- - EDITION 5: MARCH 12, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 1: atWar News
Section 2: Satire and Gossip
Section 3: Player of The Month (PoTM)
Section 4: Weekly Competition

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar News
A new season has begun, congratulations to Epic Clan for stopping Aristokrats's winning streak, as Epic Clan were 1st place last season. So far we see Illyria first, Aristokrats second and the newly created clan Hybrid Warfare at third place. The well respected clan, Mortal Kombat, has also been revived for this season. They are currently at 4th place, with a total of 10 clan wars so far. Mystics have also returned as well, although they do not appear to be active in the CW field.

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- - EDITION 4: FEBRUARY 26, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 1: atWar News (the lack off)
Section 2: Satire and Gossip

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar News (the lack off)
The news have been quite slow this week, nevertheless here's some atWar news for you guys. hdrakon has been banned (once again), and with this ban we see the end of Mystics. Will he return, and will Mystics revive, only time will tell. Speaking of clans, the season is to end soon and see Epic Clan and Aristokrats still battling it out for the #1 spot. A clan called "Hybrid Warfare" has been created with some of its members using the unpopular strategy HW as a display of skill.

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- - EDITION 3: FEBRUARY 19, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 1: atWar News
Section 2: The Training Initiative
Section 3: Funny Amok Video
Section 4: atWar Gossip

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar News
For starters, we have two new moderators! Congratulations to Eagle and Google Chrome. Ivan had asked us all to nominate who we wish to see as moderators, and now we have them. It appears that Google Chrome is taking his role as moderator gladly, as the Fun screenshots thread is just filled with funny pictures of Google Chrome testing out his new moderator abilities, haha!

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- - EDITION 2: FEBRUARY 12, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 2: Ivan's Interview

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar Gossip
Gossip is back, and it sucks when people don't finish their sen

Have you ever thought who is Sexy Girl?

Have you ever received message from Sexy Girl? If not, you are lucky one!
We can just guess what is going to happen with atWar, if everyone receives messages from Sexy Girl.

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- - EDITION 1: FEBRUARY 5, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 1: atWar News & Updates
Section 2: Clan Wars Report
Section 3: atWar Gossip

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar News & Updates
A lot has been happening to atWar this week. To start this off, Ivan has made some controversial updates to strategies on Laochra's initiative. There has been changes to the strategies: Sky Menace, Naval Commander and Relentless Attack. Anti Aircraft and Helicopters also got changed a bit. There were many mix responses to these changes, many of them being negative.

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Hi all. We often hear complaints that new Mods are picked within an inner circle and regular players have no say in the process. Well, this time we decided to give you a chance to post your Mod suggestions (with good reasons for their promotion!) and upvote the ones you approve of. This doesn't mean we're going to promote the most upvoted ones, but we will certainly take them into consideration.

- Please note that this topic is for suggestions only, and all other posts will be deleted.
- Provide at least minimum reasoning for your suggestions. Posts with just a name will be deleted.
- One suggestion per post, please, to make upvotes more accurate.

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On Laochra initiative, the following changes have been implemented:

Sky Menace:
-1 defence for Air Transports, +2 HP to counter

Naval Commander:
-1 defence for Sea Transports, +2 HP to counter

Relentless Attack:
-10 cost for Militia

+2 range for Ant-Aircraft
-30 cost for Helicopters (+30 to Desert Storm Helicopters to counter).

The SM and NC changes are to prevent Transports from randomly defending before Militia (both of them had 4 defence). The RA change is to remove the unneeded economy nerf. The AA range boost is to bring their range up to standard Infantry range so that players can manoeuvre them around easier. They are still vastly outmanoeuvred by Bombers and Helicopters. The Helicopter change is to make them somewhat more useful outside of Desert Storm.

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Greetings atWar,
I am Anthony and I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead atWar's supporter group.
For a while now the title supporter had little meaning to players. They were simply known as people with dots beside their name. Some players even thought that supporters were moderators, but today that changes. Ivan has trusted me to transform the supporter rank into something more meaningful, for the better of atWar.

When the rank was first introduced to atWar, the administrators wanted supporters to do what their title literally says - to support atWar, and now it is my responsibility to ensure the administrators that the supporters are doing their job to the best of their abilities.

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Duels are now only possible in specially created 1v1 games. Select "Duel" as game type in the initial game settings screen. This option is now available for non-Premium players as well.

The option to declare duels mid-game has been removed.

It's also now possible to start a new Casual Duel game without waiting for the other player (previously both players had to be present to start a game).

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Heads up, we're sending orders to a printing company tomorrow, so this is your last chance to get an atWar t-shirt - either with the current Lifetime + T-shirt promotion or separately from the ProtoShop. We might print some extra t-shirts for later, but they would be limited in color/size.

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