02.08.2020 - 10:33
Like why waste money buying premium anymore when u can easily get the pcs to buy lifetime premium or 1 month every month/ that defeats the purpose of buying premium with money and instead makes it free for everyone. doesn't that defeat the purpose of premium to gain the game money while giving the person extra perks. if I knew this was what atwar was turning into when I bought my premium I would have wasted my 50 dollars elsewhere. also, the pcs u get in a game can be easily exploited 100sp = 1pc. Its just dumb we buy premuim and then it becomes worthless. I vote refunds
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
02.08.2020 - 10:40
Use brain maybe. Lifetime costs 4999 protos. 1 proto = 100 sp 4999 proto = 499999 sp = from r1 to r10 ur not even r10 so if u hadnt bought prem yet u would not have enough proto to buy prem for free. 12/11/2018 joined. So for almost 2 years no prem.
02.08.2020 - 11:32
Echo you only have a lot of pc because you sp farmed feast for crows
02.08.2020 - 11:33
just buy 1 mounth every mounth its easy to get 5k sp for mounth
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
02.08.2020 - 12:36
no one will pay that much for premium in such dead game the idea is you will get like 50% of the protos you need, maybe 70%, buy the rest, and get a full premium with 70% """discount""" its a way to motivate people to buy smaller amonts of protos instead of nothing, which is still better, atleast in the short run. also, as mentioned, a fresh player would need cirica 450k SP gain (considering there ways to earn some protos even without playing/random game drops/hosted drops) and this process can take years, you are r9 only because of medals which are premium thing, and without general you would get much less sp over time, so you, echoo, yourself, would probably have to play 3 or 4 years just to get 450k sp and the fully premium. wouldnt you prefer to play 2 years, then buy 2000 protos and (20$ instead of 50$) and get a lifetime premium?
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
02.08.2020 - 12:52
but still pointless now people get 1000pc for 1 hours work thats just super gay
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
02.08.2020 - 12:53
For many people, especially outside of western countries, buying premium is simply impossible due to financial reasons. Now, they can obtain premium trough playing often, or atleast look forward to it. In most maps, you're at a severe disadvantage when playing without prem, so having more people with premium means more people are able to play certain picks ingames without it being unbalanced right of the bat.
02.08.2020 - 13:24
over 9000 IQ confirmed! 1 month prem every month to gain 5k sp for 50 proto ![]()
02.08.2020 - 13:35
i have little brain ![]()
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
02.08.2020 - 15:05
nah this youtube project can boost atwar with 200-300 new players he has over 6k subs, if 5% will join atwar, we will have a new era of community and activety, and perhaps dave will be motivated enough to make this game better
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
02.08.2020 - 17:23
hmm guess your right
---- they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam We are not the same - I am a Martian
03.08.2020 - 06:51
Big Brain time, new community of r0 -r5 which will be farmed my alt and bullied in games , thing that need to change the most is alt and it can be done with some coding ,maybe some ( if - else statements ) checks any way this idea won't be implemented as many of are pending
03.08.2020 - 12:48
Shame since echoo bought prem he doesn't have to sp farm for lifetime, he just does it for enjoyment now
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