OK. We'll be patient. We'll wait for the Auto-ban. (No sarcasm). So while we're free, let's plan for a better future. From previous history, it's clear to prevent our precious maps to be trolled and used like pieces of shit we must make bans universal. To teach people not to troll. Speaking to all cartographers, join our new union - Senate of the People's Collective. Current Positions include:
Pontifex Maximus - Tik-Tok
Consuls - Adog, Tunder & Dr.Glockenspiel
Promagistrate - Mr. Rommel
Tribune - Marcus Cicero
In order to ban anyone, we require substantial evidence, Screenshots (preferably more than 1), witness statements are also allowed as-long as you also have screenshots, and also if you saw it yourself (please screenshot as proof, so it can be verified).
Current maps enforcing the Senate banlist include
Ultimate WWII
Ultimate WWI
The Dark Ages
Ultimate World 1939
Ultimate WWII Focus
Ultimate Napoleon
Native America
Adog's GGG
Adog's Fall of Napoleon
Adog's WW1
Adog's Scramble for Africa
Adog's GGG: Asia
Adog's UN
Adog's Illuminated RolePlay
Adog's European Union
Adog's League of Nations
Operation Unthinkable
Greco-Persian War
The enitre Rise of Civilisation Series (by Marcus Cicero)
The Greater War v3.3
Ultimate Modern World RolePlay Scenario
Marcus' WW2 1939 - 1945
GGG (Original)
Enigma WW2
Enigma WW1
GGG: Casus Belli
United Nations (Original)
King of the Hill (Original)
Mod map-makers will probably refuse to join as they are mods, but nevertheless we need YOU
Thanks for your time
Believe in the Power of Monopolisation <3
Black Shark Account eliminato
26.07.2014 - 03:56
Black Shark Account eliminato
Scritto da Guest, 25.07.2014 at 16:13
Average age in this thread: 13.
'The Senate' x---------D This shit is worse than Cancer Jericho
I don't think they do. And that's why I want nothing to do with this heathen senate.
You killed your own Zizou. Pontius Pilate did nothing wrong.
Black Shark Account eliminato
27.07.2014 - 09:43
Black Shark Account eliminato
For The Almighty Map Creator hath arrived, to liberate Us from The Clutches of Zizou forever and ever! For He will take control of The Great Senate and Ban those who troll and rogue.
For The Almighty Map Creator hath arrived, to liberate Us from The Clutches of Zizou forever and ever! For He will take control of The Great Senate and Ban those who troll and rogue.
For The Almighty Map Creator hath arrived, to liberate Us from The Clutches of Zizou forever and ever! For He will take control of The Great Senate and Ban those who troll and rogue.
For The Almighty Map Creator hath arrived, to liberate Us from The Clutches of Zizou forever and ever! For He will take control of The Great Senate and Ban those who troll and rogue.
For The Almighty Map Creator hath arrived, to liberate Us from The Clutches of Zizou forever and ever! For He will take control of The Great Senate and Ban those who troll and rogue.
For The Almighty Map Creator hath arrived, to liberate Us from The Clutches of Zizou forever and ever! For He will take control of The Great Senate and Ban those who troll and rogue.