This isn't really a bug, but i think it should be fixed... If you join a game and then leave before you even chose a country, it counts as a game played.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum" - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Garde Post: 2842 Da: Canada
Scritto da Hotshot, 24.04.2011 at 03:53
This isn't really a bug, but i think it should be fixed... If you join a game and then leave before you even chose a country, it counts as a game played.
Ive never seen this...ever, pleasse provide a screenshot so we can have a better idea of the problem.
Has happened to me before... but who cares? it only adds to games played, which no one pays attention too... It's all about games won v. lost.
This happens all the time. Join game, see its 50k start, or 99 starting countries, don't feel like playing that, leave. But I tend to agree it doesnt really do much besides bump up games played stat.
Amok (Amministratore)
Will be fixed in the next release
Scritto da Amok, 24.04.2011 at 15:25
Will be fixed in the next release
Thank you
"Si vis pacem, para bellum" - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
Scritto da Amok, 24.04.2011 at 15:25
Will be fixed in the next release
Will it fix previous ones, or just ones that will happen after the fix? In other words, will this fix go back and look through the records of when everyone left games to see which ones left turn 0 or is that too much work?
Amok (Amministratore)
Scritto da Amok, 24.04.2011 at 15:25
Will be fixed in the next release
Will it fix previous ones, or just ones that will happen after the fix? In other words, will this fix go back and look through the records of when everyone left games to see which ones left turn 0 or is that too much work?
No, the fix won't be retroactive, unfortunately.