I saw a leader of a clan doing it in a half-clan war (referring to his clan vs a team i rapidly assembled)
He's leader of this clan http://atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=810
Not one of the top clans, but if he goes around asking for cws I assume he should know what hes talking about...
P.S. I'm trying my best to confirm my knowledge without raging at an unfair war. Please don't judge.
Scritto da LukeTan, 04.01.2017 at 06:30
I saw a leader of a clan doing it in a half-clan war (referring to his clan vs a team i rapidly assembled)
He's leader of this clan http://atwar-game.com/cln/cln.php?cln_id=810
Not one of the top clans, but if he goes around asking for cws I assume he should know what hes talking about...

P.S. I'm trying my best to confirm my knowledge without raging at an unfair war. Please don't judge.
Wfing turn 1 is a pussy move made only by noobs.
Begginers room players always do it,support
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Scritto da 4nic, 04.01.2017 at 06:49
Begginers room players always do it,support 
that was a half-cw in main room
Scritto da LukeTan, 04.01.2017 at 06:51
Scritto da 4nic, 04.01.2017 at 06:49
Begginers room players always do it,support 
that was a half-cw in main room
Well if its a cw or a duel then it is unethical but in ffa games its more common than ud think.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
Well you should ask him if cheating is allow. so you can exploit rewall and wf turn 1 to your best advantage.
Wasn't CW; "just" team-game.
WFing (positioning troops in opponents territory in 1st turn) is not nice; some consider it unethical.
Wasn't CW; "just" team-game.
WFing (positioning troops in opponents territory in 1st turn) is not nice; some consider it unethical.
It's not only ungraceful or unethical, you litterly can't play if you go on that trail, there should be minimal mutual trust between players to play this game