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Post: 44   Visitata da: 72 users
29.12.2015 - 08:50
I personally think they should'be produced more as they are rather rich compared to countries such as Cuba or Mexico, who are currently making impact in Medicine research, for example... Even Israel had invented several things to the world.. Sure not in the same degree as the U.S or western Europeans, but something Arabians should'be doing with so much cash in the Gulf and a large population beside warring each others and civil wars.

Thoughs? Also if you know something that influenced our culture nowadays with precedence from Arabia. post it here!
29.12.2015 - 09:00

Ok, so the one who actually invented something useful for the world (Algebra and Algorithms) wasn't arab but Persian...
29.12.2015 - 09:08

Ironically the "Arabian numbers" were invented by Indians...
29.12.2015 - 09:16

Oh look, they invented coffee and guitars. That's awesome although there are discrepancy whenever coffee was invented in Ethiopia or Arabia, and also whenever guitar came from greeks or arabs...
29.12.2015 - 09:59
Not gonna get into this right now but from the top of my head you should look at Ibn-AlHaitham, Abbas Bin Ferdas (Take that Wright brothers!), and the one who made phenomenal advancements in Math/created Algebra who I can't remember his name right now, and how about you just search for Arabian scientists or Arabian advancements and get a ton of results... Oh and recently (not so much, but compared to the guys listed) Ahmed Zewel (can't spell his name) discovered the finto-second (at least that's what we call it in Arabic) and won a Nobel prize for it.

These are few examples of a huge pool of minds and scientists.

Oh and don't get me started about Arabian's literary contributions I was just talking about science

wasn't gonna post this since bait thread but I went through the trouble of writing it
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

29.12.2015 - 10:36
Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

you should look at Ibn-AlHaitham

Wow was taught that it was Aristoteles and Rene Descartes the ones who created the scientific method... Nice one!

Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

Abbas Bin Ferdas (Take that Wright brothers!)

His contributions to the Parachute aren't a big deal...

Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

, and the one who made phenomenal advancements in Math/created Algebra who I can't remember his name right now,

As I wrote in the 2nd comment, he was Persian not Arabian.

Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

and how about you just search for Arabian scientists or Arabian advancements and get a ton of results...

I did searched in spanish and found almost no result... I've just searched in english though, the list of scientists seems rather low compared to other pan-ethnic group in the world. Must say I was expecting more as I said, most arabian countries are very rich and have a considerable population...

I did read a couple of results and found mostly "Arabian discoverer was highly influenced by Greeks, Indians, ...." and "Arabians carried on this from Indians to Europeans...".

Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

Oh and recently (not so much, but compared to the guys listed) Ahmed Zewel (can't spell his name) discovered the finto-second (at least that's what we call it in Arabic) and won a Nobel prize for it.

Oh another example of a scientific who abandoned his country for another... I can't really say he well-earned it for arabians, specially since he used other country's science and technology. Just like tesla did.

Rather say it was more of an international discoverer than from one nation...

Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

Oh and don't get me started about Arabian's literary contributions I was just talking about science

nvm... would have to learn arab to see how good it is. Didn't got taught about it in my school.
29.12.2015 - 11:00
29.12.2015 - 11:01
Clovis and his flame war threads. Well what have dominican republicans done, huh?!?!
29.12.2015 - 11:21

Oh yeah I remember reading about this in the reconquista. I wonder how familiar are arab and spanish...
29.12.2015 - 11:35
Scritto da clovis1122, 29.12.2015 at 10:36

Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 09:59

Abbas Bin Ferdas (Take that Wright brothers!)

His contributions to the Parachute aren't a big deal...

just gonna get something straight before I go

>contributions to parachutes
first of all, he contributed to AVIATION, aka the field of flying. Because you read his Wikipedia page and didn't go more in depth, you don't realize that he was the first person to try to fly. all he needed was a tail, and this not only set the field so far forward but basically created the applied section of it... before him, flying was only a theory, he made it an -albeit brief- reality.

went for a non biased link: http://thedailybeagle.net/2013/02/28/the-man-who-gave-us-wings/
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

29.12.2015 - 11:36
Scritto da clovis1122, 29.12.2015 at 11:15

Scritto da Permamuted, 29.12.2015 at 11:01

Clovis and his flame war threads. Well what have dominican republicans done, huh?!?!

Nice trying to change the subject to make this look like a blast to Muslims like the other threads in off-topic. By all mean feel free to research by yourself about what have the hispanics does for the world if you're trully interested and not trolling about it. Don't derail this thread with your nonsense comments.

By all mean this thread isn't a flame war as nobody is attacking anybody here. We're just talking about Arabians discoverements to the world as I don't know for what should I thanks them to have nowadays. The only things that I knew (algebra, algorithms) were made by a Persian, not an Arab.

Chillout it was a joke, you need to learn to work on your tone. The way you phrased your original post, it doesn't convey curiosity, but rather almost contempt. Note how tact assumed your post was bait.
29.12.2015 - 11:50
They gave us the most violent belief system in history
29.12.2015 - 11:55
Scritto da The Tactician, 29.12.2015 at 11:35

>contributions to parachutes
first of all, he contributed to AVIATION, aka the field of flying. Because you read his Wikipedia page and didn't go more in depth, you don't realize that he was the first person to try to fly. all he needed was a tail, and this not only set the field so far forward but basically created the applied section of it... before him, flying was only a theory, he made it an -albeit brief- reality.

went for a non biased link: http://thedailybeagle.net/2013/02/28/the-man-who-gave-us-wings/

In the spanish Wikipedia though, it does say that he is generally know as the first person who created a parachute. Your source also speaks about this, too.

And yeah, he tried to fly and failed with the tail thing which is also explained in the Spanish Wikipedia. Just that, in my pure opinion, it doesn't seems so relevant if you compare it with the rest of European's contributions to make the airplane to fly... I'd rather say that the parachute was better as he didn't got so heavy injured as with the attempt to fly...

There was the need of more physics knowledge that sadly wasn't available in his times, so he couldn't really do much about it. Although I agree the conception of "wings" to fly was great from his part, still that isn't enough to make us fly.

Scritto da Permamuted, 29.12.2015 at 11:36

The way you phrased your original post, it doesn't convey curiosity, but rather almost contempt. Note how tact assumed your post was bait.

ok sorry.
29.12.2015 - 11:58
Scritto da Viruslegion, 29.12.2015 at 11:50

They gave us the most violent belief system in history

Islam is as good as Christians, just that the jihad is as manipulated as the crusades...

Although the bible is also a historical text, not sure if is the same with the quoran. Also I've read that the quoran is one of the best books of literature of the arabs.
29.12.2015 - 15:33
Scritto da clovis1122, 29.12.2015 at 11:58

Scritto da Viruslegion, 29.12.2015 at 11:50

They gave us the most violent belief system in history

Islam is as good as Christians, just that the jihad is as manipulated as the crusades...

you've argued that before and been disproven before, lots of times actually, give it up already, and please, stop using the crusades, thats an uneducated attempt at an argument, even for you
29.12.2015 - 16:11
Scritto da Viruslegion, 29.12.2015 at 15:33

you've argued that before and been disproven before, lots of times actually, give it up already, and please, stop using the crusades, thats an uneducated attempt at an argument, even for you

I kinda love how you try to claim victory over a defeat. If I were to compare your attitude with a battle, it would definitively be this one:


Islam is a religion of peace. You will realize this soon just like the British did. Until that, feel free to keep claiming victory.
29.12.2015 - 16:11
 Acquiesce (Mod)
The Burj Khalifa is pretty cool

EDIT: Nice devolving into another Islam is violent/peaceful thread
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
29.12.2015 - 16:15
Arab invasion created the crusade.
30.12.2015 - 04:00
Account eliminato
I laugh when i see Viruslegion comment about islam
30.12.2015 - 04:22
The tittle does sounds a bit... well... "not nice"... XD

Clovis, I must say that when arabs conquered Spain, Europe was less developed than the Arab world. They brought many knowledge to us, such as medicines and agricultural techniques. All we knew was to fight, kill, jerk off and pray. This knowledge was then spread through the rest of Europe and we took advantage of it.

We also borrowed many words from their vocabulary, which is basically saying that they had better knowledge than we did. In short, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have developed our scientifical knowledge as much as we have (at the very least, not as fast as we did). All due to their higher tolerance back in those days when islam was starting to grow (and was more pure in my opinion).

EDIT: even if the arabic numbers weren't "invented" by the arabs... do you imagine what would have happened if they hadn't been intelligent enough to adopt them and BRING those numbers to us??? Same goes with the rest of our knowledge... you better thank them for having a computer which is able to complain about them....

EDIT 2: all the advances the west has done is thanks to the earlier advances and knowledge sharing that we got from the east back in those days... we ain't better than them.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

30.12.2015 - 06:30
Scritto da RaulPB, 30.12.2015 at 04:22

The tittle does sounds a bit... well... "not nice"... XD

ok... will change.

Scritto da RaulPB, 30.12.2015 at 04:22

Clovis, I must say that when arabs conquered Spain, Europe was less developed than the Arab world. They brought many knowledge to us, such as medicines and agricultural techniques. All we knew was to fight, kill, jerk off and pray. This knowledge was then spread through the rest of Europe and we took advantage of it.

I know, but there is a fundamental difference between creating knowledge and just passing it from India to Europe. IMO, any kingdom that would'be in the middle would do it.

Also I wouldn't say that Europe was less developed... let's just say that the Arabians had access to another source of knowledge (India).

If there was another Arabian world or just if Arabian countries didn't exist (leading Europe to be closer to India) the result in that sense (passing knowledge) would'be the same.

Scritto da RaulPB, 30.12.2015 at 04:22

We also borrowed many words from their vocabulary, which is basically saying that they had better knowledge than we did. In short, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have developed our scientifical knowledge as much as we have (at the very least, not as fast as we did). All due to their higher tolerance back in those days when islam was starting to grow (and was more pure in my opinion).

Wow, last time I read they forced the population into ISLAM or either they would pay tribute... But yeah, they contributed a lot to Spanish I must say (and as I pointed out above).

Scritto da RaulPB, 30.12.2015 at 04:22

EDIT: even if the arabic numbers weren't "invented" by the arabs... do you imagine what would have happened if they hadn't been intelligent enough to adopt them and BRING those numbers to us??? Same goes with the rest of our knowledge... you better thank them for having a computer which is able to complain about them....

We would have other type of number and the world would go on without any minor change; or another kingdom would pass that knowledge to us. As I said, they just passed it from India to Europe...

Scritto da RaulPB, 30.12.2015 at 04:22

EDIT 2: all the advances the west has done is thanks to the earlier advances and knowledge sharing that we got from the east back in those days... we ain't better than them.

Agree. Though if you suddenly get to remove one person or one kingdom from the history, it is very likely that another person or another kingdom will take it's place.
30.12.2015 - 06:40
Changed title, sorry to whoever found it offensive.
30.12.2015 - 06:48
I've made some research, I think Arabians haven't contributed as much as they would due to their proper culture.

Culture destroyed the Alexandria library before, (just a theory) and in some countries is what doesn't gives the women the same rights as men. They also tend to put the quoran over everything else. No problem that they doesn't celebrate Xmas, but theses are actually against the modern country progress...

Still though, it's not like all the Arabians spend the times warring. Some of them (specially in Dubai, where my family traveled to) are just too peaceful.
30.12.2015 - 07:01
Read a couple of tweets from Muslims as a response to Bagdadi tweet calling all Muslims to join the Jihad...


Tweet 1: "sorry dude i'm goin to watch Star wars on sunday... later maybe?"
Tweet 2: "but its Christmass... i need to hang out with my family"
Tweet 3: "WHAT??? While Leicester is playing their last game of the season???"
Tweet 4: "Sorry dude... i have final exams coming"

i lold
30.12.2015 - 07:21
30.12.2015 - 09:24
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Scritto da clovis1122, 30.12.2015 at 06:48

Culture destroyed the Alexandria library before

Actually I remember reading we don't know what happened to the library but "culture" certainly didn't destroy it. One theory is it was Julius Caesar while his army occupied the city another is it was commanded by Caliph Omar who said something along the lines of 'the books either contradict the Koran, in which case they should burn, or they will agree with it, in which case they are unnecessary.'
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
30.12.2015 - 09:27
Scritto da Acquiesce, 30.12.2015 at 09:24

but "culture" certainly didn't destroy it.

when i say culture I wanted to include religion on it as well.

You are right about the theories though. We certainly don't know what happened.
30.12.2015 - 14:07
Scritto da clovis1122, 29.12.2015 at 16:11

Scritto da Viruslegion, 29.12.2015 at 15:33

you've argued that before and been disproven before, lots of times actually, give it up already, and please, stop using the crusades, thats an uneducated attempt at an argument, even for you

Islam is a religion of peace. You will realize this soon just like the British did. Until that, feel free to keep claiming victory.

Islam is a religion of war, one thing that separates Mohammad from Jesus or Abraham is that he led armies, personally beheaded enemies, and forced conversion, history has proven you wrong, Clovis
30.12.2015 - 14:08
Scritto da Guest, 30.12.2015 at 04:00

I laugh when i see Viruslegion comment about islam

I'm glad I can be so entertaining
31.12.2015 - 05:38
-First of all, the first person to use the scientific method was Aristotle.

-Second of all the decline of Western philosophy and sciences, came guess when? When the Abrahamic religions took power. Judeo- Christianity was the death of Western culture and innovation. With the death of Hellenism and Western Roman empire and the rise of christianity and Eastern Roman Empire, the decline started and it took us right into the Dark Ages. Bless the lord.

-The Islamic golden age , 800-1300? is when the arab civilisation flourished and that is precisely because at the time science, philosophy and knowledge was encouraged and allowed to be cultivated, hand to hand with religion. In the West, Christianity did not allow this, scientists and innovators were burned and killed. As for the interaction between muslims and christians at the time. muslims basically RE-INTRODUCED Roman and Greek literature to the West and that was indeed, very very important.

*After the Islamic golden age, the West took off and rose above all the rest of the world economically, militarily, technologically, due to a combination of factors, one of the largest being secularism and freedom of thought and expression.

( Ottoman rule was the worst thing that ever happened for the Islamic world. Literally destroyed it. Banned the printing press, banned science and free thinking and doomed countries from three different continents to intellectual and technological stagnation for hundreds of years. (still visible today, North Africa, Balkans, Middle East)

*The Islamic world never ever recovered and fell behind most of the rest of the world economically, militarily, technologically, due to a combination of factors, one of the largest being un-secularism and restriction of freedom of thought and expression. Atheists, Christians and Jews have hundreds of science nobel prizes, yet muslims only got 2. Harvard kiddies produce more research papers in a single year, than 20 muslim countries combined. Neil De Grasse Tyson believes its religions fault and so do i.

tldr; Arabs are getting fucked in the ass by Islam for almost a millenia. Want to change it? You know how.

p.s. Laochra that autoplay..what the fuck
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