Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:23
Let me make this clear, I like Laochra as a person and a player, but he is over analyzing every aspect of the 'competitive game' the last 2/3 months. From re-walling to selections and now to the use of walls, seriously. Originally there were no rules, the only one the community came up with was 'no wf first turn' and that is the only rule here that actually allows for a game to develop and makes sense. The rest of this nonsense is creating such a repetitive experience that is becoming mundane and boring to the extreme. Next we will argue that WF's are unfair in general .
youre right there are no rules, and look at all this drama, what sort of competitive game doesnt have official rules? The only thing the rules forbid me from doing is using bugs and glitches against you.
how many arguments and forum threads need to be made before you feel the need to do something? this arguments nothing new and look at the friction it causes. Goblin and waffel have declared their intent to first turn wf all users of the double wall. So much for the community coming up with "no wf first turn". This will not be the last thread or argument of this kind either, but by all means, feel free to tell the next person who complains theyre being overanalytical and boring.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:55
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 14:37
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:23
Originally there were no rules, the only one the community came up with was 'no wf first turn' and that is the only rule here that actually allows for a game to develop and makes sense. The rest of this nonsense is creating such a repetitive experience that is becoming mundane and boring to the extreme. Next we will argue that WF's are unfair in general .
I say we bring this back and us "no wf cap first turn" rule ...everything else (outside territory), permited.
Even things like making walls in your enemy teritory 1st turn, etc. etc.
and we bring back old school 2 3 min turns!!!! ... ...to much 
fixed x
No ...i will not let people rewall in anyway, i have a right to prevent my opponent from rewalling and i will invade his teritory in order to do so with respecting the no capital wf.
youre right there are no rules, and look at all this drama, what sort of competitive game doesnt have official rules? The only thing the rules forbid me from doing is using bugs and glitches against you.
how many arguments and forum threads need to be made before you feel the need to do something? this arguments nothing new and look at the friction it causes. Goblin and waffel have declared their intent to first turn wf all users of the double wall. So much for the community coming up with "no wf first turn". This will not be the last thread or argument of this kind either, but by all means, feel free to tell the next person who complains theyre being overanalytical and boring.
Get of you high horse ...
If you were not bitches who use a move nobody can do a thing about, we wouldnt be having this discussions in the first place.
Thats a fact ...and you can cry all you want.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:23
youre right there are no rules, and look at all this drama, what sort of competitive game doesnt have official rules? The only thing the rules forbid me from doing is using bugs and glitches against you.
how many arguments and forum threads need to be made before you feel the need to do something? this arguments nothing new and look at the friction it causes. Goblin and waffel have declared their intent to first turn wf all users of the double wall. So much for the community coming up with "no wf first turn". This will not be the last thread or argument of this kind either, but by all means, feel free to tell the next person who complains theyre being overanalytical and boring.
No mate the constant over analysis of things like this divide the community not enhance the user experience. It's only been the last 2-3 months where I have noticed such 'discussions' taking place, and this is because people are believing they can recreate the wheel. The rules are very simple from my perspective, NO WF applied to CITYS first turn, and no unit on enemies land. This has never been a big issues to understand before
You will tell me it is not that simple because people are arguing over it, well no it was that simple and worked very well, much in the same way that picks in cws used to be pick what you want before your opponent (but thats another stupid argument) if a system isn't broken don't fix it.
Also if goblin and waffle manage to wf your double wall without being on your land or interfiering with your cities then fair play.
I will repeat these situations from the previous time this argument was discussed
Repeat to me why, in any of the situations above, your opponent should 'pretend' like your 2nd wall is there, sorry mate as I have said 1000 times now it is you as a users error (or genius fine line) to attempt such double walls
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 15:07
If you were not bitches who use a move nobody can do a thing about, we wouldnt be having this discussions in the first place.
Thats a fact ...and you can cry all you want.
the only bitch i see crying is you.you been crying about rewall over a year now.And lao was very polite when talking to you, so you should do the same.Bitch..
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 15:13
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:23
youre right there are no rules, and look at all this drama, what sort of competitive game doesnt have official rules? The only thing the rules forbid me from doing is using bugs and glitches against you.
how many arguments and forum threads need to be made before you feel the need to do something? this arguments nothing new and look at the friction it causes. Goblin and waffel have declared their intent to first turn wf all users of the double wall. So much for the community coming up with "no wf first turn". This will not be the last thread or argument of this kind either, but by all means, feel free to tell the next person who complains theyre being overanalytical and boring.
No mate the constant over analysis of things like this divide the community not enhance the user experience. It's only been the last 2-3 months where I have noticed such 'discussions' taking place, and this is because people are believing they can recreate the wheel. The rules are very simple from my perspective, NO WF applied to CITYS first turn, and no unit on enemies land. This has never been a big issues to understand before
You will tell me it is not that simple because people are arguing over it, well no it was that simple and worked very well, much in the same way that picks in cws used to be pick what you want before your opponent (but thats another stupid argument) if a system isn't broken don't fix it.
Also if goblin and waffle manage to wf your double wall without being on your land or interfiering with your cities then fair play.
but thats just it bonker, these are not rules but just unspoken agreements. Goblin and waffel have declared intent to open double walls with turn 1 wfs and if they have to invade enemy territory to do so they will. how does this not divide the community? People are going to react, people are already reacting Are you not seeing what i am? 2 4 page threads full of differing opinions and not a single person can be condemned within the rules as being right or wrong because there are no rules.
even within your own clan there are people who disagree with you and goblin. Mk and illyria have the best clan relationship, we play dozens of cws, theres no rewalling, bitching about dcs or picks, drama about double walls or first turn wfs. We dont agree with the stalins picking order method, but we adhere to it to prevent friction. Not everybody has to agree with the rules. If goblins rules were made official i would adhere to them. A majority vote would be needed. >70% or no change implemented, something along those lines.
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 13:43
why are you taking it as disrespect... you clearly dont understand where im coming from, or just disagree, i'm not particularly offended by this...A move thats used all over aw for years, and its only now that waffel has begun issuing orders to first turn wf users...
answering yet again only part of my post that has no real meaning 
you just cant give up big wall rewalling can you? ...and all that talk about you adapting to situations and similar things, all talk no show.
I gave up and offered rewalling and serbian rewalling as legit ...but you want it all without compromise.
Expect me to do not just what syrian did, but i will invade your teritory.
Good talk.
so now youre threatening me because i disagree with you?
He isn't threating you, but you guys leave us no choice, everything we say you come up with bullshit talking around it, not coming to an direct point.
What you expect us to do? I have already crossed my line thats why I told syrian to wf u, goblin obviously did it here. And believe me, many will follow, and then you guys will adventually stop with this walling but would probably to late.
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 15:07
If you were not bitches who use a move nobody can do a thing about, we wouldnt be having this discussions in the first place.
Thats a fact ...and you can cry all you want.
the only bitch i see crying is you.you been crying about rewall over a year now.And lao was very polite when talking to you, so you should do the same.Bitch..
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 15:13
I will repeat these situations from the previous time this argument was discussed

Repeat to me why, in any of the situations above, your opponent should 'pretend' like your 2nd wall is there, sorry mate as I have said 1000 times now it is you as a users error (or genius fine line) to attempt such double walls
ive repeated a lot. to me i was always told no turn 1 wf when playing aw. I interpreted this to incllude walls on an opponents territory. If i accidentally wf'd them i would pretend they were there, in the past i have received the same courtesy, it was unspoken and never became a problem, until w4r and mou. To me this seems like common sense and courtesy. In the case of turk there is no nearby countries to justify a wf. In syrians case it was blatantly deliberate. This is going to cause drama. There is nothing outlined in the rules, so people are going to feel differently about it and whats technically "fair".
when i brought this up in the other thread and waffel witnessed that others disliked double walls too, he suddenly felt he had justification to tell his clanmembers to turn 1 wf me deliberately in cws.
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 15:07
If you were not bitches who use a move nobody can do a thing about, we wouldnt be having this discussions in the first place.
Thats a fact ...and you can cry all you want.
the only bitch i see crying is you.you been crying about rewall over a year now.And lao was very polite when talking to you, so you should do the same.Bitch..
I stoped complaining about rewalling months ago, i didnt complain when acquiesce did it to us in a CW, but you were the first to cry like a fuckin bunch of cunts when someone accidently wf'd your big wall and then crying again when syrian did it.
Politness? fuck off little greek ...i was trying to be polite here, debate and find a solution and all i got from you is fuckin gifs and bullshit with only intention you fuckers have is to get what you want.
Pls send me now a threatning picture so i can laugh again like when you did to Tik tok.
Scritto da Tundy, 14.10.2014 at 14:01
Scritto da Tundy, 14.10.2014 at 13:17
If this is the "serious" conversation that followed the troll/gif removed comments...then sorry but i would take my gifs anyday carry on please this is very interesting 
please stop crying to support your clan mate

you did this to me in ladder challenge so stfu
With your logic, i can wf every single capital in europe, but kiev and madrid.
he did the wall that prevent me from attack ankara till turn 4
wtf is this
i wasted a 1unit to wf this wall in propose because im not giving him advantge over this
So i may aswell wf your cap to prevent ukraine from expanding turn 2?
My blitzkrig turkey depends on 2 layers of walls, i been doing that since 2013.
this is why we have this and the other thread, waffel, goblin bonker w4r and mou think this is ok. My main imp turk depends on a double wall. If syrian had rushed me in that cw turn 3 i wouldve been dead. nothing i could do to stop it.
Ohh now I see your point, you dont want the wall '''banned'' because it will inflict your ''main imp playstyle'' and then say you arent hypocrite or selfish at all?
Seriously man.... all this only because YOU can play your way? Get lost man, you also wanted to change the strategies because they didnt fit you, well you got your way they got boosted/nerfed whatever, all you do is caring about your self and every upgrade/boost you want has to do something with you.
Call it personal attacking or not, but you've said it your self.

A ti lopove retardirani nemas pravo glasa.
Speak only English please.  We don't use other languages.And be polite!
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 14:14
us illyrians... im done with this circular argument for now, until one of the mods try and do something about making a set of rules official. Until then it is not worth discussing since its accomplishing nothing.
but remind me not to play against youin the near future... how maddening after all the games ive played against you without a single rewall or double wall that you would make "promises" like this over a stupid disagreement.
Negotiations have failed ...i posted my offer multiple times, but you would never compromise, not even comment it ...things just have to be your way.
And your ranting about official rules and mods enforcing them ...give me a fuckin break.
And i was in a CW where acquisce big wall rewalling fucked over me and my clan mate into slowly starting to lose west.
Bonker is right actually ...competitive players need to stop being bitches. There should be only 1 rule ...no attacking capitals turn 2. All else permited ...might just freshen up this game.
Yes bonker is right in the first part, but if the rule will be no attacking capitals turn 2, people will bigg rewall turn 3....
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 15:33
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 15:07
If you were not bitches who use a move nobody can do a thing about, we wouldnt be having this discussions in the first place.
Thats a fact ...and you can cry all you want.
the only bitch i see crying is you.you been crying about rewall over a year now.And lao was very polite when talking to you, so you should do the same.Bitch..
I stoped complaining about rewalling months ago, i didnt complain when acquiesce did it to us in a CW, but you were the first to cry like a fuckin bunch of cunts when someone accidently wf'd your big wall and then crying again when syrian did it.
Politness? fuck off little greek ...i was trying to be polite here, debate and find a solution and all i got from you is fuckin gifs and bullshit with only intention you fuckers have is to get what you want.
Pls send me now a threatning picture so i can laugh again like when you did to Tik tok.
i cared enough to send to tik-tok.to you, no fucks given  also i just told you to talk to Lao better, cause you name calling him and his whole clan all the time, when he is always polite in return, when talking to you.And for this now you make it so personal and trashtalk me, why?
Tito said, you admitted your grandfather was a nazi ustasha murderer, maybe you are still angry about it?Dont take it out on me, though, i just called you bitch, like you called us..
We have different opinions, maybe we should grow up, accept that fact and moove on.Like with bonker.I find his stance on this annoying, frankly.But thats no reason to trashtalk him lol.I respect his different opinion in the end..Grow up gobo
Scritto da Waffel, 14.10.2014 at 15:34
Ohh now I see your point, you dont want the wall '''banned'' because it will inflict your ''main imp playstyle'' and then say you arent hypocrite or selfish at all?
Seriously man.... all this only because YOU can play your way? Get lost man, you also wanted to change the strategies because they didnt fit you, well you got your way they got boosted/nerfed whatever, all you do is caring about your self and every upgrade/boost you want has to do something with you.
Call it personal attacking or not, but you've said it your self.
wow ok... yea i manipulated the mod team and the community into doing my bidding, they dont have minds of their own. the strat change ideas all came from threads posted in the community. The community got to discuss them, you decided to troll the thread. They got implemented. But hey lets not let facts get in the way of a good accusation. Laochras selfish and a hypocrite!!
This is why i dont usually respond to you in serious threads. namecalling, personal attacks and general poor logic. Its kind of a standing joke, if you want to ruin a thread. troll waffel, he gets mad and shitposts all over it.
btw i have many imp playstyles, only a month or 2 ago i never used a double wall, i witnessed others who did but never had an issue with it, i adapted it into my own gameplay as i witnessed ukraines used by players evolve and become more dangerous.
but anyway consider this my last response to you. I refuse to entertain you any longer.
Quota: Quota:
but thats just it bonker, these are not rules but just unspoken agreements. Goblin and waffel have declared intent to open double walls with turn 1 wfs and if they have to invade enemy territory to do so they will. how does this not divide the community? People are going to react, people are already reacting Are you not seeing what i am? 2 4 page threads full of differing opinions and not a single person can be condemned within the rules as being right or wrong because there are no rules.
even within your own clan there are people who disagree with you and goblin. Mk and illyria have the best clan relationship, we play dozens of cws, theres no rewalling, bitching about dcs or picks, drama about double walls or first turn wfs. We dont agree with the stalins picking order method, but we adhere to it to prevent friction. Not everybody has to agree with the rules. If goblins rules were made official i would adhere to them. A majority vote would be needed. >70% or no change implemented, something along those lines.
The common theme in the very best games online/board games etc is simplicity. By making a huge amounts of rules games become even more niche and die. That is something a small community, especially the competitive part here cannot afford to do, that is what people should be waking up to. The very best players bar a handful that I have seen play this game, have all left, probably because of all these rules have actually killed the competitive and innovative edge (go look at Dalmati death thread for example)
I don't and never have agreed that units should be on someones territory first turn. I repeat though that if they find a way to break your attempt at a second wall without interfering with the walling of your cities or having units directly on your land (like the SS's provided in my previous post) then really you have nothing to complain of.
Your relationship with MK is no different to my experience with MK, that is down more on MK than Illyria imo, but this is not a discussion about that though so I will refrain from commenting further on that topic.
"We dont agree with the stalins picking order method" - it is not our picking method, it is the way it had always been before the last 6 months or so. Once again though this is not on topic so lets leave that out of this discussion.
Speak only English please. We don't use other languages.And be polite!
Scritto da Tundy, 14.10.2014 at 14:16
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:13
Blitz turkey is a fail vs good players anyway regardless of how many walls you have.
My blitzkrieg turkey is different than the one used by many rushers, i hardly use it, but when i do it heavily depends on walls, wfing my double capital wall turn 1 literally fucks it up.
Double capital wall has no counter, since even if you bomb the bigger wall with 100 bombers, the leftover bombers wont go to the capital wall if there is enough space.
The only counter for it is to WF turn 1. And since wfing on turn 1 is not legit, this wall shouldn't be legit either since the counter is not legit. I think the says enough about the move it self? Or make the move not legit, or allow the turn 1 wf
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:23
Let me make this clear, I like Laochra as a person and a player, but he is over analyzing every aspect of the 'competitive game' the last 2/3 months. From re-walling to selections and now to the use of walls, seriously. Originally there were no rules, the only one the community came up with was 'no wf first turn' and that is the only rule here that actually allows for a game to develop and makes sense. The rest of this nonsense is creating such a repetitive experience that is becoming mundane and boring to the extreme. Next we will argue that WF's are unfair in general .
100% legitm truth spoken, Can I get your autograph. Lao I love you,but quit it.
This is easily the most retarded topic I've ever seen, someone made a better wall than Waffel and, as usual, he took to the forums to cry about it, I really don't get all these people who want to make countless rules about playing the game, takes all the fun out of it.
Ehh bro, I didnt even play the game? Nice taking it out of context.
This is about who has a better wall, it is about the point of having a wall which cant be opened at turn 2. but the person goes and open others walls on turn 2.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 15:45
The common theme in the very best games online/board games etc is simplicity. By making a huge amounts of rules games become even more niche and die. That is something a small community, especially the competitive part here cannot afford to do, that is what people should be waking up to. The very best players bar a handful that I have seen play this game, have all left, probably because of all these rules have actually killed the competitive and innovative edge (go look at Dalmati death thread for example)
I don't and never have agreed that units should be on someones territory first turn. I repeat though that if they find a way to break your attempt at a second wall without interfering with the walling of your cities or having units directly on your land (like the SS's provided in my previous post) then really you have nothing to complain of.
Your relationship with MK is no different to my experience with MK, that is down more on MK than Illyria imo, but this is not a discussion about that though so I will refrain from commenting further on that topic.
"We dont agree with the stalins picking order method" - it is not our picking method, it is the way it had always been before the last 6 months or so. Once again though this is not on topic so lets leave that out of this discussion.
yes i would agree, 2-3 outlinded gamerules wont hurt simplicity, it'll stop all this drama. From what i read in the dalmati thread the reasons for their leaving is completely unrelated to the topic of this thread, so im not sure why you brought that up.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 15:13
I will repeat these situations from the previous time this argument was discussed

Repeat to me why, in any of the situations above, your opponent should 'pretend' like your 2nd wall is there, sorry mate as I have said 1000 times now it is you as a users error (or genius fine line) to attempt such double walls
ive repeated a lot. to me i was always told no turn 1 wf when playing aw. I interpreted this to incllude walls on an opponents territory. If i accidentally wf'd them i would pretend they were there, in the past i have received the same courtesy, it was unspoken and never became a problem, until w4r and mou. To me this seems like common sense and courtesy. In the case of turk there is no nearby countries to justify a wf. In syrians case it was blatantly deliberate. This is going to cause drama. There is nothing outlined in the rules, so people are going to feel differently about it and whats technically "fair".
when i brought this up in the other thread and waffel witnessed that others disliked double walls too, he suddenly felt he had justification to tell his clanmembers to turn 1 wf me deliberately in cws.
If it was on a city I would agree with you. When for example Spain and France both wall the border between the two you don't just ignore that passage to break a wall or keep a city down, only not attack the cities.
I didn't watch the CW so didn't see the exact positioning of Syrians unit, from a simplistic viewpoint though, not on your land and not interfering intentionally with your city walls is fair game, but lets not go over this same point again.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 15:45
The common theme in the very best games online/board games etc is simplicity. By making a huge amounts of rules games become even more niche and die. That is something a small community, especially the competitive part here cannot afford to do, that is what people should be waking up to. The very best players bar a handful that I have seen play this game, have all left, probably because of all these rules have actually killed the competitive and innovative edge (go look at Dalmati death thread for example)
I don't and never have agreed that units should be on someones territory first turn. I repeat though that if they find a way to break your attempt at a second wall without interfering with the walling of your cities or having units directly on your land (like the SS's provided in my previous post) then really you have nothing to complain of.
Your relationship with MK is no different to my experience with MK, that is down more on MK than Illyria imo, but this is not a discussion about that though so I will refrain from commenting further on that topic.
"We dont agree with the stalins picking order method" - it is not our picking method, it is the way it had always been before the last 6 months or so. Once again though this is not on topic so lets leave that out of this discussion.
yes i would agree, 2-3 outlinded gamerules wont hurt simplicity, it'll stop all this drama. From what i read in the dalmati thread the reasons for their leaving is completely unrelated to the topic of this thread, so im not sure why you brought that up.
Dalmati left for the main part due to a lack of competitiveness in the community, from my understanding this started with the 'fair ranks' situation something that at the time stopped them from being able to find cws, probably an initial starting point to all these extra rules being put into place. My point was that these rules will ultimately kill creativity and in turn competitiveness. Kill chances of clans being able to cw each other because they dont share same values and end up with, the same boring cws between 2-4 clans each time. You spoke of a great relationship with MK, maybe they will be only ones willing to cw you in future, the rest off us might just stop playing...who knows.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 15:13
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 14:23
youre right there are no rules, and look at all this drama, what sort of competitive game doesnt have official rules? The only thing the rules forbid me from doing is using bugs and glitches against you.
how many arguments and forum threads need to be made before you feel the need to do something? this arguments nothing new and look at the friction it causes. Goblin and waffel have declared their intent to first turn wf all users of the double wall. So much for the community coming up with "no wf first turn". This will not be the last thread or argument of this kind either, but by all means, feel free to tell the next person who complains theyre being overanalytical and boring.
No mate the constant over analysis of things like this divide the community not enhance the user experience. It's only been the last 2-3 months where I have noticed such 'discussions' taking place, and this is because people are believing they can recreate the wheel. The rules are very simple from my perspective, NO WF applied to CITYS first turn, and no unit on enemies land. This has never been a big issues to understand before
You will tell me it is not that simple because people are arguing over it, well no it was that simple and worked very well, much in the same way that picks in cws used to be pick what you want before your opponent (but thats another stupid argument) if a system isn't broken don't fix it.
Also if goblin and waffle manage to wf your double wall without being on your land or interfiering with your cities then fair play.
but thats just it bonker, these are not rules but just unspoken agreements. Goblin and waffel have declared intent to open double walls with turn 1 wfs and if they have to invade enemy territory to do so they will. how does this not divide the community? People are going to react, people are already reacting Are you not seeing what i am? 2 4 page threads full of differing opinions and not a single person can be condemned within the rules as being right or wrong because there are no rules.
even within your own clan there are people who disagree with you and goblin. Mk and illyria have the best clan relationship, we play dozens of cws, theres no rewalling, bitching about dcs or picks, drama about double walls or first turn wfs. We dont agree with the stalins picking order method, but we adhere to it to prevent friction. Not everybody has to agree with the rules. If goblins rules were made official i would adhere to them. A majority vote would be needed. >70% or no change implemented, something along those lines.
>mk & illyria ... omygod you just totally lost my interest there... how many times did chill/hollister/syrian leave illyria because of the fking drama it has in the clan? Maybe you guys have no drama about rewall, no ofc you guys dont, because if one of you guys does rewall which is legitm gaymove, all of you guys '''support''' your clanmember, I see khal here insulting goblin because he is telling you to stop acting this way? Mk has 3 people who play cw's MAUZER MAUZER AND MAUZER. Nice clanrelationship right? I heard from people who have left illyria the clan is a big mess because only ''laochra/khal/lp/skend & acq could CW'' If you call dividing the clan in levels a ''good relationship'' you should not talking here because you would make absollutely no sense at all..
Scritto da Goblin, 14.10.2014 at 11:44
And crossing through land isnt the same as landing, the landing has the potential to wf the land, while passing through it does nothing to walls around say kiev, if it does wf then its clearly an intentional troll who doesnt deserve to play in serious CWs
Of course is not, jesus ...fine i said "entering", ok "leaving your units in opponents teritory turn 1" ...everyone happy?
Seriously ...im being trolled because i used a wrong word by Clovis? ...by Clovis 
lel clovis, but yes i agree, it was more for tagging him but i was in a rush at school and didnt quote tag him my bad
Scritto da Waffel, 14.10.2014 at 15:46
Scritto da Tundy, 14.10.2014 at 14:16
My blitzkrieg turkey is different than the one used by many rushers, i hardly use it, but when i do it heavily depends on walls, wfing my double capital wall turn 1 literally fucks it up.
Double capital wall has no counter, The only counter for it is to WF turn 1. And since wfing on turn 1 is not legit, this wall shouldn't be legit either since the counter is not legit.
With that logic, Making a wall in your capital (turn 1) is not legit, since the only way to prevent it is by wfing (turn 1) and since wfing (turn 1) is not legit then: walling capital turn 1 shouldn't be legit either, since the counter is not legit.
Ok waffle, Making walls turn 1 is now illgeal, that skill.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 16:07
You spoke of a great relationship with MK, maybe they will be only ones willing to cw you in future, the rest off us might just stop playing...who knows.
if thats not pedantic , hell, i dont know what is.You are acting like a child bonker.You demand, things, like a baby does.You are basicly saying " you will do what we want and act like we want, or we will stop cwing you." if i understood correctly.
Well speaking from my part, go ahead, im not gonna cry at night.
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 16:07
You spoke of a great relationship with MK, maybe they will be only ones willing to cw you in future, the rest off us might just stop playing...who knows.
if thats not pedantic , hell, i dont know what is.You are acting like a child bonker.You demand, things, like a baby does.You are basicly saying " you will do what we want and act like we want, or we will stop cwing you." if i understood correctly.
Well speaking from my part, go ahead, im not gonna cry at night.
Lol, Why jump into a perfectly fine discussion with lines like that? Please quote where I have demanded anything...thanks. Sadly I spoke the truth, when people like myself get pissed off and leave the competitive side of the game (notice how I'm currently in a troll clan) because of the silly and repetitive arguments going on or indeed ludicrous comments like your last then you will understand my point.
Also, I am one of the very few people in this thread who hasn't actually resorted to name calling or clan bashing, so you really have no grounds to call me a child (im 26 btw thanks and much love.)
Scritto da b0nker2, 14.10.2014 at 16:07
Dalmati left for the main part due to a lack of competitiveness in the community, from my understanding this started with the 'fair ranks' situation something that at the time stopped them from being able to find cws, probably an initial starting point to all these extra rules being put into place. My point was that these rules will ultimately kill creativity and in turn competitiveness. Kill chances of clans being able to cw each other because they dont share same values and end up with, the same boring cws between 2-4 clans each time. You spoke of a great relationship with MK, maybe they will be only ones willing to cw you in future, the rest off us might just stop playing...who knows.
if your idea of creativity and competitiveness amounts to finding out how to wf people turn 1 without touching their boarders then good luck to you. Perhaps its better off that you do stop playing.
notice a change in the tone of my post? i dislike the last sentence in your post. seems very much like a veiled dig. You goblin and waffel seem very much to have "its my way or the highway" perspective on all this. You refuse to listen to reason or logic. A majority rules vote can sort all this out for good. no more drama on walls. If you dont like the outcome then the highway is always open to you.
ill accept whatever happens, at least ill finally know where i stand.