugh ,when we pr-ed Ivan he didnt do anything ,when we asked mods they said they will ask Ivan ...
Hello Ivan,

I'm messaging you again for a new case i need help on !

We ( Cosa Hackers/Nostra ) were cwing Mortal Kombat.
And this is what happened

Turn 1 Steve Aoki Walls all my cities and Wfed my cap

Turn 2 Steve Aoki takes all those cities and takes my cap

As u probably know, this is some basic rule in cw that you don't wf/wall/enter the ennemy territory to ensure a fair fight.

We were thinking of a troll or anything like that and were expecting a tie.
But they kept going and of course they won this clan war.
As we both clans are tied for 1st place. We are seeking for some repair.

If you could first delete that cw and give points back to everyone and second send some warning to steve, we would be pleased.

Btw, i'm pming cause my clan mates want to start a thread etc... but i think best way to get things done is directly pming you.

I'm looking forward to your answer.

Good luck for HTLM5. Truely hope you'll make it before september !


....So tell me whats the point of cw system and whole aw game if some prick clan can do whatever they want and get away with it .... i mean dont get me wrong we will get 1st place anyway if we decide to keep playing they are not threat at all they are just poor narb kids ,but when all of aw society atacked El and Soldier for PLAYING GAMES !!!!!!!!and banned them also WHY DA FUCK WOULD THESE IDIOTS GOT AWAY WITH THESE ! they ruined whole point of cw and cwing ....
15.05.2015 - 06:17
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Scritto da Croat, 15.05.2015 at 05:24

Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 05:19

Scritto da International, 15.05.2015 at 04:40

One day, I will visit Croatia and see the land where all these funny players came from.

You will need protection, i better go with you. I have experience with balkans. Also dont think going there by plane, its impossible

You dont need protection in Croatia, it is safe country. Do not listen to those haters and flame throwers.

Btw, yes, you can come with plane wherever you want and enjoy in something people like Putin the great can only dream about.

I will host you nicely

Croatia is in EU,its safe country.
You can come for some days in Serbia too,its spectator in ODKB
Never believe Tito,he is just fking croatian/serbian(no one knows for sure.) that escaped from Laza Lazarevica.

15.05.2015 - 06:26
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 06:09

Balkan is not safe... when it is about human life you have to be realistic. I dont see tourism blossoming on balkan except Greece. He can go with plane, but plane will have hard time manouvering in Croatia airspace.

Yea man it always gets tricky when the pilot has to do that hard turn ...but we have good pilots and they earn extra points for the longer air drift.
15.05.2015 - 06:33
Scritto da Goblin, 15.05.2015 at 06:26

Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 06:09

Balkan is not safe... when it is about human life you have to be realistic. I dont see tourism blossoming on balkan except Greece. He can go with plane, but plane will have hard time manouvering in Croatia airspace.

Yea man it always gets tricky when the pilot has to do that hard turn ...but we have good pilots and they earn extra points for the longer air drift.



15.05.2015 - 06:47
Scritto da Goblin, 15.05.2015 at 06:26

Scritto da Croat, 15.05.2015 at 06:33

See, if your average Croat is even remotely like you two here, that alone would make a trip worthwhile.
15.05.2015 - 07:07
Account eliminato
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 06:27

I think you have a problem mate.

- praising croatia and serbia but calling me fucking croat or serbian
- also EU doesnt represent safety and paradise, whole EU is in crisis and thousand civilians protest everyday on the streets of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, England. Croatia is in EU so they dont ally with Russia or China, thats geopolitics, nothing else.

i call things by their names,im not sure that someone from russia knows our language.
It does represent safety noob

P.S Communism is dead,you die with him old fag pls.
15.05.2015 - 11:19
Why are these narbs going so off tonic

15.05.2015 - 11:21
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 10:54

Scritto da International, 15.05.2015 at 06:47

See, if your average Croat is even remotely like you two here, that alone would make a trip worthwhile.

I like how they vote each others posts so they can farm nicely 500 votes

Hard accusation made out of jealousy.
15.05.2015 - 12:44
My Point of view on that matter is :

- No Ban for Mk. It's only 1 game and they are doing great things appart of that. ( No bugs anymore since long time, usually they are fair )

- Mk gives back the elo

- The problem is solved
Only the Braves
15.05.2015 - 12:49
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 06:09

Balkan is not safe... when it is about human life you have to be realistic. I dont see tourism blossoming on balkan except Greece. He can go with plane, but plane will have hard time manouvering in Croatia airspace.

Yeah, isn't the competition for tourism really high for the balkans? Cause can't you see the goats and mountains and villages and get aids and shit in every balkan state?
15.05.2015 - 12:50
 Eagle (Mod)
I just want to say here what I said Zone in pr's, that since it really isnt my call here to give u back elo alone, but if Mauzer/Steve agrees to give u guys, I will be the first one to join that game.
15.05.2015 - 14:11
Scritto da Fockmeeard, 15.05.2015 at 12:49

Scritto da Skanderbeg, 15.05.2015 at 06:09

Balkan is not safe... when it is about human life you have to be realistic. I dont see tourism blossoming on balkan except Greece. He can go with plane, but plane will have hard time manouvering in Croatia airspace.

Yeah, isn't the competition for tourism really high for the balkans? Cause can't you see the goats and mountains and villages and get aids and shit in every balkan state?

U so boring american with worst jokes ever

15.05.2015 - 17:12
Mk relax ,take elo and 1st place u deserve it , no need to argue anymore....also Putin the great lives in village with 200 citizens and talks about world politics LMFAO go feed ur cattle suka then come to play URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
15.05.2015 - 17:53
MK bad guys
15.05.2015 - 23:03
Surprised to see MK stooping down to a level of openly cheated again in Clan War, while this isnt a set in stone AW Rule its a rule of CWs and they played knowing those rules, this should be taken away and perhaps a ban is warranted, he didnt do it on accident and there is past history of MK using cheats to gain advantages so this isnt a 1 time incident.

Regardless of the opinions of Costra or whatever their name is, that does not justify the actions of a respected player in a CW.
17.05.2015 - 03:15
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 16.05.2015 at 04:58

Scritto da Ferlucci1389, 15.05.2015 at 17:12

Mk relax ,take elo and 1st place u deserve it , no need to argue anymore....also Putin the great lives in village with 200 citizens and talks about world politics LMFAO go feed ur cattle suka then come to play URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Anyway, MK best cause they never start flame wars on forums....

Except Don... He join Whole World and ask his clan friend to join a country to suicide on me so Don... can win.
17.05.2015 - 08:23
Hahah nice fake ss u noob i was never vito corleone i was vito ferluccini hahaha u are pathetic as much as u are dumb ! but 10 for trying ...
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
17.05.2015 - 11:08
Account eliminato
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 17.05.2015 at 11:04

im waiting to see you banned,.
17.05.2015 - 13:14
Account eliminato
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 17.05.2015 at 11:20

Im not insulter,kid that is 24/7 on this forum to insult,im not someone who makes others idiots by giving them accs to levelup it.
Im not liar at the end,we all know that its photoshop,and i have a proof:
17.05.2015 - 14:38
Dunno I am not much active on atwar these days but this is sad to see. The best clans of this game doesn't have to stoop so low for 1 cw. And I also don't understand the mk response. If you don't like a clan simply don't cw with them. This is simple and easy. What do you possibly expect to get out of doing something as obvious as a explicit first turn wf. This is bound to create conflict.

I am not going to engage in the bitching war between cosa and mk but from a neutral point of view if I were wf like that on cw or any 3 v 3 I would never like to play another game with that player ever.
17.05.2015 - 15:15
Account eliminato
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 17.05.2015 at 14:08

Yeah that is correct, i said that on SS, that doesnt mean i lie though, just i dont need to talk always.

Anyway i dont need to talk to you either, whole atwar is avoiding you, you are a troublemaker and Soldier001 proved that in another topic.

Ask why im kicked from cosa and invited again,ask devil why soldz kicked me.
17.05.2015 - 16:19
Vito / Putin / Pavle don't go Off Topic !

At Ivan and Amok, Please take a decision before this season ends. The earlier is the best.
Only the Braves
17.05.2015 - 20:34
Scritto da International, 15.05.2015 at 04:40

One day, I will visit Croatia and see the land where all these funny players came from.

I can see both sides of this argument. However this issue gets resolved, I don't really care.
But the moderators should write up a "Competitive Gameplay Rulebook" or something to prevent future occurrences of these incidents.

17.05.2015 - 21:39
Laochra now that you are mod..time to write that competitive rulebook hon
18.05.2015 - 08:46
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 17.05.2015 at 21:39

Laochra now that you are mod..time to write that competitive rulebook hon

Totally Agree !
Only the Braves
18.05.2015 - 16:05
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 17.05.2015 at 21:39

Laochra now that you are mod..time to write that competitive rulebook hon
18.05.2015 - 16:08
Oh god they day has come. Some fuck gave an Irishman power, hide your gold, hide you potato's, hide your children for we are fucked. Winter is coming

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