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Postato da Need Mental Help, 15.07.2016 - 15:36

16.07.2016 - 05:08
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 15.07.2016 at 19:42

Shut the fuck up aswell. Since when is Turkey a "Western" democracy? Huh? Since when do you support opressive and corrupted governments, that violate human rights, create military conflicts with neighbour countries and violate international laws? And since when are you against revolutions in general? Make up your mind and do not change views and opinion whenever it suits your interests and goal at a particular moment. Now join CE and shut the fuck up hypocrite.

I change views and opinion? Haha i am not the one targeting people in ideologies, that's your childish internet thing monkeyboy.

They copy western style democracy and now they are against it starting coups and revolutions, that's the funny part but what would you know. You brag how you invented democracy but you have dictatorships every few decades (Metaxas Regime, Greek Junta).

You westerners are so noobish hypocrites you can't even maintain your own systems.. And when someone point it out you insult and act tough.. Please stop acting, you look like a donkey.

You think that won't happen in America if Trump win? He gets the most votes because POPULARITY, and then POPULATION cry how he's 'oppressive' and start the revolution. So where's the point with democracy and elections if you going to change leaders by force?

Please, stop embarassing yourself and come back when you learn enough.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
16.07.2016 - 05:10
Scritto da Acquiesce, 15.07.2016 at 20:01

The defining quality of Andertes and his ilk is that they have no ideological consistency.

Andertes have, he's communist. But Aquascience doesn't because he's autist.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
16.07.2016 - 06:05
Scritto da Khal.eesi, 15.07.2016 at 19:56

Well when the coup started, we opened the tv at work, closed shop and gave away free beer. Everybody was cheering and celebrating. For the first time ever Greeks were saying good things about Turks and wholeheartedly supported them. Respect and admiration was in the air. It only took 1 hour for the illusion to shatter. It only took 1 hour for that snake Erdogans speech to convince a whole lot of stupid, traitorous Turks to spread outside and support him against the military heroes.

Thats todays world. A few have the balls to fight for freedom, shed their blood, so all Turks can actually live free of opression and corruption and what is the thanks they get? Backstabbed by Erdogans fanboys. Backstabbed by a whole country. Now the freedom fighters (military) will be tortured and jailed and Erdogans grasp on every single institution in the country will be cemented. Nobody will be able to oppose him after this.

Too bad Turkish people, we all rooted for you. Thats the last time we ever showed you respect. You are a pathetic joke of a people and now the whole world knows. You had one chance to do the right thing and you failed. Weak and corrupted puppets, you betrayed the people that risked their life to liberate you and now you deserve every single piece of the shitstorm thats coming your way. I wish you the worst from the bottom of my heart.

So as a citizen from a country that has suffereded from the same sort of problems, you actually are glad when this happends to others?.. I mean turks. Ofcourse if this happened to another country in EU you would make your humanitarian ''RIP '' threads. It is sickening that people like this talk about immigrants and others to be a threat to humanity, while people with thinkings like this that has been raised to hate a specific sort of community, gays,muslims,whites,blacks,chinese, w/e, in desperate times people like this are capable of murdering, if you already havent done that.

This is also my last post in the anti-muslim threads since I already knew this for a long time, but just got bored and commented, that people with a limited capability of thinking, caring, feeling, dont deserve my time nor can be changed. It's a kind of illness you can't do much about.

Have fun in your life Khal as long as it lasts, because I know for sure that the problems with Greece are not far from over, and when really needed your neighbour countries (including turkey) will surely help you like before. Just a matter of time before grumpy greeks come to realisation and burry the hatchet, not sure if Turkey after the amount of shit it got, will accept it. But that's sure as hell your own fault.

Scritto da Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
16.07.2016 - 06:28
Go barg go

16.07.2016 - 15:29
...још сте ту...
16.07.2016 - 15:54
Retarded coup, they should've captured Erdogan straight away.
16.07.2016 - 17:30
Scritto da The_Empirezz, 16.07.2016 at 15:54

Retarded coup, they should've captured Erdogan straight away.

Youre smart, no one thought of that

16.07.2016 - 20:18
Scritto da The_Empirezz, 16.07.2016 at 15:54

Retarded coup, they should've captured Erdogan straight away.

and inteligence officers ,police officers and his security will jerk off ?
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

16.07.2016 - 20:25
I think khal described himself better than anyone could.
"just SHUT THE FUCK UP. Ignorant stupid boy, your grasp on geopolitics, world affairs, history, frankly EVERYTHING is weaker than a 12 year olds. Everything that comes out of your mouth is horseshit."
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

16.07.2016 - 21:29
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 16.07.2016 at 05:08

I change views and opinion? Haha i am not the one targeting people in ideologies, that's your childish internet thing monkeyboy.

They copy western style democracy and now they are against it starting coups and revolutions, that's the funny part but what would you know. You brag how you invented democracy but you have dictatorships every few decades (Metaxas Regime, Greek Junta).

You westerners are so noobish hypocrites you can't even maintain your own systems.. And when someone point it out you insult and act tough.. Please stop acting, you look like a donkey.

You think that won't happen in America if Trump win? He gets the most votes because POPULARITY, and then POPULATION cry how he's 'oppressive' and start the revolution. So where's the point with democracy and elections if you going to change leaders by force?

Please, stop embarassing yourself and come back when you learn enough.

Ancient Greek democracy has nothing to do with modern democracy. Turkey is by no means a western democracy. Last time I checked western democracies don't kill their own minorities. As for changing democratic goverments by force, what most people don't realise is that only an educated populace can maintain a democracy. Turkey is still stuck in the middle ages as a society so that's a no. As for the dictatorships, one was installed by a Bavarian king and one was installed by the Americans, so yes, fuck off.

Scritto da Waffel, 16.07.2016 at 06:05

So as a citizen from a country that has suffereded from the same sort of problems, you actually are glad when this happends to others?.. I mean turks. Ofcourse if this happened to another country in EU you would make your humanitarian ''RIP '' threads. It is sickening that people like this talk about immigrants and others to be a threat to humanity, while people with thinkings like this that has been raised to hate a specific sort of community, gays,muslims,whites,blacks,chinese, w/e, in desperate times people like this are capable of murdering, if you already havent done that.

This is also my last post in the anti-muslim threads since I already knew this for a long time, but just got bored and commented, that people with a limited capability of thinking, caring, feeling, dont deserve my time nor can be changed. It's a kind of illness you can't do much about.

Have fun in your life Khal as long as it lasts, because I know for sure that the problems with Greece are not far from over, and when really needed your neighbour countries (including turkey) will surely help you like before. Just a matter of time before grumpy greeks come to realisation and burry the hatchet, not sure if Turkey after the amount of shit it got, will accept it. But that's sure as hell your own fault.

I am glad the French Revolution happened, I am glad the October Revolution happen, I am happy the German revolution of 1918 happened, and just like Khal I am Greek. Greece never really went through a democraticly elected dictator so no it hasn't suffered the same problems. Khal also never made a humanitarian RIP thread

Also, Turkey will help us? Is that a joke? Please tell me that's a joke. Do you know what happened last time Greece had a coup? Turkey invaded us. Yes, downright invaded us and occupied 1/3 of our largest island. Infact not only occupied but also deported all ethnic Greeks and established penal colonies. And no that wasn't 200 years ago or anything like that, it was in 1974. Turkey after the amount of shit it got? Yes, we wasted too much of their ammo when our women and children were running away from the Turkish army, so sorry for that.
Someone Better Than You
17.07.2016 - 08:09
Scritto da Zephyrusu, 16.07.2016 at 21:29

Ancient Greek democracy has nothing to do with modern democracy. Turkey is by no means a western democracy. Last time I checked western democracies don't kill their own minorities. As for changing democratic goverments by force, what most people don't realise is that only an educated populace can maintain a democracy. Turkey is still stuck in the middle ages as a society so that's a no. As for the dictatorships, one was installed by a Bavarian king and one was installed by the Americans, so yes, fuck off.

Western democracies doesn't kill their own minorities?

USA didn't genocide Indians? Really? You ignore that? What an evil money-hungry insect you are.

Learn modern history before lecturing me boy.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 12:43
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 17.07.2016 at 08:09

Scritto da Zephyrusu, 16.07.2016 at 21:29

Ancient Greek democracy has nothing to do with modern democracy. Turkey is by no means a western democracy. Last time I checked western democracies don't kill their own minorities. As for changing democratic goverments by force, what most people don't realise is that only an educated populace can maintain a democracy. Turkey is still stuck in the middle ages as a society so that's a no. As for the dictatorships, one was installed by a Bavarian king and one was installed by the Americans, so yes, fuck off.

Western democracies doesn't kill their own minorities?

USA didn't genocide Indians? Really? You ignore that? What an evil money-hungry insect you are.

Learn modern history before lecturing me boy.

You do realise that was more than 100 years ago right? If America genocided Indians, or anyone for that matter, today, they'd be shitted upon by the entire world. And now I'm apparently and "evil money-hungry inscet" to you? It's funny how I'm being called a communist in my clan, which is mostly made up of Nazis, and a capitalist pig or something of the like by communists in forums. All because I'm objective. Such a funny world.
Someone Better Than You
21.07.2016 - 13:16
Scritto da Zephyrusu, 21.07.2016 at 12:43

You do realise that was more than 100 years ago right?

Because a crime is not a crime when 100 years passes right. Lets deny Armenian Genocide then, it happened 100 years ago. Also don't forget to deny Holocaust in 30 years.

I can't talk to people like you, not even you understand what you're saying.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 13:48
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 21.07.2016 at 13:16

Scritto da Zephyrusu, 21.07.2016 at 12:43

You do realise that was more than 100 years ago right?

Because a crime is not a crime when 100 years passes right. Lets deny Armenian Genocide then, it happened 100 years ago. Also don't forget to deny Holocaust in 30 years.

I can't talk to people like you, not even you understand what you're saying.

My point is that America wasn't what we call today a "western democracy" 100 years ago. Please take your braindead fanaticism elsewhere. I'm not the one who doesn't understand what I'm saying, you're the one who can't comprehend anything said by someone with an IQ of more than 40.
Someone Better Than You
21.07.2016 - 14:03
Scritto da Zephyrusu, 21.07.2016 at 13:48

My point is that America wasn't what we call today a "western democracy" 100 years ago. Please take your braindead fanaticism elsewhere. I'm not the one who doesn't understand what I'm saying, you're the one who can't comprehend anything said by someone with an IQ of more than 40.

If anyone have political/social/militar continuation in Modern Era: that's United States of America..

But please do tell me what have changed there since 1775? Congress? Parties? Federalism? Presidential system? Elections?

I'm really curious. Go on.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
21.07.2016 - 14:23
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 21.07.2016 at 14:03

Scritto da Zephyrusu, 21.07.2016 at 13:48

My point is that America wasn't what we call today a "western democracy" 100 years ago. Please take your braindead fanaticism elsewhere. I'm not the one who doesn't understand what I'm saying, you're the one who can't comprehend anything said by someone with an IQ of more than 40.

If anyone have political/social/militar continuation in Modern Era: that's United States of America..

But please do tell me what have changed there since 1775? Congress? Parties? Federalism? Presidential system? Elections?

I'm really curious. Go on.

Society has changed. You cannot impose democracy on a barbaric people whose society hasn't evolved far enough to be able to handle it. That is what is happening in the Middle East. But America has moved past barbarism and can now handle democracy.
Someone Better Than You
22.07.2016 - 06:47
Scritto da Zephyrusu, 21.07.2016 at 14:23

America has moved past barbarism and can now handle democracy.

--> Democracy
--> Donald Trump
--> They are going back to Barbarism
22.07.2016 - 17:27
Scritto da Al Fappino, 22.07.2016 at 06:47

Scritto da Zephyrusu, 21.07.2016 at 14:23

America has moved past barbarism and can now handle democracy.

--> Democracy
--> Donald Trump
--> They are going back to Barbarism

It's only temporary by 2020 the idiots will die out after Queen Killary's reign comes to an end
22.07.2016 - 17:33
Scritto da Skanderbeg, 21.07.2016 at 14:03

If anyone have political/social/militar continuation in Modern Era: that's United States of America..

But please do tell me what have changed there since 1775? Congress? Parties? Federalism? Presidential system? Elections?

I'm really curious. Go on.

The Presidential nominees now pick a VP running mate. Before the person who came in second place became the VP. People now have the ability to pick who the nominee is for the two major parties; before they could not. There is more access to nominees and there are public debates available for the public to watch. All citizens of the US are able to vote; before it was limited to the white males who owned land. These are just a few I came up with off the top of my head; I don't feel like googling anything. Also, I don't intend on getting into a debate because ain't nobody got time for dat.
23.07.2016 - 07:13
Scritto da Dereny, 22.07.2016 at 17:27

It's only temporary by 2020 the idiots will die out after Queen Killary's reign comes to an end

She's gonna win tbh, but I doubt US can take another 8 years of Democrats
23.07.2016 - 11:15
Scritto da Al Fappino, 23.07.2016 at 07:13

She's gonna win tbh, but I doubt US can take another 8 years of Democrats

That's what Im thinking too because twelve years without a party change is quite long
25.07.2016 - 17:03
Scritto da Dereny, 23.07.2016 at 11:15

Scritto da Al Fappino, 23.07.2016 at 07:13

She's gonna win tbh, but I doubt US can take another 8 years of Democrats

That's what Im thinking too because twelve years without a party change is quite long

28.07.2016 - 19:21
29.07.2016 - 09:54
Scritto da Acquiesce, 15.07.2016 at 20:01

Scritto da Khal.eesi, 15.07.2016 at 19:42

Shut the fuck up aswell. Since when is Turkey a "Western" democracy? Huh? Since when do you support opressive and corrupted governments, that violate human rights, create military conflicts with neighbour countries and violate international laws? And since when are you against revolutions in general? Make up your mind and do not change views and opinion whenever it suits your interests and goal at a particular moment. Now join CE and shut the fuck up hypocrite.

The defining quality of Andertes and his ilk is that they have no ideological consistency.

FFS its Tito, i am Andertes....

04.08.2016 - 00:37
Whatever the Kebabs say or think, no problem, doesn't matter, but Don't say Turkey is a "western Nation", it is a Muslim Asian Nation and that's that. Also enough Hillary Support, that lying snake is bigger threat to the US and the World than Trump can ever be.
04.08.2016 - 06:28
Scritto da K_Himmelreich, 04.08.2016 at 00:37

Whatever the Kebabs say or think, no problem, doesn't matter, but Don't say Turkey is a "western Nation", it is a Muslim Asian Nation and that's that. Also enough Hillary Support, that lying snake is bigger threat to the US and the World than Trump can ever be.

Hillary lies 23% of time
trump lies 88% of time
obviously hillary is bad one
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

04.08.2016 - 12:12
*cough* 23% Every time she speaks for 20 years? Seems Fair with all her caught lies and scandals. I wonder what Trump lied about? Please enlighten me and provide the sources of those percentages that isn't liberal opinion garbage. Nice Sarcasm though
07.08.2016 - 14:22
Scritto da K_Himmelreich, 04.08.2016 at 12:12

*cough* 23% Every time she speaks for 20 years? Seems Fair with all her caught lies and scandals. I wonder what Trump lied about? Please enlighten me and provide the sources of those percentages that isn't liberal opinion garbage. Nice Sarcasm though
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.

07.08.2016 - 15:24

ok contradictions to claims are already a factor to avoid the "Fact checks" that Mongrels are too incapable of finding for themselves.

Now, go take your confirmation bias, elsewhere.
08.08.2016 - 16:02
Scritto da K_Himmelreich, 07.08.2016 at 15:24


ok contradictions to claims are already a factor to avoid the "Fact checks" that Mongrels are too incapable of finding for themselves.

Now, go take your confirmation bias, elsewhere.

you remind me so much on KKK, guys who claim that white race is superior, no motherfuckers, race that has you in it CAN NOT BE SUPERIOR.
No such thing as a good girl, you are just not the right guy.


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