Scritto da Tundy, 06.10.2016 at 20:07
Murderous Marius is a bloody butcherer. Waister of Rome, looter and thief south of the rubicon. Shamed be his name, for many good romans will perish for this monsters murderous orgy.
Grammar and alliteration gore omg
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Wait what? Aetius your fuckery cost me my battle!!
I am going to buy 2 auxiliary with state income and buy a legion with personal income.
Scritto da Darth., 07.10.2016 at 07:53
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Wait what? Aetius your fuckery cost me my battle!!
You can fight me :^)
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Join the antonian faction
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Be more active then and reply to pms in a the last 24 hours, I did what zeph wants. This game will move on without afkers and don't cry when it does.
Scritto da Tundy, 07.10.2016 at 08:19
I am going to buy 2 auxiliary with state income and buy a legion with personal income.
Ok but you should be doing this in forum phase and also zeph has control over the treasury, not you
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 10:56
I did what zeph wants.
Ok but you should be doing this in forum phase and also zeph has control over the treasury, not you
I wasn't asked anything either O.o idc tho it's not like what happens to Narbonese Gaul is important
As for the treasury I think he was referring to provincial income by state income although idk how rebel provinces work
Someone Better Than You
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 10:56
I did what zeph wants.
Ok but you should be doing this in forum phase and also zeph has control over the treasury, not you
I wasn't asked anything either O.o idc tho it's not like what happens to Narbonese Gaul is important
As for the treasury I think he was referring to provincial income by state income although idk how rebel provinces work
I follow your policy of retreating from provinces when outnumbered. Lets be clear, do you want zenith to stand and fight with his 1 legion against the populares army? (this question is ridiculous which is why I don't even ask them and no one even bothers replying)
You post what you want to recruit now and I will post our battles, after that is done you can make your movements
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 11:12
You post what you want to recruit now and I will post our battles, after that is done you can make your movements
Don't we get special rebel phase? :/
Someone Better Than You
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 11:12
You post what you want to recruit now and I will post our battles, after that is done you can make your movements
Don't we get special rebel phase? :/
We didn't...except when we first revolted.
Battle of Halys
Flavius Marcus (Pheonixking929 ) Balanced
(2 evocati legion+ 1 veteran legion +10 legions+ 4 command)=22 strength
Mithridates IV (Flanking)
(6 Armies+4 command) = 10 strength
[url=https://rolz.org/dr?room=Rome-Atwar]Battle Roll: 13 (+12 from greater strength)=24
Result: Decisive Victory
With the onset of winter, Mithridates sought to take advantage of a Roman feint against one of his outposts in Pontus. He sent his sick, his wounded, and his cavalry south into Cappadocia. The army included Pontic phalangites, Thracian and Galatian mercenaries, and the cavalry. The Pontic column was commanded by Neoptolemus, who was the brother of Archelaus. In the middle of a snowstorm, Marcus met these forces with ten cohorts along the banks of the Halys. The Romans had a small advance guard of auxiliaries and cavalry on the opposite bank of the river. The combined Roman forces attacked. The Pontic forces turned to defend themselves. The battle was hard, and the Mitridatic forces fought bravely, but they could not withstand the pressure of the Roman attack. 15,000 men and 6,000 horses were captured during the battle. Mithridates sues for peace by paying 15 talents and surrendering his land in Cappadocia and swearing allegiance to rome.
Flavius Marcus (Pheonixking929 gains 3 influence and 3 popularity for victory
Flavius Marcus (Pheonixking929 ) gains a veteran legion, Legio XI Victrix
Flavius Marcus (Pheonixking929 promotes Legio VI Rapax to Evocati
Flavius Marcus (Pheonixking929 gains the 15 talents in war spoils, the Triumvirs request that he spend it on games or donate it to the state
Roman Casualties
Pontic Casualties
Total, surrendered
Battle of the Nile
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) Envelopment
(8 Fleets+ 3 command + 2 field consul bonus)=13 strength
Egyptian Commander (Direct Charge)
(10 Fleets) = 10 strength
[url=https://rolz.org/dr?room=Rome-Atwar]Battle Roll: 13 (+3 from greater strength) (+4 from tactical counter)=20
Result: Decisive Victory
Sertorius descended upon the Egyptian fleet at harbor rapidly but only with a few ships. The Egyptian fleet entered a pursuit, where they were then surrounded and destroyed by the roman fleet in a short and bloody battle. The burning ships could be seen from the city of Alexandria. The Romans had arrived.
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains 5 influence and 5 popularity for victory
Roman Casualties
Egyptian Casualties
Battle of the Delta
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) Balanced
(1 Veteran + 4 legions+ 3 command + 2 field consul bonus)=11 strength
Egyptian Commander (Surprise Attack)
(2 Armies) = 2 strength
[url=https://rolz.org/dr?room=Rome-Atwar]Battle Roll: 13 (+9 from greater strength) (-6 from tactical counter)=16
Result: Victory
Landing in Pelusium, Sertorius openly declared support for the Cleopatra faction after meeting the beautiful queen. Combined, their forces were encamped outside the city along the river. Cleopatra and Sertorius were touring the local area when the army was surprise attacked by Ptolemy's army of mercenaries. At first the battle seemed lost but the soldiers rallied and drove them down the hill into the river and slaughtered them all
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains 1 influence and 1 popularity for victory
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains a veteran legion, Legio XII Apollinaris
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) promotes Legio IV Gallica to Evocati
Flavius Sertorius (Aetius) gains the 25 talents in war spoils
Roman Casualties
-2 legions
Egyptian Casualties
I pick Pyrrhus as my Co-Consul
I shall donate my spoils to the Senate who shall spend it wisely on the People of Rome nd will be reinstating the legacy of Victrix for my veteran legion.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 10:56
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Be more active then and reply to pms in a the last 24 hours, I did what zeph wants. This game will move on without afkers and don't cry when it does.
dont send a pm when im asleep then magically do something lol
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 13:27
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 10:56
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Be more active then and reply to pms in a the last 24 hours, I did what zeph wants. This game will move on without afkers and don't cry when it does.
dont send a pm when im asleep then magically do something lol
Do you want to remain in narbo and defend against me with a single legion? Game can't be held up for 1 person (trust me I'm pissed too. I wanted vets)
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 13:27
Scritto da Aetius, 07.10.2016 at 10:56
Scritto da Zenith, 07.10.2016 at 07:00
I never chose whether or not to flee, but whatever aetius. lol
Be more active then and reply to pms in a the last 24 hours, I did what zeph wants. This game will move on without afkers and don't cry when it does.
dont send a pm when im asleep then magically do something lol
You had more than enough time.
==Turn 25: Phase 1 has begun==
Since everyone in optimates is dead but me, i would like to disband it and take all the bank funds. Then form the Antonian faction with zephyrusu and MrTyler.
Scritto da Tundy, 07.10.2016 at 15:05
Since everyone in optimates is dead but me, i would like to disband it and take all the bank funds. Then form the Antonian faction with zephyrusu and MrTyler.
Bank was empty, need mr tyler to confirm his joining
Anyway I host Gladiatorial Spectacle in honor of the victory over Egypt, and donate the remaining 9 talents to the treasury.
1 on Equite
I propose the Servillian Law
from chat:
[13:58:07] Andertes: 6 on equite
btw I would like to offer a formal terms of surrender to the rest(well only zeph and tunder the rest are drones): to accept unconditional surrender and end the game.
All to Rome
1 on Equite rest to Rome
Propose Vatinian Law
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
1 on equity, rest to Rome.
Also, raise max. number of auxiliary legions in Asia.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
I will surrender if am absolved of murder and sedition. As a sign of goodwill; marius should retire 2 of his veteran legions.
Scritto da Tundy, 07.10.2016 at 16:17
I will surrender if am absolved of murder and sedition. As a sign of goodwill; marius should retire 2 of his veteran legions.
What part of UNCONDITIONAL surrender do you not get.
All to rome.
Scritto da Tundy, 07.10.2016 at 16:17
I will surrender if am absolved of murder and sedition. As a sign of goodwill; marius should retire 2 of his veteran legions.
What part of UNCONDITIONAL surrender do you not get.
All to rome.
I didnt surrender when Italy fell, what makes you think I will surrender now? There is no way I would go back to rome while my name is in list for proscription.
Scritto da Tundy, 07.10.2016 at 16:17
I will surrender if am absolved of murder and sedition. As a sign of goodwill; marius should retire 2 of his veteran legions.
Surrender or I will personally drag you to the court in Rome
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
1 on equite. Rest to rome
Scritto da Pyrrhus, 07.10.2016 at 16:22
Scritto da Tundy, 07.10.2016 at 16:17
I will surrender if am absolved of murder and sedition. As a sign of goodwill; marius should retire 2 of his veteran legions.
Surrender or I will personally drag you to the court in Rome
You are welcome to try it.